About the 7th House
The place where the Sun sets in the West is the Seventh House. It’s opposite the first, so it contains what’s NOT you – or in other words “The Other.”
Especially the important others in your life – your spouse, partners (business or romantic) of course.
But also the other side of a debate, the other team. Even your adversaries or competitors.
7th House Astrology Keywords
People: Your spouse, partners, your open enemies, competitors
Places: Courtrooms, other people’s homes
Things: Partnerships, lawsuits, competitions, contracts, conflicts
Modern & Hellenistic Astrology’s Planetary and Zodiac Correlations
There is often confusion as you go deeper into the symbolism of the Astrological houses for there are a plethora of approaches to interpreting them. Modern Astrologers commonly refer to the “Natural House System” opposed to the ancient Hellenistic Astrological approach of using what are called the “Planetary Joys”. To learn more about the nuances and details of the Twelve Astrological Houses click here.
Natural House (Modern): Venus
Natural House Zodiac Sign (Modern): Libra
Planetary Joy (Hellenistic): None
Ancient name (Hellenistic): Setting Place / Setting Angle
Mode/Quadrant: Angular (first)
Sample Questions Answered by the 7th House
- How do I relate with others?
- Who are my ideal partners?
- What kinds of relationships do I have? (or want to have?)
- What is my attitude toward commitment?