Astrology Hub Podcast Horoscope for the Week of October 13th – October 20th

Stormie Grace's Major Theme for the Week of Stormie: The idea this week and throughout this autumn season is to uncover, discover and discard.

“We're going to struggle a little bit this week in order to get the answers that we need. But you know, I tell my clients all the time, you cannot give birth to a new life without a little bit of labor.– Stormie Grace

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Horoscope for the Week of October 13th – October 20th

Ego and needed transformation collide as the week starts off! If you find yourself triggered, take the time to uncover the ‘root' of why you feel this way. Welcome the ripple of change this reflection brings. Finding middle ground as the weekend dawns will have you committing on a whole new level when it comes to relationships.
Tune in to hear Amanda and Stormie's advice on what compromise is, and why it will and not work long term.


Favorite Quotes

“Compromise means to give up something of value – something you value but you give it up in order to reach a resolution. We're asking the question of, “How can I see this different?” “What is the other person's need and what is my need? And is there a way to resolve this where both of our needs are met enough?” I'm sure everybody's experienced this. When you give up something of value, something that you actually need, it's unsustainable. You can do it for a moment, but you can't do it long term. Look at the situation differently see if there is a way to meet both party's needs without having to give up the core value.”

Amanda Pua Walsh

“When it comes to my work with oppositions, with people – what the compromise tends to say, “Maybe I'm not always right. Maybe I don't have all of the “only” answers.”  I think in any kind of opposition that we have, whether it's in opposition with ourselves or with other people if we're willing to compromise the “ego position,” that creates a delicious compromise where everybody's everything gets met. But if it's in a position where I am unwilling to compromise, then I stay in the power struggle. We sometimes have to feel torn to know which direction feels the best for us.”

– Stormie Grace


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The Astrology of Relationships

💖WHAT: The Astrology of Relationships: Explore How Astrology Can Improve Your Relationships, Learn Synastry & Composite Techniques, Practice with Real-Time Student Charts

WHEN: October 25 (4-6 PM Pacific) & October 26 (10:30 – 5:00 PM Pacific) 

💻WHERE: Online, wherever you have an internet connection!

🎉HOW: Registration is OPEN. Join Now!

The workshop will be recorded and added to your online Astrology Hub Library for you to re-watch or catch what you missed if you can’t join the whole event live.

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