You may not realize it yet, but astrology is moving rapidly into the mainstream. Academics, professionals in various fields, and young people have become very motivated by our “cosmic science.”
We are seeing nothing less than a marriage (or re-marriage) of mysticism and science.
The quantum magic of the extremely small and the relativistic magic of the extremely large scale have met to spark a new interest in how these forces meet to create magic in our daily lives.
We see it in a practical and useful way that improves our lives and improves the fields of psychology, sociology, and other related fields enormously.
Last Century's Astrology
This revolutionary movement began in the fringes of astrology by people who never felt complete with the language of astrology inherited from our immediate predecessors. It's now spreading into the inner circles of the astrological communities.
But to understand what's happening, it helps to look back a few years to see where we've been.
In the early part of the 20th Century, mystics and psychic channels like Alice Bailey and others talked about auras, chakras, angels, the seven rays, and the astral and mental planes. They also talked about astrology in a way that was simultaneously mystical yet scientific. They described forces and patterns and a hidden world that is real and affects our lives.
But by the late 20th Century, interest in new-age speculations was left mostly to the psychics. Astrology focused more on its psychological side — self-empowerment and archetypal themes in our lives.
Interest in astrology as science also waned. Many astrologers argued that wrapping the subtle and nuanced language of astrology in the rigid, restrictive and seemingly materialistic paradigms of science only served to strangle the life out of astrology.
Now another movement has begun. In just the past 10 years, interest is booming in exploration of links between astrology and science. New advancements and discoveries have brought a surge of enthusiasm from academics and other professionals, including young people, often those in their late 20s.
Emerging 21st Century Astrology
This new revolutionary movement in astrology is taking flight on the wings of the Information Age.
A vision of science that is universal and magical is being fueled by distinguished scientists such as Nassim Haramein, Rupert Sheldrake and Bruce Lipton. When science no longer feels like a rigid, materialistic, and restrictive language, there's a place for a cosmic science like astrology to re-enter the conversation. Their work has inspired investigation of the links between astrology and the mathematics of nature, including the golden ratio, prime numbers, and Fibonacci numbers.
The era of “big data” is also playing a role. We now see astrological theory developing on the basis of enormous amounts of information and information systems that were not available even just 10 years ago.
Within the past decade we have identified astrological patterns that rock stars share, and those that the greatest athletes have in common. We've found patterns correlated with short-term changes in gold prices.
We've even determined more clearly what each zodiac sign signifies based on sampling large numbers of charts, evidence that is much more compelling and impressive than is possible from case studies by a few practicing astrologers.
It's research like this based on real-world evidence that will eventually change how astrology books and internet articles talk about astrology.
Crowd-Sourcing Astrology
Perhaps most exciting of all is that anyone with a passion can participate in this paradigm shift.
An astrological researcher myself, I've posted more than 200 free instructional YouTube videos describing these and many other recent breakthroughs. There are also videos on how to use the most cutting edge astrology software to analyze, visualize, and interpret as well as conduct your own research, if you are so inclined.
The revolution has begun. It may mean some of our understand of astrology shifts over the coming decades. But it may also lead to a new Renaissance of astrological interest for society as a whole.