Libra Solar Eclipse & Mars Trine Saturn w/ Jamie Magee
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In this Weekly Horoscope by the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Jamie Magee reviews your Weekly Astrology Themes by Zodiac Sign.
Star Sign Horoscopes is a weekly podcast for astrology enthusiasts looking to stay up-to-date with the latest celestial events. Hosted by experienced astrologer Jamie Magee, the show provides insights into the astrological events of the week and how they may impact your life. In each episode, Jamie offers guidance on how to navigate the cosmic energies, highlighting important planetary alignments and sharing practical tips on how to make the most of them.
On Today’s Episode You’ll learn…
🌕 The transformative energies of eclipse week, promising revelations that may unfold in the coming weeks.
🌗 Mars in sync with Saturn, urging you to embrace discipline and growth, even when it's uncomfortable.
🌘 Sun and Mercury opposite the North Node, reinforcing the theme of growth and the need to step out of your comfort zone.
📚Every day, spiritually-oriented people around the globe turn to Astrology to find Inner Peace & fulfillment, gain a deeper understanding of themselves & others, and navigate the tricky & complex world around them. Join us on the Inner Circle
Welcome to Star Sign Horoscopes presented by Astrology Hub. This is your place to discover how each zodiac sign can work with this week's astrology. I am your host, Jamie McGee, an astrologer, author, and a member of the production team here at Astrology Hub, and I am really excited to dive into this week's astrology with you.
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Ready to find your astrological tribe? Join us in the inner circle during our special open enrollment period and lock in the best pricing that we offer all year. Just click the link in the description of this video or podcast or go to astrologyhub. com slash inner circle and join us today. I can't wait to see you on the inside.
Hi there, astrology lovers. Welcome to star sign horoscopes. I'm your astrologer, Jamie McGee. And today we're going to be taking a look at the astrology for the week of October 13th through the 19th. I do hope you're having a great week. Thank you for spending some of it with me. All right. So welcome to eclipse week.
Now this eclipse is sure to bring its fair share of reveals that will either be easily seen this week or unfold in the coming weeks, which we're going to talk more about with each of the signs. Now also this week, we do have Mars in time with Saturn and sun and Mercury opposite North node, all of which supports the need for growth, which at times can be uncomfortable, but in the end, it's always worth it.
All right, before we dive into today's forecast, I wanted to remind you about astrology hubs, free upcoming 2024 special edition forecast panel is definitely going to be detailing a lot of important transits of 2024. Don't want to miss it. You can learn more about this at
astrology hub. com forward slash forecast 24.
That link is also below this podcast. All right. With that being said, let's get ready to dive in to today's forecast.
Libra- Changing Your Rituals
Hi Libra. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, what are you ready to surrender right now? This should help you dial into your top three this week, which is one long term values to releasing and three partnerships.
Now let's talk about why now this week could carry a bit of emotional weight. If it doesn't feel apparent as you move through this week, you may reflect back on this point in time down the road and recognize the impact. That it made on your life. Now, one of the high focal points is knowing what your values are and how to protect them.
This may mean changing up the work that you do or the rituals that you have. Now, your end goal is to ensure that you feel good in your body and in your daily rituals with this week's eclipse and your sign sun or rising sign. You may feel like you are surrendering more than you are gaining. Trust that as all of this energy unfolds, you will see how you can be both independent.
And connected. It all has a purpose. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Scorpio- Surrendering Fears
Hi, Scorpio. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know on a scale of one to 10. How anxious are you feeling right now? This should really help you dial into your top three this week, which is one, find a body to self expression and three reflection.
Now let's talk about why now the intensity of this week may be more noticeable on a private level than on a public one, but in all truth, that's how you like to handle most of your matters. This eclipse season will ask you to surrender what's holding you back so that you can be more. Present in your daily rituals, it could be time to share what you've been working on privately, or time to lay down fears that say you are not ready.
No matter what you surrender or rebalance, the goal is to find a healthy harmony in your mind and body. Knowing this should help you really pivot and make some choices in the moment as they unfold this week. With Mars in your sign, energy levels and uncertainness may be at an all time high.
Which can benefit you in times of change. Just be mindful that this is also a very karmic time. Closing bridges instead of burning them down is highly recommended. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Sagittarius- Dialing into Passions
Hi Sagittarius, let's take a look at your week. Now before we do, I would love to know how creative are you feeling right now on a scale of one to 10?
This should really help you dial into your top three, which is one allies, two passions and three ending to begin. Now let's talk about why now this week you may find yourself closely observing those at your side, like your allies are a dream that you carry. Now it's possible that something in this realm of your life It's a little bit out of balance.
It may be time to move on or dial into what you are really passionate about. Stepping away from a crowd and connecting with this space that's really creative and internal could be a very powerful creative outlet for you and provide a rich wisdom that seems to come from all around you. Like the universe will speak to you in this karmic time.
You may also be reviewing your foundations or something close to your home, taking actions to support what's working and skillfully ending what is not. Is a possible theme, no matter what comes up this week before you respond, think of your longterm goal. This will help you avoid getting lost in the weeds, our confusion, or any of that self doubt.
I hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Capricorn- Reflecting on Foundations
Hi Capricorn. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, do you feel like you spend enough time at home? Yes or no. This should really help you dial into your top three this week, which are one, your reputation, two, your roots, and three, your allies.
Now let's talk about why. Now this week could signal a beginning of a noticeable shift in your life. There is something in your home and work life balance that's yearning for an adjustment. Now, when it comes to these points, it's never a quick fix or an easy choice to make. However, if you spend some time reflecting on the foundations that you were building and how this plays into your legacy, you could easily find the motivation to begin to adjust or to let go of what is no longer serving your path.
Now, thankfully you have many allies and strong, rituals that can really help support you in the shifts. That you're trying to make that will really support your short and long term goals, lean on solutions that have worked in the past. Every answer that you need, I promise is closer than you think. I do hope you have a good one.
I look forward to seeing you next time.
Aquarius- Listening to Your Inner Voice
Aquarius, let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know how much do you love your local environment right now on a scale of one to 10. It should really help you dial into your top three this week, which is one local vibes, two new horizons and three year values.
Now let's talk about why. Now, this week, you may be taking a deeper look into what you believe about yourself or others, what you find here could adjust your plans and begin to stretch you out into the world. Now, this current energy is not telling you, no, you can't do that. It's asking you to really more so dial into your roots, those grassroots and anchor yourself in the wisdom that you've always known.
Then make plans to reach out into the world. Now this sense of home will invite you to let go and reach for something all at the same time. Now your best guide in times like this is your intuition, that inner voice. Now with all that being said, you're also feeling a little bit dialed into your reputation right now and your overall health and wealth.
Use the courage and stability as a guide that you have here, but be mindful of the reason why you are making changes and what your ultimate goal is. That should come from within, not without. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Pisces- Noticing What Comes Up
Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, do you feel well supported when it comes to building your personal wealth?
This should really help you start to dial into your top three this week, which is one transitions to wealth and three, your self expression. Now let's talk about why now this week's eclipse will really highlight a transformational energy in your life. Some topics may be around legacy, shared wealth are really deep connections.
The question will be what. Is in or out of harmony or balance and how can you adjust this so that your values, your skill sets, and your sense of self worth are better supported because these topics are deeply entangled with other people. This process could take some time. There is no need to rush through changes.
However, I strongly encourage you not to ignore what comes up. And one way or another, it will surface again, much louder and dominant than now. The good news is that you have a lot of motivation to grow. Even if that means adjusting how you express yourself and your approach to life, lean on the foundations you have built this year, but also lean into the goals that you have for the short term and the longterm and the reasons why this change is so important at a soul deep level.
I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Aries- Releasing Imbalance
Hi, Aries. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know how strong are your partnerships feeling right now on a scale of one to 10? This reflection should really help you dial into those top three that you have this week, which is one, partnerships, two, independence, and three, Ending to begin.
Now, let's talk about why now this week could feel intense or karmic at times in one way or another There are some seeds our invitations to release things so that other things can grow or be planted noticing how you feel in the Conversations that you're having and the connections that you have is a key factor into dialing into what is out of harmony what's out of balance and not working anymore and understanding how releasing That imbalance can really help you fully express who you are and the changes that you need to make in your life right now.
Now, the trick is that all of this energy is karmic and often to grow in a direction, we have to let go of something. So try to be mindful of how you are ending things. Clean breaks are healthy, but they need to be done with a lot of grace. Now, same goes for fresh charts. The first step that you take sets the pace and the tone and the karmic path for what is ahead.
We want to have healthy endings and healthy beginnings. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Taurus- Working Toward Harmony
Hi, Taurus. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, how much do you love the work that you do? This reflection should help you dial into your top three this week, which is one, your work, two endings and three social circles.
Let's talk about why now this week you could feel like you're straddling two very different worlds. On one hand, you're well aware that the daily tasks or the work that you do needs to shift so that you can have a more healthy mind and body balance. This process of endings can feel very private and something that you are really not ready to announce.
No matter how this feels, your job is to notice what needs harmony and then work towards that. Now on a more public side of your life, your partnerships and your social groups are feeling both driven and stable. You may not have all the answers you need or feel completely comfortable with the new changes that you've made in this area of your life.
But you are finding the courage that you need to keep building your allies and your support systems that will help you pave the way to feeling seen and heard and in a position to really engage and chase your dreams. Lean into the future that you want. Once you do, finding your way is going to be effortless.
I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Gemini- Grounding into the Moment
Hi, Gemini. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know how on track do you feel right now toward a goal that you have on a scale of one to ten? This reflection should help you dial into your top three this week, which is one, your passions, two, social circles, and three, your health and your wealth.
Let's talk about why now this week could have some challenges in one way or another, you're being asked to hold what you love without condition with an open palm. Now trust that what leaves are hints that it may leave is out of balance. This off center energy is blocking you from stretching into your dreams.
Now, with that being said, this is also a very karmic time. It's important to ground into the moment that you were in and close karmic loops with a lot of grace.
And of course, how this impacts your earning power and your self esteem use the curves that you find here to break out of some bad habits and build toward a routine is in sync with that higher vibration that you are leaning into. This will help bring a lot of structure to every corner of your life and help you trust that the growth that you have invited in this week is going to support you in the short and long term.
I hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Cancer- Expanding Horizons
Hi Cancer. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, how confident do you feel when it comes to leading others on a scale of one to 10? This answer should really help you reflect on your top three this week, which is one, your roots, two, reputation, and three, your passions.
Now let's talk about why. Now this week's eclipse may feel as if it hits close to home. If no huge occurrences happen this week, be sure to notice what comes up, especially emotions around your home life or your roots, your history, your ancestors. There could be something that is out of balance. And though you have been dealing with it for a long time, the urge to release and grow is becoming hard to ignore.
Now facing this energy in the present one, sure that the path ahead is smoother. Now, adding to this week is a strong yet edgy flow. That's inviting you to connect with your passions and reach out for new horizons. Really grip this courage that you have now. It's going to help you expand your vision. Ask yourself, where is this path leading you and who should be on this journey with you, considering these points will serve as a guiding light in the coming weeks, I do hope you have a good one.
I look forward to seeing you next time.
Leo- Using Motivation
Hi, Leo. Let's take a look at your week. And before we do, I would love to know, do you really like the vibe of your daily life right now? Yes or no, this will really help you dial into your top three this week, which is one local vibes, two new directions and three, your roots.
Now let's talk about why now the energy of this week may feel more localized for you. It could emerge within those that you speak to or that you see day in and day out. Now there's something here that's feeling a little bit off and your invitation is to notice what that is and then to follow that trigger.
Now walking with curiosity will help you see how even if some endings take you off guard, that in their wake, there is an exciting fresh start calling your name. This is a great time to focus on how you can expand your mind. Or your surroundings, new teachers or ideas could emerge for you, are you may be asked to step up and share your light and your wisdom with others in the coming months.
Take your time with what emerges this week. Right now, you have a lot of motivation at your roots. Use this to get you a solid system underneath your feet. Good foundations and strength. This will really help you grow into the transformation that is unfolding before you. I hope you have a great one. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Virgo- Trusting Growth
Hey Virgo, let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know how willing are you to invest in your legacy right now on a scale of one to 10? This reflection should really help you dial into your top three, which is one, your values, two legacy and three communication. Now let's talk about why.
Now this week's eclipse energy could impact your resources. You could receive information about an investment that you can, or that you should make, or a skill set that you have that is needed in collaboration with others. Now, no matter how this surfaces, definitely take your time before you take any action steps.
Agreeing too fast or holding back could cloud the purpose of the energy, which is to release an imbalance in your life and clear the path toward building a legacy that you are creating, or one that you are Part of the overall invitation is to lead in to the transformation, the change, allow what's ready to leave to do so.
And what's asking to come in the space to do so definitely lean on the courage and the motivation that you have in your local environment right now to help you build a lot of strong alliances and partnerships that will guide you along this journey. Step one is trusting that the growth that is asked of you now.
You're ready for it. I do hope you have a good one. I look forward to seeing you next time.
All right. That is our week. I do hope you found some helpful tips and insights about how you can work with this week's energy. Now, if you're getting curious about 2024, please remember to sign up for the 2024 special edition forecast panel.
Which is going to be detailing the most important transits of 2024. You can learn more about that at
astrology hub. com forward slash forecast 24. And some more information is also below this broadcast. As always, if you would like to find a connect with me about your natal chart, you can do so at
astrology hub.
com forward slash Jamie connect. You can learn all about this beautiful platform. Astrologer connect at
astrology hub. com forward slash connect. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
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