Christopher Renstrom Webpage Assets (9)



Christopher Renstrom is the creator of, an online astrology site based on his bestselling book, Ruling Planets, which was published by HarperCollins in 2002 and has sold out its print run. He currently writes the daily horoscopes for the San Francisco Chronicle and Renstrom also lectures on the history of astrology in America from pre-Revolution to modern times, which is his specialty, and runs Ruling Planet workshops around the country. Christopher’s latest book, The Cosmic Calendar is published by TarcherPerigee, an imprint of Penguin Random House. His new book, Rise & Shine: An Astrological Guide to How You Show Up in the World was published in 2022.

A Note from Christopher

Dear Astrology Lover,

Horoscope forecasts used to be about good days, bad days, and when to fall in love. Nowadays people are more knowledgeable about the Stars. They want to know about eclipses, retrogrades, and how long will Saturn be spoiling all the fun. The aim of this weekly horoscope column is to provide a cosmic forecast, timely insight and guidance. Astrology's job has always been to tell you about the “clear skies” and the “stormfronts”; times when the energy supports you moving forward and times when it's best to retreat. But my intent isn't to leave you hanging when things get tough! I’m here to provide awareness and foresight... so you can ultimately CHOOSE how you would like to respond to the energies.

It is my hope that you find the advice helpful and if you’re in a challenging time, that it serves to remind you that this is what the heavens look like right now and whatever's difficult will eventually pass. Astrology was never about some fixed Fate or preordained Destiny. It was always meant to be a calendar aimed at telling you not what to do, but the best time to do it.


Christopher Renstrom

About Horoscope Highlights:

Horoscope Highlights is one of the Astrology Hub Podcast Network's listener favorites.

What else would you expect from a show hosted by renowned Astrologer and Historian Christopher Renstrom?

In this Weekly Horoscope, Christopher updates you on the Astrological Weather through enthralling storytelling, making the most complex Astrological concepts digestible, and (most importantly) entertaining.

Regardless of the cosmic weather, Horoscope Highlights is a great way to start your week with powerful Astrological insights.

Weekly Horoscope Highlights Christopher Renstrom

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Learn w/ Christopher Renstrom

Need more Christopher Renstrom in your life?

Dive deep into the stories of the signs and planets in his courses, The Cosmic Calendar, Ruling Planets for Unruly Times, and more!

As an astrologer and historian, Christopher Renstrom has a unique background in the histories and mythologies that shape the archetypes we know today!

Get to know the signs and planets intimately through their stories, and find out how they’re working for you!

Looking for Horoscopes specifically for your Zodiac Sign?

Visit our Weekly Horoscope page written by Christopher Renstrom himself every week!

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What is a Horoscope?

Not everyone knows what a Horoscope is; some might watch an episode and leave thinking, "Is Astrology for real?".

For that reason, we created a quick guide for those who are new or skeptical of the value of Astrology.