With the world’s top astrologers & a heart-centered community

Astrology Hub’s
Inner Circle

Awaken Your Soul, Find Connection, and Transform Your Life

Calling all star gazers, curious minds, and new & lifelong students of Astrology 
If there was a one-stop shop where you could explore the mysteries of the universe, open your mind to life-changing perspectives, and connect with a community of passionate people who live & breathe Astrology…
Would you finally feel ready to take your journey with Astrology to the next level?
Every day, spiritually-oriented people around the globe turn to Astrology to find
Inner peace & fulfillment, gain a deeper understanding of themselves & others, and navigate the tricky & complex world around them…

Only to be left lost & confused by resources that demand too much of their time, energy, and brainpower.
Because no matter how much you focus or commit to learning about Astrology…
You’re trying to decipher the world’s largest encyclopedia…complete with tiny footnotes, complex terminology, and dense chapters each more confusing than the last.
And while learning Astrology isn’t supposed to be simple…it’s a whole lot easier when you can tap into the minds of the world’s best Astrology experts & a community of like-minded souls who are here to support you on your journey.
*The kind of journey that leads to total awareness of yourself, your purpose, and the bigger picture of life*

Astrology is supposed to lead you to the fountain of truth…
So why is learning it more like drinking straight from a firehose?
When you know there’s more to life than meets the eye, you know that meaning & purpose can be found among the stars.
But every time you pull at a new thread to find answers, you’re left with a million more questions…
And so the quest to piece together the puzzles of the Cosmos is filled with overwhelm and confusion.
And it’s not easy to get the answers you seek when you’re…
- Wading through the deep sea of shallow interpretations, pop Astrology, and fearmongers in search of a guide who actually scratches beneath the surface and gives neutral interpretations of the stars.
- Spending hours pouring over research that uses the same basic and vague archetypes or is so confusing and undecipherable that it never seems to stick.
- Feeling lost as you search for breadcrumbs that will lead you away from the dark night of your soul and to your spiritual calling.
The reality is: Without the Astrology information you need, you’re navigating that endless maze of life without a map…
With no idea which way to turn to reach another level of awareness, understanding, and transformation that will totally change your life.
You’ve spent so much of your life seeking answers.
Now it's time to find them.
If we’re being honest (and we are)... We know we’re never going to get the answers to all of life’s mysteries.
But that’s not what you’re looking for.

You just want to figure out a little bit more about who you are and what to expect from life. And you know that Astrology holds the keys to that discovery.
The discovery that will help you navigate your daily life and make decisions that point you to your true north and your ultimate purpose.
And once you finally understand more about the bigger picture, you can start to love and celebrate yourself more while dealing with life’s peaks and valleys.
After years of searching for answers and still feeling lost, you’ve earned the right to get some much-needed clarity. And to stop being overwhelmed by all the different ways to interpret the signs that present themselves every time you try to dig a little bit deeper.

You’ve probably thought:

Astrology is complicated, complex, & flat-out confusing.
You started your journey starry-eyed and inspired to uncover all of the meaning behind the planets and stars.
But that enthusiasm slowly flickers away every time you discover a new astrological form or interpretation.
Because every time you dive into the deep end of the Astrology pool to explore aspects you’re not familiar with…
You wade through vast waters full of complex subject matter that’s impossible to unpack and synthesize.
There’s So. Much. To. Learn.
So even though you have an insatiable desire to know more about Astrology…
You’re frustrated by your inability to keep up with all the different perspectives (let alone house systems).
Believe it or not, Astrology doesn’t have to be complicated.
You just need someone to break it down in a way that’s easy to understand and concrete resources so you can finally move forward instead of spinning in circles.

Learning Astrology takes too much time.
Let’s be real:
Astrology isn’t something you can learn overnight. It requires a life-long exploration.
So even though you’re drawn to the many answers Astrology promises to bring you…
There aren’t enough hours in the day to gain the kind of deep understanding that will give you the awakening you’ve been looking for.
And since you’re not a professional astrologer, you can’t commit full days to exploring Astrology topics and breaking down all the information…
Especially when you barely have enough time to crack open that book or listen to the latest podcast episode.
Learning Astrology doesn’t have to be a full-time job (or even a job at all). You just need a way to explore Astrology concepts on your schedule…
So you can study while you’re on the go, at your own pace, and when you want to.

There are too many resources out there…it’s impossible to find the right ones.
You know that Astrology is for you. And you’re ready to focus and learn.
The only problem is…choosing what to focus on and where to turn next.
Because even though you want to learn all the things from all the people, there’s such a vast library of Astrology resources that it’s impossible to learn it all.
And finding the right Astrology guide is no different than finding something new to binge on Netflix…It takes hours of searching and, more often than not, you end up disappointed in your selection.
When you do go back to the drawing board in the hopes of finding something that suits your interest & goals…
You’re inundated with even more astrologers, books, podcasts, and influencers that promise to be THE thing you need.
So despite your eagerness to learn, you feel stuck dealing with the paradox of choice:
The more choices you have, the harder it is to choose.
However, when you have access to master astrologers who bring unique & unbiased perspectives to the table, you can broaden your horizons while trusting your guides.
Even if you’re not totally sure what you want to know, you can feel confident that your guide will expand your mind and move you forward on your path to discovery.
Find connection with yourself, your community, and the Cosmos
The kind of connection that reawakens your soul and mission to finding meaning in your life…
The kind of connection that lets you anticipate subtle shifts in energy and prepare for cosmic changes so you’re never caught off guard…
The kind of connection that makes you fully aligned with your soul’s path and gives you a deep understanding of who you are and what you’re meant to do…

Yes, that’s possible
And the secret lies in following your own unique path
A path with clear & focused steps forward that lead to discovery and meaning…without that familiar “I’m not sure where to turn next” feeling.
With your own unique roadmap to help you build your relationship with the universe and yourself, you can move at your own pace and find connection in a community of like-minded souls.
So whether you’ve just begun your journey with Astrology or you’ve been on your path for years, you know exactly where to go next.
And once you know exactly where to turn on your journey to consciousness and awakening…
You’ll finally have what you need to develop a deeper understanding of the universe, the world, and yourself.

Hi! I’m Amanda Walsh
Founder and CEO of Astrology Hub, and I was just like you.
12 years ago, I took a huge leap of faith and left the “high-powered” life I built for myself in NYC.
I was living the American “dream” — I married my college sweetheart, ran a successful wireless technology company, and had a beautiful family…
But I wasn’t happy.
I felt my soul calling me to something more: a life that felt inspired, aligned, and heart-centered.
So at 7.5 months pregnant with my second daughter, I sold everything I owned, gave back my ownership of my company, and moved with my family to Hawaii in search of more peace and purpose…
And that’s when I entered into my own dark night of the soul:
I went through a divorce, near bankruptcy, complete identity loss, and total confusion about my place in the universe.
It was just then when Astrology came into my life in the form of a reading that changed everything.
Astrology has helped me live a life that feels fully aligned, passionate, and purposeful…and that’s what the Inner Circle holds for you. Because you deserve to follow your soul’s purpose and direction and live a life that’s true to YOU.



A one-of-a-kind Astrology community guided by the world’s top astrologers designed to help you find meaning, connection, & awareness…
No matter where you are on your journey

Home for curious newbies, devoted enthusiasts, and anyone looking to use Astrology to consciously navigate their path ahead and transform their lives.
The Inner Circle gives you exclusive access to…

The World’s Best Astrologer Guides to walk you through the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Every month, a new expert astrologer guide will navigate you through the New Moon & Full Moon while also providing top astrological tools, techniques, and guidance to navigate the moon cycle ahead.

A Global Community of Astrology Students here to support, motivate, and connect with you as you work toward discovery. Our like-minded community of Astrology lovers is here to help you explore new topics and deepen your understanding of different belief systems.

Real-Time Astrology Events & Forecasts to connect you with the cosmic energies and explore new spiritual practices that transform your day-to-day life. You’ll participate in New Moon, Full Moon, and Intention Setting Ceremonies with detailed forecasts of the energies ahead.
IC Expand Membership
$67 per month
What do you get inside The Inner Circle: Expand?
Take a peak inside...
New Moon & Full Moon Forecasts
The cosmic tides are constantly shifting.
And even though you know it’s important to stay in rhythm and alignment with the universe…it’s not always easy to anticipate & understand the changes that lie ahead.
Especially when you’re dealing with the unique challenges that astrological energies have brought to your life.

And while many astrology forecasts help you better understand the transits, they don’t always give you answers to the deeper questions (like why the configurations will have that kind of impact or how they came up with that assessment in the first place).
We know how difficult it can be to interpret and prepare for all of the astrological changes.
That’s why all Inner Circle members will get access to monthly New Moon & Full Moon Forecasts.
These instructional forecasts will help you anticipate the changes in astrological energies and live in harmony with nature’s rhythm. You’ll also get detailed breakdowns about how they’ve made their assessments, why the changes occur, and what to do to prepare for the changes in astrological energies.

The New Moon & Full Moon Forecasts cover the full lunar cycle and every day of the month, so you can understand the energetic signature of the upcoming transits, prepare for important dates, and stay in alignment with the cosmic rhythm.
You’ll also get tools to deepen your exploration…so you can confidently step into the new transits with a clear understanding of what to expect.
Every new & full moon, our Astrologer Guides will walk you through their forecast so you know what to expect as we move through the Zodiac signs from season to season.
- Gather twice a month for a New Moon Forecast and a Full Moon Forecast, while receiving guidance on working with the energy of the whole lunar cycle.
- Learn how to interpret key astrological transits and make the most of them in your daily life.
- Consciously set intentions in accordance with the Moon’s energy that month in a powerful co-creative ceremony.
- Receive Personal Practice Steps from leading astrologers and Cliffs Notes of every Forecast to accelerate your results.
Diverse Voices. New Perspectives. Every Month.
The Inner Circle is home to a diverse pool of renowned Astrology experts from around the globe. Your Astrologer Guides are carefully vetted and curated to eliminate confusion and serve our students at the highest level possible.
You’ll be guided by a new astrologer every month, who will lead you through the moon cycle and a wide range of Astrology topics.
Just who are these brilliant astrologers?

Wendy Stacey
Business Astrologer & Principal of the Mayo School of Astrology

Ari Moshe Wolfe
Evolutionary Astrologer & Intuitive Guide

Cameron Allen
Astrologer & Herbalist

Cayelin Castell
Astrologer & Co-Founder of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School

Gemini Brett

Georgia Stathis

Henry Seltzer

Joe G
Astrologer & Ceremonial Magician

Omari Martin
Astrologer & Professor

Sheridan Semple
Shamanic Astrologer & Aromatherapist

Rachel Lang
Intuitive Astrologer

Rhyan Butler
Classical & Medieval Astrologer

Sam Reynolds
Astrologer & Entrepreneur
The Inner Circle: Expand Community

So many people come to Astrology seeking connection…only to feel like they’re all alone.
Because even though there are star lovers spanning the globe, many of us explore Astrology individually.
And when we do try to bring others into our world, we end up spending hours justifying our beliefs or explaining a different language to others.
But you can join a community of people who don’t just accept your beliefs, but also live, breathe, and speak the language of Astrology.

The Inner Circle community is THE place for anyone hungry for meaningful connection with other students of Astrology.
We may all be different and on our own paths, but we’re all under the same sky. And our community is home to thousands of people united in our individuality and shared journey of exploration.
In our easy-to-use private and secure online forum, you can discuss the cosmic tides, ask questions about your chart, and share insights & resources with others as you search for meaning & awareness.
The Inner Circle community is a safe space (no skeptics or naysayers here) where no question is too niche or broad. You’ll find different groups based on your sign, chart, and area of interest so you can get the support you need to deepen your exploration. Where you can:

➡️ Connect with over 1800 like-minded Astrology Students committed to making the world a better place through personal growth.
➡️ Take part in a private online forum to connect directly with members and your teachers.
➡️ Join groups based on your interests and expertise to get answers to your questions (no matter how beginner or advanced).
➡️ Come together in a connected community and share in your journey and love of Astrology.
You’ll get New Moon Forecasts, Full Moon Forecasts, Q&A Calls & access to the community every month...
But, as a member of the Inner Circle, you’ll also get these exclusive bonuses:

Monthly Intention Setting Ceremony
You’ll kick off every new moon with a powerful & transformative Intention Setting Ceremony based on themes of the lunar cycle led by Amanda Walsh and guest Astrologer Guides.

Cosmic Updates
You’ll get text updates on important transits and energies delivered right to your phone via text…so you can work through them in real time. (Only available to members in US and Canada)

4 Bonus Mastery Classes
During this enrollment period, all new Inner Circle members will receive FOUR BONUS Mastery Classes:
- Working With Quincunxes with Rick Levine
- Finding Your Path to Fortune & Spirit with Donna Woodwell
- Retrograde Planets with Michelle Dench
- The Galactic Center and it's Influence On Our Lives with Julia Balaz
Phew, that was a lot. Want that list again?

The Inner Circle includes:
- New Astrologer Guides each month to lead you through different astrological topics & perspectives
- Detailed live New Moon and Full Moon forecasts & recordings to guide you through the lunar cycle & work with the cosmic tides
- A New Mastery Class & recording teaching a different astrological technique every month so you can build upon what you’ve learned in the course
- Monthly LIVE Chart Demos & Q&A with Astrologer Guides and recording, with a chance to submit your chart to be used as an example
- Access to our Mighty Networks community where you can discuss the cosmic tides, share your art & creativity, ask questions about your chart, and share insights & resources with your fellow students
Plus Exclusive Bonus Supporting Content:
- A Live New Moon Intention Setting Ceremony each month with Amanda & guest Astrologer Guides
- Cosmic Update texts on important transits and energies delivered right to your phone (Only available to members in US and Canada)
- FOUR BONUS Mastery Classes:
- Working With Quincunxes with Rick Levine
- Finding Your Path to Fortune & Spirit with Donna Woodwell
- Retrograde Planets with Michelle Dench
- The Galactic Center and it's Influence On Our Lives with Julia Balaz
All for…
IC Expand Membership
$67 per month
Your Inner Circle: expand Learning Path
The Inner Circle is for Astrology newbies, enthusiasts, stewards, and everyone in between
Everyone has their own unique path to discovery.
So whether you’ve just started your journey with Astrology or you’ve been following it for many trips around the sun…
The Inner Circle will meet you where you’re at and give you the tools to get where you want to go next.
Because with the Inner Circle Learning Path, you’ll get a step-by-step roadmap for building your relationship to the Cosmos, your community, and of course…YOURSELF!
The second you join The Inner Circle, you’ll have the opportunity to take a quiz that will identify where you are on your journey with Astrology.
Then, you’ll get a detailed list of action steps, resources, and milestones to hit as you move through your success path phase.
The best part? Your Learning Path is designed to help you move forward at your own pace. So whether you’re looking to explore right away or take a slower approach, you can always lean on Your Learning Path for guidance.
Phase 1:

The Newbie
Phase 2:

Phase 3:

Phase 4:

Phase 5:


The Inner Circle Guarantee
We want to do everything in our power to help you find your Inner Circle Learning Path. And part of that is making sure that our monthly membership is convenient for you. That’s why we’ve created The Inner Circle Guarantee.
Here’s how it works:
If you feel like the monthly mastery classes, ceremonies and forecasts, community forum, and bonus material still don’t give you what you need to gain more self-awareness, meaning, and understanding of the cosmic whole…
Just send us an email at support@astrologyhub.com, and you can cancel your membership at any time.
No contracts. No fine print. No crazy loopholes.
Because the universe has enough mysteries as it is… We’re making it clear & easy.
So you can do whatever it is that’s best for YOU.
Still curious? That’s ok!
Here are some questions fellow Astrology students asked before joining the Inner Circle:
Still looking for a sign The Inner Circle is for you?

You may not be a match if…
- You don’t enjoy immersing yourself in different Astrology perspectives and topics. We don’t believe that there is only one right way to study Astrology and we also know that not every astrologer will be for you. The Inner Circle works best for those who enjoy exploring diverse viewpoints to find the Astrology style and teachers that fit them best.
- You want to fast-forward to the end & getting to your destination right away. The answers will come, but Astrology requires a lifetime of exploring (and we’re all about enjoying the journey).
- You don’t want to stay curious or invest time exploring Astrology each month. The people who get the most out of The Inner Circle consistently show up and learn (even if they only have a few hours a week).

But You & The Inner Circle will go together like an Aries & Gemini if…
- You just started your Astrology journey and are excited & enamored by the possibilities and want to set yourself up for success right out of the gates.
- You’ve been studying Astrology for years and are finally ready to have the structure, accountability, and community to find deeper connection & meaning.
- You’ve already used Astrology to explain your circumstances, hardships, and purpose and want to follow that beacon of light to lead you to your true north.

- You’re willing to put in a few hours a week to further your exploration of Astrology, knowing that the work you put in now will save you hours of confusion down the road.
- You’re currently studying Astrology but are tired of spinning in circles thanks to the overwhelming amount of information, resources, and terminology (and want someone to finally take you by the hand and guide you to the answers you’ve been seeking all along).
- You are naturally curious and drawn to Astrology and know that you have the ability to follow through on your Astrology journey, as long as you have the resources & tools to support you along the way.

- You’re excited by the prospect that Astrology can bring deeper meaning, understanding, and acceptance to your life and are ready to use it as a tool to experience positive transformation.
- You’re aware that understanding the moon cycles will open up doors to transformation (and are excited to attend your first New Moon ceremony to make it happen).
- You feel confident joining The Inner Circle knowing that you can join a community of Astrology experts and students working together to uncover the mysteries of the Cosmos…knowing that you can cancel anytime without any risk.

Following your unique path leads to total awareness of yourself, your purpose, and the bigger picture of your life.

If you want to use Astrology to better navigate, plan, and understand the why behind the things that are happening in your world…
If you want to continue to grow your self-love, acceptance, and confidence…
If you want to uncover your soul purpose while nourishing yourself with wisdom, stars, and love…
If you want a map to show you why you do what you do and what you need to do to reach your goals…
If you’re seeking connection with the Cosmos and a community of other truth seekers…
And if you want to stop having life happen to you and start living by welcoming the magic and gift of Astrology into all facets of your being
Then the Inner Circle was created just for you.
Ready to get started?
Let’s make it a reality together.