Last week, one comment from a community member moved me in a way that I wasn't expecting. 

In short, it said, “I don't have fun anymore. There's shadow work, and more shadow work. I miss the fun.”

I realized I was nodding along as I read this and I couldn't come up with anything empowering to say at first because, [First Name], I miss FUN, too! 

How can we live forward, if we're always looking back, wondering if we're creating more shadow?

Living forward is important…
Looking back is important…

Then it came to me…
What I love about Astrology is that it offers us a rhythm.

Rhythm compels you to dance, sway, or soak into the flow…

If you strive for balance and not rhythm…how can you dance when the energies play a carefree song? Or hold a straight face when a funny song is playing? 

gemini from the dancing zodiac by aquasixio d95myoh
[Check out this Artist Here]

When things come hard and fast, and you're convinced you're not ready for change, it's not easy to trust that the rhythm will carry you to the deepest desires of your soul…

My advice to you…

is to dance with the rhythm of the Gemini New Moon.

Take in the wonder, see the ‘this' and ‘that.'

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the playful messenger who travels to every world.

Mercury wants you to see…

At first glance, he can seem detached from emotion, boldly doing as he wishes, going with or against the flow.

When you look closer you'll realize this is because he understands truth is perception and our deepest emotions are committed to the adventure, not to a moment or a person–but to every chapter that creates the story of you.

He wants to take you on an adventure, [First Name]…be open to the wonder he brings.

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During this Gemini New Moon, Venus is showing you…

She is asking you to be loyal to who you are…

So you can love deeply, passionately. 

And welcoming the unexpected rush of falling in love with life.

As you honor what has stood the test of time, and respect the transformations in your heart.

During this Gemini New Moon, Mars is showing you…

Be protective of your roots, understand that a part of them will always be with you to guide, not chain you.

Speak with courage, not anger. Not making a decision is a decision. Do not avoid the conflict…it has its purpose. 

Jupiter & Neptune are working with this Gemini New Moon to show you…

Yes, you should escape…through creativity…

Abundance is yours to have, how positive or negative weighs on the thoughts you let linger.

Go dance, [First Name]! 

To help you tune into the “cosmic music” even more fully, you can listen to the full report on the New Moon via this week's forecast episode…   

→ Click to listen on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or TuneIn


Tune into this Weeks Astrology Hub Podcast: Ep 028 –  Starseeds, Walk-Ins, and the Galactic Center: The Extra dimensions at Play with Astrology, an Interview with Quantum Astrologer, Meru Matu

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“When we're talking about lunar cycles, these are beginnings. These are endings, these are opportunities. These are doorways and gateways…” – Meru Matu

The conversation is always out of this world with Meru Matu! Astrology Hub's Inner Circle is excited to have her as the Lunar Guide of the month!

Meru Matu is a Quantum Astrologer who practices Starseed DNA lineage and has created a unique brand and fringe niche within the Astrology community. Meru takes Quantum Physics and blends it with Western Equal House Astrology to interpret the chart and identifies your Starseed DNA locations based off of Fixed Stars.

Tune In to hear her life, death, and the re-birth path to becoming an Astrologer.

Free Webinar!

Have you been studying Astrology for awhile but struggle feeling confident reading charts? Or maybe you’re new to Astrology and interested in going deeper and learning how to translate the language of the stars?

Either way, you’re invited to join our Free Webinar next week, Astrology Chart Reading Made Easy. Donna Woodwell and I will go through the 4 keys you need to learn how to read a chart with ease and grace. Plus there will be some cool bonuses revealed for those who show up live.

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  1. Kathy on May 30, 2019 at 5:52 pm

    The podcasts are always interesting and informative. The Starseed episode was Mind Blowing and affirming. I appreciated Amanda saying she gets it in the moment but can’t articulate it after. I think I’ve sent this episode to at least 10 people. Raising my consciousness is my most important work. Thank you again for going above and beyond for this community and the world.

  2. Katelyn Kitzrow on May 31, 2019 at 7:01 pm

    I just listened to this episode and indeed – MY MIND WAS BLOWN. I only recently started doing energy work and learning about astrology so the idea of Starseeds is overwhelming and a bit scary. Do you have any suggestions for where to learn more as a beginner? Also, I got chills when Meru described the last time that a large number of starseeds “came here” because my birthday is Dec 28th 1988. I don’t know what that really means but it’s exciting!

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