How She Found Authenticity w/ Astrology

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On Today’s Episode You’ll learn…

🌑 How astrology helped Sybille bring her creative side out of the shadows.
🌒 The true nature of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.
🌓 What resources supported Sybille on her journey to authenticity.

🪐 The Planets are Always Working For Us… 🪐

…But sometimes, we might feel them more than others. Are you approaching a Saturn Return, Uranus Opposition or another game-changing transit? Or maybe you just have the feeling that something big is coming around the corner, but you don’t know what it is! That might be related to your unique astrological chart, but it could also be because of some important planetary shifts happening this Spring which will impact ALL of us. Either way, join our FREE panel on Game-Changing Transits to get the full scoop on how to integrate and use these fateful astrological moments to support your path – featuring 12 upcoming Inner Circle astrologers! All the info is right here:

Game Changing Transits


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