Astrology Hub Podcast Horoscope for the Week of October 28th – November 3rd

Stormie Grace's Major Theme for the Week of Stormie: New Ideas

“New situations that need new solutions have shown up in your life. Talk them out with somebody – share your feelings.– Stormie Grace

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Horoscope for the Week of October 28th – November 3rd

Monday offers a supercharged unexpected new insight into matters of the heart. Forward-thinking rules midweek as you run with a fresh perspective.

Have the conversations you need to have, but be open to the feedback you receive. Scary news come Friday (not really—but Happy Halloween!) Mercury Stations retrograde, preparing to review the last month. It is time to go back so that you can to go forward.

Embrace your optimism, but do not let it run away with you. Everything is building into the epic 2020 year.

Tune in to Amanda and Stormie to get the best tips for dealing with Mercury when it gives us pause!

Favorite Quotes

“When you have one of those like quote-unquote Mercury Retrograde moments ask, “Okay, Mercury what would you have me do now? ” Mercury has given us communication opportunities, and yet we can become so fixated on them that we're losing focus in other areas of our life where a real connection with human beings – eye contact, conversation – is needed.”

– Amanda Pua Walsh

“Every time we have a Mercury retrograde and especially in Scorpio, issues of relationships or intimacy and sex come back. And it's so funny, I always remind people that if you do decide to get back with an ex you cannot call yourself a retrosexual. Mercury did not make you do it.”

– Stormie Grace

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The Astrology of Relationships

💖WHAT: The Astrology of Relationships: Explore How Astrology Can Improve Your Relationships, Learn Synastry & Composite Techniques, Practice with Real-Time Student Charts

WHEN: October 25 (4-6 PM Pacific) & October 26 (10:30 – 5:00 PM Pacific) 

💻WHERE: Online, wherever you have an internet connection!

🎉HOW: Join the Waitlist NOW! Registration opens next week!

The workshop will be recorded and added to your online Astrology Hub Library for you to re-watch or catch what you missed if you can’t join the whole event live. 

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