Our astrologers keep reminding us, with all of the chaos, confusion and noise swirling in the world, to focus on taking the next best step for you.
Understanding that it’s challenging to see long term right now, so the task is to just keep doing what feels like the right thing in each and every moment.
And come back to the questions, “What is mine to do? What can I contribute? How can I leave this place a little better than I found it?”
If the answer about certain aspects of your life is that there’s really nothing you can do, then Anne reminded us on the weekly astrological weather, that sometimes the best thing you can do is simply bless it.
Here at Astrology Hub, my team and I are applying the same guidance our astrologers generously share with all of us, and we’re continuing to ask, “What is ours to do? How can we best contribute to your life, to the world?”
And we always come back to the simple truth, that helping you align with the wisdom of the guidance of the stars (which is actually your OWN wisdom and guidance) is the role we’re here to play at this time.
So we keep putting one foot in front of the next and finding as many different ways as we can to serve you.
One thing we’ve been working on for years now has finally come to fruition and I’m hoping it will serve many of you, especially those of you who are newer to astrology and/or those of you who can’t get an astrology reading with an astrologer right now, for whatever reason!
For years, I’ve wanted to offer personalized astrological reports here at Astrology Hub.
You see, at the beginning of my astrological studies, I devoured every single report I could find. Some were good, and they helped inform my understanding and spark the love for astrology that I have today.
Some were not so good, even to the point of terrifying me about the future!
We wanted to help you skip all of that trial-and-error and offer highly vetted, excellent reports to support you on your journey.
But we’ve faced setback after setback in terms of making this dream a reality.
Those setbacks are finally over.
And I’m so excited to share…
That we’ve partnered with Adrian Ross Duncan of AstroWow to offer two different types of astrological reports (more to come later!) to help guide, inspire, and support you.
Go here to grab your first report now.
Adrian is a well-respected, extremely experienced and insightful astrologer. He has dedicated decades of his life to creating the software and content behind these reports, and I personally believe they are some of the best out there.
On this week’s Astrology Hub podcast, Adrian and I recently discussed his spiritual journey, his perspective on astrology, and what he hopes to share with all of you. You can watch the conversation here.
My biggest takeaway?
A reminder that we live in a benevolent universe, and everything is happening FOR us, not to us.
Something I think we could all use right now.
If you’re interested in getting insights into your Character & Destiny and/or if you’re looking for guidance on your year ahead, you can grab your report on the Astrology Hub website here.
And enjoy the rest of our updates below! May they support you in turning the chaos happening now, into the next stage of your personal creation.
Sending my best,
CEO & Founder
This Week on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast:
Weekly Astrological Weather
with Anne Ortelee
Anne says this is a great time for new habits, routines, and to focus on your work in the world. Watch or listen here.
Horoscope Highlights
with Christopher Renstrom
Uranus, the planet of change, turns retrograde before connecting with Mercury and Mars. Find out how this could bring revelations into your personal life. Watch or listen here.
[Astrological Reports] Your Character & Destiny and Your Year Ahead
with Adrian Ross Duncan
Learn everything you need to know about astrology reports including how they can benefit you and how they are developed and created! Watch or listen here.