Full Moons illuminate the fruits of seeds planted — at the previous New Moon, or in even earlier cycles. It's a time to harvest what you have sown.

On a deeper symbolic level, this Virgo Full Moon on Feb. 22/23 brings you the opportunity to analyze your motivations and needs, and understand how these shape the choices you make — which in turn contribute to the circumstances of your life.

Cause. Effect.  In short, it's a Full Moon about understanding the laws of karma.

Whether you explore its workings on the material level, or in the mental and emotional realm, or in the deep psychic currents that run beneath — well, that's up to you.

Astrologers from around the web have some ideas on how you can get started.

Get Your House in Order

You may already feel a deep longing to get your life in order. (Ask around, and you may find you're not the only one. )

Certainly astrologers also sense the pull, that's been percolating for some time under the surface. The Virgo Full Moon may just bring you to the point where “enough is enough,” and you make a change.

“It is a time for spring cleaning everything in our lives now, not just our homes (though that urge will definitely be strong, too!) Clean living spaces, healthy and rested bodies, efficient work routines, organized budgets, broken down messes of all kinds repaired.”

Clarissa/Viva Combusta!

The “unnoticed issues that will be exposed through Virgo’s analytic approach have likely been building up over time; they might be connected with the recent Mercury Rx phase and the subjects we’ve been obsessing over during that period. Should that be the case, a Full Moon in this dexterous, technically proficient sign can be a fruitful opportunity to finally tackle a situation and get it together once and for all.”


“This is the final full moon of an eclipse phase that began in September 2015. The two weeks leading up to the new eclipse phase beginning on March 8 will therefore be a time of completion. Outstanding issues need to be put to bed so you can start a new journey with the lest amount of emotional baggage. …The more loose ends that need tidying up, the greater the feeling and anxiety you will feel, as if leaving your homework until the last minute. Putting off things can lead to an escalation in conditions to a point of crisis as the March 8 solar eclipse approaches.”

Jamie Partridge/AstrologyKing 

Don't despair if tasks seem insurmountable. Virgo brings the gift of being able to break things down into manageable, bite-sized pieces.

“High functioning Virgo will look at a situation, figure out a strategy to improve and then move on it. And if the strategy fails it will go back and find a new plan.  Virgo is after all, mutable, meaning adaptable.”

Tracy's Astro Salon

Where's Your Mind?

A Full Moon occurs when the Moon and Sun are in opposite signs up the zodiac, in this case Virgo and Pisces. Stirring the pot, the Sun in Pisces is moving toward nebulous-yet-mystical Neptune.

Neptune's an illusive planet. Mystery is its cloak; one must trust, or have faith, that everything is perfect just as it is. That's a special challenge for Virgo.  In its earth-bound pursuit of perfection, it wants to fix, not trust.

How can these seemingly paradoxical urges to get yourself organized, and yet maintain a sense of the spiritual, sacred and numinous be reconciled?

“The psychedelic energy of this Full Moon makes operating heavy machinery very difficult. Avoid!”

Marina Marcario/Darkstar Astrology

“I think many will feel mentally lost.  But if you have a planet near 3 degrees mutable, it’s going to really be tweaked with this.”

Elsa Panizzon/Elsa Elsa

“Tension, nervousness, and a “high strung” feeling will likely accompany this Full Moon. People will want to feel they are producing results; with the Full Moon opposing bodies in Pisces, it won’t come easy. Expect to see more snapping, nitpicking and overall persnicketiness with this Full Moon. Projecting emotional baggage while acting cool and aloof will be a theme as well. Instead of criticizing the way others conduct themselves or the way they do business, take a look at the way your handling your own life instead…”

Clarissa/Viva Combusta!

Kathy Biehl of Empowerment Unlimited sums it up:

“Choose your words with care. You’re casting a spell on yourself. Heed the Virgo Moon. She’ll give you a healthy script.”

Reaping Uranus-Pluto

There's something deep and globally karmic going on with this Virgo Full Moon. But you'll need a few more advanced astrological skills to appreciate it.

This lunation creates a potent midpoint structure with Uranus and Pluto, being 135 degrees away from each. (And it's in the antiscia chart too, so this goes deeper than we imagine — if you've got the astro skills to investigate, you should.)

It's like a final symbolic harvest for all of the accumulated tension of this potent square. Says Jamie Partridge of AstrologyKing.com:

This Full Moon “shows how to resolve an ongoing conflict or crisis by releasing anger. Stress has been building for years now due to the radical and extreme change of Uranus square Pluto. The full moon releases this tension at the ideal point in time with the Uranus Pluto square flexing its muscle one last time, and in this final moon phase of a eclipse cycle.”

Ordinary Full Moons heighten emotions and disturb sleep patterns. This one may leave many — even those not usually sensitive to such shifts — feeling jumpy, impatient or rebellious as deep emotions rise to the surface. It's actually healing to get them out in the open.

Just resist the Virgo temptation to try and label and organize them. Emotions must be experienced first, analyzed second.

An interesting footnote: the Sabian Symbol for this Virgo Full Moon isBlack and white children play together happily.” Dane Rudyar sees this as a sign for universal tolerance and fellowship. It may give us clues about the ultimate invitation of the Uranus-Pluto square.

A Helping Hand

Virgo's ruling planet is Mercury, so astrologers look to them to see what help they can bring to resolving the challenge of the Virgo Full Moon.

Think Pragmatically

During the Virgo Full Moon, Mercury harmonizes (sextiles) with Saturn. Mercury's the planet involved in how we think things through; Saturn encourages us stay focused on what's practical and actionable in the present moment.  Don't allow your mind to spin fears about what might be, focus on what you can do now.

“Adding to the logic-driven (or, at least, intellectual) nature of this process is the trend toward stabilizing, ordering and concretizing we’re currently undergoing in how and what we’re thinking, in our information flow and in how we communicate. Cosmic messenger Mercury, ruler of our minds as well as Virgo, is moving into a cooperative link with Saturn, lord of structure. Concepts are taking shape and coming down to earth, along with both a big-picture perspective and awareness of ramifications, consequences and the imperative to take responsibility for our thoughts and words. “

Kathy Biehl/Empowerment Unlimited

Asteroids of Redemption & Atonement

Several asteroids that invoke themes of redemption or atonement are linked to this Virgo Full Moon.

The Sun consults Admete and Nessus. Both feature in the myths surrounding the labors of Hercules. Hercules undertakes his tasks to atone for killing his wife, and through the process finds healing and redemption.

The Moon conjuncts Hestia, the goddess of home and hearth, suggesting it's important to understand what motivates you, if you want to stay focused.

Philomela also meets the Moon, reminding that even if we have been wronged, to think before responding, to make sure our actions are just and the consequences desirable.

Summing It Up

The Virgo Full Moon says get your house in order. But rather than cleaning things up, to just end back where you started, understand what brought you were you are. Then you can adjust the system that's creating the situation. Then real and lasting change is possible.

Lunaria Datebook

The third Full Moon of Winter is also called the Snow Moon.

Last Moon Phase: New Moon in Aquarius, Feb. 8, 2016 (Chinese New Year)

Next Moon Phase: New Moon in Pisces, Mar. 8/9, 2016 (Total Solar Eclipse)

Full Moon February 2016 Dates and Times

San Francisco Monday, Feb. 22, 10:20 a.m. PST

New York       Monday, Feb. 22, at 1:20 p.m. EST

Sao Paulo Monday, Feb. 22,  at 3:20 p.m. BRST

London Monday, Feb. 22, at 6:20 p.m. GMT

Istanbul Monday, Feb. 22, at 8:20 p.m. EEST

Mumbai Monday, Feb. 22, at 11:50 p.m. IST

Tokyo Monday, Feb. 23, at 3:20 a.m. JST

Sydney Monday, Feb. 23, at 5:20 a.m. AEST

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