Donna Woodwell's Major Theme/ Suggestion for the Week: “Definitely, take advantage of this week and recharge your batteries. It’s the last week before the summer becomes more intense — eclipse season is just around the corner… – Donna Woodwell

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Week of May 27 th-June 2nd

Intermission anyone?

After an intense week of abrupt changing winds initiating inspiration, endings, and beginnings you may be looking for a reprieve. This week begins with a sweet vibe! There's a chance of spicy romance and a tiny dose of regret mid-week as we move toward a Gemini New Moon!

Tune in to hear Donna & Amanda’s advice on how to honor the space the cosmos are giving this week.

Advice from Amanda & Donna

“Sometimes you might not give yourself permission to putter, but puttering is literally something that we need to do at times. Puttering means wandering around doing whatever tickles your fancy. Pick up a book read a few lines. Then you say, oh, maybe I'll take a bath.  I'll just organize this shelf. I'll go out into the garden, or whatever. I'm just going to do it and I have no agenda. I have no timeline. I have no to do list. I'm gonna putter. I invite you to give yourself permission to think of puttering as a necessary activity that you need to incorporate into your rhythm.”

– Amanda Pua Walsh

“Everything's going to feel confusing, strange, and weird. That's what Gemini does. It's bringing in so much information that we haven't considered before, or looking at things in different ways; especially when you're looking for something to hold onto. Gemini is saying, “throw open the gates of perception and bring it all in. A good mantra when things start feeling overwhelming is to repeat to yourself, but it's just a moment in time. Gemini works best when you don't judge what you get. When you judge what things start going sideways, focus on the gift that Mercury gives you when he sees both sides of the story. Because what you think is right might be someone else's wrong.”

– Donna Woodwell


Key Astrology Dates from this Lunations Inner Guide


*IC Cosmic Update 5.30* Mars enters 39th Gene Key of Dynamism @2:09 pm PT

Your gutsy, explosive nature is on high-drive. Allow the unbridled energy of life to move through you. Breathe deeply. Let your blockages become your allies, channeling aggression into creativity and freedom.  – Amma Li Grace

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Free Webinar!

Have you been studying Astrology for awhile but struggle feeling confident reading charts? Or maybe you’re new to Astrology and interested in going deeper and learning how to translate the language of the stars?

Either way, you’re invited to join our Free Webinar next week, Astrology Chart Reading Made Easy. Donna Woodwell and I will go through the 4 keys you need to learn how to read a chart with ease and grace. Plus there will be some cool bonuses revealed for those who show up live.

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  1. Marie on May 26, 2019 at 11:30 pm

    Thanks for the heads up this week I am experiencing some of these issues Now
    And I definitely going to pick up some Bach Flower!

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