Astrology Hub Podcast Horoscope for the Week of June 3rd – June 8th

Donna Woodwell's Major Theme/ Suggestion for the Week: “It's certainly a week for foreshadowing events that are coming up over the next months. The New Moon in Gemini on Monday will put folks in the frame of mind to witness events this week as they unfold and then use the lessons they learn when they're needed over the coming weeks.”  – Donna Woodwell

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Week of June 3rd-June 7th

Think of this Moon as a time to brainstorm and dream about the possibilities. Open yourself to what you haven't considered doing before, but definitely get outside of your comfort zone and survey all of your options. – Donna Woodwell

Your biggest issue this week could be TOO MUCH inspiration. Monday opens with a playful Gemini New Moon that has a lot to say. It’s important to remember that ideas bring change! Which means this week also has an intense foreshadowing aspect leading to both the Full Moon in a few weeks and the following New Moon in Cancer. What you see this week, you will see it again – be conscious of your actions & reactions – to this & that!
Tune in to hear Donna & Amanda’s insight on the stage setting in the cosmos —you have the power to break the pattern!

Advice from Amanda & Donna

“The Gemini New Moon May wake you up with a buzz of new ideas and fresh content being downloaded into your brain. You'll want to have a place to capture it before it flutters away. Now Gemini loves to play in the fields of pure perception. It's a bit like a satellite dish gathering information in from the entire cosmos. This New Moon is widely opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius and square Neptune in Pisces. So that was what we call a mutable t square. But what it means is that your biggest challenge might be having too much information, too many good ideas, or not being able to distinguish the good ideas from the flights of imagination and fantasy. 

– Donna Woodwell

“One of the phrases that I've found to be so helpful with that is simply “I understand,” I understand why you might feel that way. I understand that this is hard for you. I understand. Taking that moment to acknowledge the way the other person is feeling or seeing things or the experience that they're having can just be like “poof.”  No one's having to defend themselves anymore. No one's having to convince each other that they're right or that what they're feeling is valid. It's just like, “wow, I understand that must be really hard. You're in a really tough spot.” It's kind of miraculous. I've witnessed it's miraculous effects many, many, many times. So maybe that's just something to keep in mind over these few days. .”

– Donna Woodwell


Key Astrology Dates from this Lunations Inner Guide


*IC COSMIC UPDATE 6.3 @ 3:00 am PT* New Moon in Gemini at 12° semi-sextile Mars in Cancer at 11°. New perceptions of passion and strength. Today we expand into a higher consciousness about what pushes us forward. We have to dig deep and trust our intuitions. Mental healing is available and it will require mindful and supportive conversations.

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Have you been studying Astrology for awhile but struggle feeling confident reading charts? Or maybe you’re new to Astrology and interested in going deeper and learning how to translate the language of the stars?

Either way, you’re invited to join our Free Webinar next week, Astrology Chart Reading Made Easy. Donna Woodwell and I will go through the 4 keys you need to learn how to read a chart with ease and grace. Plus there will be some cool bonuses revealed for those who show up live.

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