There's some big action in the sky for us this week…
The Solar Eclipse happening tonight/tomorrow (December 3/4 depending on where you are in the world) is offering a distinct inflection point.
Our current Inner Circle Astrologer, Amma Li Grace, said to mark this time, because we are in a substantial “rite of passage” where “exponential growth and accelerated change is happening in your life direction, purpose, perspectives and beliefs.”
Amma Li also offered that, “anything resonating with truth is being substantiated and this is one of the final doorways we need to walk through in order to fully step into our new path.”
She reminded us to meet any of the disturbances in our lives head on, because the challenges we're facing ARE the path forward. We have a heightened opportunity to free ourselves from Karmic cycles and we are literally “timeline jumping” as we detach from the past and come into a new era.
The universe is pushing us to remember what’s real and align ALL aspects of our lives with what we truly value.
To support you as you walk through these final days of 2021 and begin turning your gaze toward the year ahead, I'd love for you to join us for our FREE sixth annual 2022 Forecast Panel, happening live on December 8th and 9th, 2021.
We’re bringing together twelve brilliant astrologers like Acyuta Bhava, Adam Sommer, Stormie Grace, Christopher Renstrom, Mychal Bryan, and Linda Byrd (and more!) to share what they see are the biggest themes of 2022 and how to work with them.
I hope you’ll join us to get the insights and tools for what's ahead.
Because after all, there are some things you can count on even when everything else is falling away.
And that is that the light of the stars will always be there to guide your path.
Go here to register now for this FREE event.
See you there!
CEO & Founder
P.S. When you join us for the Forecast Panel event you’ll also get a taste of what it’s like to be inside our Inner Circle membership, which is our premier program for students of astrology.
If there was ever a year to lean into the support of a like-minded community to help deepen your astrology practice, it’s 2022.
Go here to register now for the FREE 2022 Forecast Panel.
This Week on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast:
Weekly Astrological Weather
with Anne Ortelee
Don’t miss this very special episode of The Weekly Weather with our beloved Anne Ortelee where she gives you your week-ahead scoop! Watch or listen here.
Horoscope Highlights
with Christopher Renstrom
This week, Neptune, the planet of vision and imagination, turns direct and invites us to see emotional depth, healing, and forgiveness. Watch or listen here.
December 2021 Forecast
with Rick Levine
In this episode of The Cosmic Connection, learn about Jupiter moving into Pisces, what Venus and Pluto could manifest during December, and how far this will stretch into 2022. Watch or listen here.
Our Inner Strength in the Eye of the Storm
[2022 PREP SERIES] with Rachel Onojafe
Find out what you can do today to prepare for 2022 and why it's valuable to set goals with the past and future in mind. Watch or listen here.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Podcast Review Contest WINNERS!
Thank you all for your heartfelt reviews of the Astrology Hub Podcast. Our winners are Loïs Meulenbelt, Michelle Wolfe Watson, Annette Pedersen, Amanda Barabe, Roni Izzard & Kandace Lichtblau-Schierts! Here's a taste of their reviews:
“Never boring, never shallow, fluffy, or indecipherable. It’s why I knew joining the Inner Circle would be well worth it!”
–Annette P.
“I cannot describe how magical it is to get to know the planets and myself through them because of the effort and energy you put into this lightwork!”
–Loïs M
“I discovered Astrology Hub a couple years ago, and it has changed my life. I have learned so much in this short amount of time and continue to learn everyday”.
–Michelle W.
“No matter your age, race, credentials, sexual orientation, location, vocation OR favorite color ☺️ THIS IS THE PODCAST YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!”
–Kandace L.