COSMIC INSIDER: Are you ready for this?

Are you ready for some transformation, revelation, crossroads and change?


Divine Harmony, our Weekly Weather guest astrologer says that's what we're in for this week. And it's BIG. 


Pluto is getting activated on multiple levels (including the first of three exact USA Pluto Return conjunctions) encouraging you to make the big shifts necessary for your growth.


As Harmony puts it, “Change is coming and it’s really about catching the wind of it so you can work with it, so you can set your sail to it.”


So if you want some expert advice for smooth sailing this transit, catch our premium panel event, Pluto & the Fate of the USA, a deep dive full of incredible tools and wisdom (available for just $17)!


Check out Pluto & the Fate of the USA with Divine Harmony, Rick Levine, Mychal Bryan and Adam Gainsburg here.


May your week be full of transformation. 🦋


With love,
CEO & Founder


P.S. Did you hear… The Cosmic Calendar Christopher Renstrom is now open for enrollment! 


Class starts March 3rd, but if you hop in now you get immediate access to your BONUS Mastery Class and can learn techniques Christopher developed to determine relationship compatibility while working on the show, The Millionaire Matchmaker. 💘


Click here to learn more about The Cosmic Calendar and join us today!

The Cosmic Calendar



This Week on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast & More!


Weekly Horoscope with Divine Harmony USA Pluto ReturnThe Crossroads of Change

[WEEKLY WEATHER] with Divine Harmony

Astrologer Divine Harmony joins us to explain how Venus and Mars are helping change relational dynamics and more. Watch or listen here.


Weekly Horoscope Jupiter Sextile Uranus Christopher Renstrom

Jupiter Sextile Uranus

[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] with Christopher Renstrom

This week, the planet of good fortune and the planet of rebellion put aside their differences and form a collaborative sextile. Watch or listen here.


Weekly Horoscope Valentines Day Star SignsCourage & Passion

[STAR SIGNS] with Jamie Magee

Find out what the third Pluto-Mercury conjunction means for you and where you'll be able to find Courage and Passion through the week. Watch or listen here.


USA Pluto Return Cosmic Connection Rick LevineThe USA Pluto Return …or not?

[COSMIC CONNECTION] with Rick Levine

Hear what Rick really thinks about the upcoming USA Pluto Return with guest host, Joe Santos! Watch or listen here.




🏺 Your Aquarius Season Resources:


“…this is very much part of the whole Aquarian journey: having a vision so big that it seems out of this world.” 

Supporting Your Aquarius Child by Joe Santos


Article Feature Cosmic Insider 1

Featured Article: Supporting Your Aquarius Child

Want to show more love to your Aquarius child? Or Maybe YOU are an Aquarius and want to learn how to better nurture yourself… we have some tips for you! Read the article here.



Playlist coversListen to Astrology Hub’s Aquarius Season Playlist!

Need a little pick-me-up to help you groove with the cosmic waves?

Need a little pick-me-up to help you groove with the cosmic waves? Check out this playlist lovingly curated by the AH Team and feel those Aquarius vibes. Listen here.