Zodiac Signs (24)


Born September 23rd - October 22nd


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Brought to you by Christopher Renstrom

Libra Weekly Horoscope | February 10th – February 16th 2025

Oftentimes, it's when we emerge from a dark tunnel that we're most vulnerable to attack. Our guard is lowered because the end is in sight. This is why you'll be thrown by not just one but two crises on February 13th and 15th, respectively. It's only natural to read them as the same, but don't. They're very different in nature and each requires its own response. Thankfully, you were born under a zodiac sign that can hold two things in balance at once, and it's this inner equilibrium that will allow you to successfully navigate a situation that would have thrown others off course.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | February 3rd – February 9th 2025

Venus in your opposite sign is always challenging because the people you attract into your life right now see you as someone in need of rescuing. They would love nothing more than to come running to your emotional rescue—which would be great if you were in dire straits, but you're not. Unfortunately, trying to convince them of this is falling on deaf ears. Being surrounded by Supermen and Wonder Women is flattering, but what you really want is someone who treats you like an equal and not like an accident waiting to happen. Venus will be in and out of Aries until June 5th.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | January 27th – February 2nd 2025

It's hard to put a price on the work that we provide. Oftentimes, we'll devalue what we do halfway through a negotiation or interview in order to meet the other party's expectations. The beauty of your Ruling Planet Venus being conjunct Neptune right now is that you are at the height of your attractive powers. People are going to see you as the answer to their prayers. It's why you will want to let a potential employer or client do all the talking. The less you say, the more they’ll raise your fee or starting salary. Test it out this week and see for yourself.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | January 20th – January 26th 2025

The Venus/retrograde Mars trine on January 25th shows you being contacted by the person who made your life miserable last fall. It could be a domineering boss, bullying client, or manipulative rival. Undoubtedly, their reason for reaching out is self-serving, but you were born under one of the classiest signs of the zodiac. Clearly, this person doesn't deserve your cooperation, but you also know that anything less would be descending to their level. They say that trines bring good things – which is hard to see with this one – but you will in the months ahead when you're recognized and rewarded for taking the high road.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | January 13th – January 19th 2025

The Sun/Mars opposition on January 15th shows the end of a chapter. This is a cutting energy in Astrology, so this is when you will be severing ties, concluding matters, or pulling up stakes and moving on. Hopefully, you will be ending things on a positive note. If not, then be gracious in your parting of the ways. Reputation means a lot in a world dominated by texts, tweets, and newsfeeds. You never know who talks to who these days, and you don’t want a messy scene to come back to haunt you—especially when Mars passes back over these same degrees in early April.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | January 6th – January 12th 2025

The last thing you feel like doing is revisiting what went down last fall. It was a stressful period, and just thinking about it is potentially triggering. However, Mars reentering the most powerful angle of your solar horoscope on January 6th dictates you give matters another look. Obviously, it’s too late to regain what’s been lost, but it’s never too late to get at the truth of what happened—even if you’re the only one who sees it. What’s important here isn’t setting the record straight; it’s taking yourself off the hook so that you can move on with your life with your head held high.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | December 30th – January 5th 2025

Venus retrograde in Aries and then Pisces from March 1st to April 12th brings unwanted attention and aggravation—not the way you envisioned starting the year, but it forces you to make some overdue decisions. For too long, you've let others call the shots, and it's time to take back the reins. Saturn in Aries on May 24th usually portends difficulties in relationships, but Venus's retrograde has prepared you for that. Instead of waiting on someone else to decide if they're in or out, you'll be making those decisions for them. And this is just the beginning of you changing the rules of the game.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | December 23rd – December 29th 2024

Not all Libras are peace-loving, just like not all Cancers are homebodies or Capricorns are bankers. However, it's in your cosmic DNA to choose order over chaos because life goes off the rails when you don't. Whether you kicked it over deliberately or by accident, you now find yourself on the wrong side of an angry hornet's nest. Not only are people upset with your recent decisions, but they're intent on making you pay. It would be a good idea to extend the olive branch on December 28th. Although this runs counter to the Venus/Uranus square energy, your audacious offer will convince skeptics you're serious.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | December 16th – December 22nd 2024

It looks like you'll have to walk back something you said in order to keep the peace. It's the politic thing to do. This won't be easy because you spoke the truth and believe that it needed to be said; nevertheless, there is such a thing as sensitivity, and if being born under the sign of the Scales has taught you anything, it's how to employ diplomacy and tact effectively. You know full well that others understand you meant every word, and if anything, they'll listen to them even more now that you're easing up. Not only did your message come across; it's going to stick.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | December 9th – December 15th 2024

Perhaps the most vexing thing going on in your relationship right now is that you and your partner both feel like you're the one making all the sacrifices and that those sacrifices are in vain. This echoing of each other can become infuriating when it comes to trying to get your message across because it feels like he's co-opting what you say in order to use your words against you. In truth, you're both right and you're both wrong, but finding a way to reconnect won't be easy. It will require a willingness on both sides to suspend disbelief and to listen with fresh ears.

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Brought to you by Christopher Renstrom

Libra Yearly Horoscope | 2025 Forecast

Venus retrograde in Aries and then Pisces from March 1st to April 12th brings unwanted attention and aggravation. Not the way you envisioned starting the year, but it forces you to make some overdue decisions. For too long you've let others call the shots and it's time to take back the reins. Saturn in Aries on May 24th usually portends difficulties in relationships but Venus's retrograde has prepared you for that. Instead of waiting on someone else to decide if they're in or out, you'll be making those decisions for them. And this is just the beginning of you changing the rules of the game.

Get to Know Libra

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Beauty, harmony and love are Libra’s forte. They can see a little good in everything. So Libra advocates for good manners, tolerance and respect for all voices, as long as others are willing to do the same. “Can we all just get along?” could be one of their mantras.

Meet Your Astrologer

Christopher Renstrom is the creator of Rulingplanets.com, an online astrology site based on his bestselling book, Ruling Planets, which was published by HarperCollins in 2002 and has sold out its print run. He currently writes the daily horoscopes for the San Francisco Chronicle and SFGate.com. Renstrom also lectures on the history of astrology in America from pre-Revolution to modern times, which is his specialty, and runs Ruling Planet workshops around the country. Christopher’s latest book, The Cosmic Calendar is published by TarcherPerigee, an imprint of Penguin Random House. His new book, Rise & Shine: An Astrological Guide to How You Show Up in the World is available now.

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