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Astrology Hub Magazine
Deepen your knowledge and enhance your life with special topic articles around astrology and love, life purpose, and career. Read real-time interviews with the world’s most accurate astrologers on the energies at play in the world, and how you can best ride the waves!
Mars Retrograde: How to Survive — And Thrive!
The world is a busy place. But never-ending activity leaves little time to reflect on where we’re going. Or why. A Mars retrograde is Nature’s way of reminding us to slow down. To pause and reflect before we act. It’s a chance to learn more about who we are. And if we listen, we can…
September 2020 Forecast: Hold Your Fire
Things are heating up in September! As feisty and fiery Mars in Aries stations retrograde, frustration and the temptation for immediate gratification is strong. But the theme of the month is “Hold Your Fire” because there is no quick fix and the key is to stay steady and keep your eye on the long…
How To Embody Your Personal Planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus & Mars!
We live in a world of information overload. Oftentimes this turns into information overwhelm. And for students of astrology, it can be easy to get caught up in the concepts and ideas of what personal planets “mean” when there are so many schools of thought and systems of analysis. When we get stuck on…
August 2020 Forecast: We’re Not in Kansas Anymore
Back in July, our theme was “remedial education” and it looks like that theme sticks with us through August. As we continue to work with retrogrades and the disruptive energies of Mars and Uranus, we are asked to review what we have learned and continue our work in the cosmic classroom. So how…
Why Should Astrology Lovers Understand Astronomy?
Diving Into Astrology, Astronomy, and Astrolocation with Astrologer Gemini Brett If you’ve been studying astrology for any length of time, you’ve probably encountered more than one person who says it’s not accurate. This is typically based on principles astronomers hold as true. If that’s left you in a state of confusion, and…
July 2020 Forecast: Time for Remedial Education
In the month in July, we have the most significant planetary events of the year aligning in the skies and this is the month that Rick Levine says we can begin to choose sides. This is the month that we can begin to get clarity and see what the choice is for us to make. …
Eclipse Basics: A Cheat Sheet for Eclipses & Eclipsed Personal Planets
If you stare at a bright light too long, and close your eyes, you’ll see the light’s afterimage persist, then slowly fade. An eclipse creates a sensitive degree. Eclipse Basics: A North Node eclipse is an open door which draws things to you. A South Node eclipse is one that allows things to…
The Divine Union of Venus and the Sun
Seeding a New Synoidc Cycle with Tami Brunk & Sasha Benedetti You’ve heard of the hero’s journey… but what about the heroine’s journey? In a time where so many of the systems and structures we’ve been relying on for centuries are falling apart rapidly… Where do we turn for guidance to create the…
The Ultimate Eclipse Guide
Astrology Hub's Ultimate Eclipse Guide Tells You All You Need to Know About Eclipses. If you’ve been fortunate enough to witness an eclipse, you know there’s something unearthly about it. During a total solar eclipse, there’s a chill in the air. The animals are still. Day turns into night and the stars re-emerge…
Venus, Mars & The Sagittarius Eclipse
With “The Merlin” Astrologer Rick Levine What happens when the planet of love and the planet of war conjunct at 90 degrees during an eclipse? We are seeing it right now as polarities become sharper and tensions rise. And, as many people are starting to feel, there is a profound opportunity to…
Beyond The Horoscope
A Series For Beginning Astrology Students!
Moon signs reveal what you need Luna knows what a person needs to feel safe, secure, and loved, and not always consciously, rationally, or maturely, either. Think of her as the inner child, working the game controls behind the scenes. If that kid isn’t happy, it doesn’t matter how hot a connection it is—it stands…
ALL ABOUT THE 12th HOUSES Want to truly unleash astrology’s power to answer the real-world questions that keep you up at night? Learn all about the 12 Houses! The 12 Houses give material forms to the planets’ expression. Each House represents a different area of life – from you to others in your life,…
About the 12th House The Twelfth House has been called the “house of hidden things” – it’s also the House of Saturn. Saturn sets limits and boundaries, all those set apart. The hospitals, jails, and monasteries. But also going on retreat or sabbatical. You could even call it the house of taking a break…
Awareness of addictive behavior has filled our consciousness in recent years. The news tells stories of Hollywood celebs, media moguls, and everyday people checking into rehab at alarming rates. Has the stress of everyday life turned us toward chemical and other dependencies? Or has the cosmic currents of Neptune in Pisces lain bare our…
About the 5th House If you’ve ever studied astrology, you’ll already know the Fifth House contains all acts of pleasure. Romance and sex absolutely. Plus vacations, playtime, and anything else fun. And so it’s no surprise it was known as the House of Venus, because it contains all the yummy things she loves. It’s also…
BEYOND THE HOROSCOPE: ALL ABOUT ASTROLOGY ASPECTS Astrologers call the relationship between planets aspects. So, why? (Hint… when you are learning astrology, always ask “why?” The answer is usually a clue to help you remember something important.) Answer: the Latin word aspectus means things like “to see, look at, to appear…
ALL ABOUT ASTROLOGY CHARTS Astrologers say astrology gives insight into your character, what careers will appeal to you, your relationship to others, and areas of strength and weakness. They say it helps you understand events in the past and prepare for stressful times in the future. And that it helps you identify…
About the 6th House The Sixth House was known as the House of Mars. It’s a place of hard work, those who work hard, or those who work for you. It also a house of all your duties and obligations, that presumably require effort to fulfill. It’s also the house of illness or health, since…
The 3rd House in Astrology: A Closer Look at its Key Concepts and Interpretations
Have you wondered what the 3rd House means in astrology? The astrological houses, in general, tend to be a topic filled with intrigue, but they can help you uncover more about yourself if you understand them. Astrologers often associate the 3rd house with communication and self-expression. This house represents how you communicate to form mental…
About Aquarius Zodiac Sign Much of what you’ve read about Aquarius is likely wrong. But if you are one, you know that already. You’re not inherently rebellious, or weird or anything else you get tagged with. In fact, you may just rather do your own thing. If it weren’t for the fact that you’re surrounded…