Zodiac Signs (24)


Born September 23rd - October 22nd


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Brought to you by Christopher Renstrom

Libra Weekly Horoscope | September 9th – September 15th 2024

It’s been said that it’s impossible to be all things to all people, but whoever said that wasn’t born under the sign of Libra. Not only do you possess a sixth sense for identifying the common denominator necessary for broadening your appeal, but the Venus/Jupiter trine on September 15th shows you casting a wide net and taking in a haul that’s bigger than you thought. Whether it’s likes, donations, or sales, this is a potentially prosperous time for you. Just remember that if you’re going to be all things to all people, then you better be able to deliver on every one of those promises.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | September 2nd – September 8th 2024

Ambitious Mars in your solar midheaven for the next 8 ½ weeks shows that you are in the catbird seat. It's always better when people need you more than you need them, and the fact that you will soon be receiving all kinds of competitive offers makes your situation all the more delightful. You will want to savor this feeling because you worked hard for it. And take your time making up your mind. People promise a lot of things when they're courting, and you can rest assured that you'll make the right choice when Mars forms an auspicious trine to Saturn on September 30th.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | August 26th – September 1st 2024

There's been a change inside since Pluto entered Aquarius months ago. You're no longer as wavering or ambivalent. If anything, you've grown bolder and more confident. You assumed that this was something only you've noticed, but when Venus enters your sign on August 29th and forms a trine to Pluto in Aquarius, you'll see that others recognize it as well. Does this mean that your days of vacillation are over? Unlikely. But what it does mean is that you have the presence of mind to listen to those who disagree with you and the judgment to change your position if it serves the greater good.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | August 19th – August 25th 2024

You could find yourself on the horns of a dilemma when Ruling Planet Venus squares Jupiter and opposes Saturn on August 19th. It looks like you're being pressured to sign with someone who's convinced that you two make a winning team. You like the idea, but aren't convinced this person is it. On the other hand, you're waiting to hear from someone who doesn't show any sign of getting back in touch with you soon. Do you go with someone who wants to be with you or wait for the person you want to be with? It's best to postpone this choice until August 28th.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | August 12th – August 18th 2024

Mars and Jupiter traveling together in the sky is emboldening. Not only are you ready to pursue your aspirations, but you have the follow-through to realize them. This is not going to go over well with people who are accustomed to your chronic vacillation. They don't like this new, more focused “you,” and they'll try to put you in your place. The end result is that you may have to review some of your associations. Libras don't like ending things, but since you won't be retreating to your old ways anytime soon, it looks like some friendships and acquaintances may be falling by the wayside.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | August 5th – August 11th 2024

Not everyone who comes breezing into your life is here to stay. Certain encounters are meant to raise your consciousness, expand your horizons, or enliven your spirit and that’s exactly what a certain someone will do on August 7th. He will lift you out of that slump you’ve fallen into and get you excited about your life again. Unfortunately, he’ll be gone before you know it, but look at it this way: would you really have valued him if he had stuck around? Think of him as a wonderful angel who came into your life at just the right time to turn things around.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | July 29th – August 4th 2024

Libra is a zodiac sign that's happy to let others do the talking. It's a great way to learn what's on their mind. You can absorb what they say and judge for yourself if you like it or not. You've always believed in the power of keeping people guessing. This all changes on August 4th when the New Moon in Leo forces you to commit to a position before others make that commitment for you. Gone are the days of ambiguity and non-committalness – at least for the next month. If you want to control the narrative, then you'll have to switch from reader to author.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | July 22nd – 28th 2024

You hate either/or situations. It always feels like you're being forced to choose the lesser of two evils, and with the Sun opposite Pluto on July 23rd, you may be right. Nevertheless, any decision at this point is better than lingering in limbo. Not only will you be free of a stifling dilemma, but you'll be able to make something of what you have. You'll be amazed by how fast all that creativity, resourcefulness, and confidence comes rushing back. Next time, don't wait so long to do what you knew you should have done all along. It will make your life a lot easier.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | July 15th – 21st 2024

You're going to have to do more than recognize that there are two sides to every story – you'll need to make a judgment about it. A lot times when one version of events contradicts another there's an attempt to try to honor both. After all, this is the diplomatic thing to do; however, you're in danger of creating a false equivalence. Taking a single shared characteristic and applying it to both sides raises one to a status it doesn't fully deserve. Weighing things in the balance is different than weighing in with your thoughts, but this is exactly what you must do on July 21st.

Libra Weekly Horoscope | July 8th – 14th 2024

You'll be grateful for a secret meeting or off-the-record conversation you have on July 8th because it will give you the information you need to navigate a tricky passage. It looks as though certain people are trying to force your hand, and they're doing it by using your own tactics against you. Well, if there's anything a Libra can't abide by it's someone maneuvering you into making a decision you don't want to make. Thank heavens you love words as much as you do because it will be your ear for phrasing and mastery of semantics that gets you off the hook on the 13th.

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Brought to you by Jamie Magee

Libra 2024 Forecast

Libra Yearly Horoscope | 2024 Forecast

Libra, in 2024, your graceful balance and knack for harmony will be called upon as you weave through dynamic phases of introspection and interpersonal connections.

Top Themes for the Year:

• Personal transformations, becoming your anchor.
• Engaging in relational dynamics, navigating through harmony and conflicts.
• Facing deep emotions and their impact on your growth.

Early in the year (January 20th), Pluto will return to Aquarius, highlighting your 5th house. Pluto is a deep energy that recognizes the power you have, the power you surrender, and the balance between these points. Its objective is to help you reach your purpose and remove what may hinder this process. Make it a point to notice subtle themes that surface around power and your creative energy. Engaging early with needed changes will clarify your path.

The eclipses in your sign on March 25th & October 2nd are in harmony with Pluto’s lessons. The objective is to release anything that's bringing dis-harmony at any level of your life – within or without. Trust that what leaves or arrives in your life has a karmic lesson. The Aries eclipse on April 8th will frame themes of self and others, prompting reflections and courageous adjustments in navigating relationships. To gain new solutions, you must follow a different pattern.

Speaking of patterns, your daily habits and work are a current focus of Saturn in Pisces. Mars meets Saturn in Pisces in 2024 (on April 10th), so your discipline in these areas may be tested. This will be a time to lean into courageous, strategic, long-term change. On September 17th, there will be an eclipse in this same area of your life. The opportunity for rapid, karmic changes is there for the taking. The more precise you are on what you want your overall health & wealth to look and feel like, the better.

A highlight of the year is on April 20th when Jupiter & Uranus, followed by Venus & Jupiter on May 23rd, meet in an area of your life that supports soul-deep transformation, intimacy, legacy, and growth. This energy will empower you to let go of what’s holding you back and reach for the connections that feed your soul. You feel like you are stepping out of the darkness in many ways. Jupiter’s transition into Gemini on May 25th (for the first time since 2012) will enhance this theme. Your clear invitation will be to expand your horizons.

Libra, in 2024, your desire for harmony will be both a gift and a challenge. Often, you will be asked to lean into the ebb and flow of personal transformation and relational dynamics. Trust that your gracious and open heart will help you sail smoothly through 2024.

Get to Know Libra

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Beauty, harmony and love are Libra’s forte. They can see a little good in everything. So Libra advocates for good manners, tolerance and respect for all voices, as long as others are willing to do the same. “Can we all just get along?” could be one of their mantras.

Meet Your Astrologers


Jamie Magee is Astrology Hub's Broadcast & Community Coordinator and the host of the Star Sign Horoscope Podcast.

Jamie is an avid lover of anything magical and empowering. Astrology has been a constant guiding light and companion throughout her life. As a business executive, she often used Astrology for daily problem solving and inspiring teamwork. Jamie’s Young Adult novels (twenty-two of them) have Astrology deeply woven into the soul of the stories. With over a decade of focused study and practice in hand, she thrives on introducing the soul-deep-power of Astrology through her writings and practice.

Jamie is eager to help you fall in love with the ancient wisdom held in the stars!

Click here to get a reading with Jamie!

Christopher Renstrom is the creator of Rulingplanets.com, an online astrology site based on his bestselling book, Ruling Planets, which was published by HarperCollins in 2002 and has sold out its print run. He currently writes the daily horoscopes for the San Francisco Chronicle and SFGate.com. Renstrom also lectures on the history of astrology in America from pre-Revolution to modern times, which is his specialty, and runs Ruling Planet workshops around the country. Christopher’s latest book, The Cosmic Calendar is published by TarcherPerigee, an imprint of Penguin Random House. His new book, Rise & Shine: An Astrological Guide to How You Show Up in the World is available now.

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