Venus in Gemini w/ Astrologer Jamie Magee

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What does Venus in Gemini Mean?

In this Weekly Horoscope by the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Jamie Magee reviews your Weekly Astrology Themes by Zodiac Sign.

Star Sign Horoscopes is a weekly podcast for astrology enthusiasts looking to stay up-to-date with the latest celestial events. Hosted by experienced astrologer Jamie Magee, the show provides insights into the astrological events of the week and how they may impact your life. In each episode, Jamie offers guidance on how to navigate the cosmic energies, highlighting important planetary alignments and sharing practical tips on how to make the most of them.

In this captivating episode, Astrologer Connect Astrologer Jamie Magee delves into the significant astrological events of the week, highlighting the upcoming eclipse season and its impact on individuals. According to Jamie, the universe is extending an invitation to let go of the past and embrace unexplored opportunities. This theme is reinforced by several key transitions, including Venus moving into Gemini and its subsequent interaction with Pluto in Aquarius. These shifts encourage you to reevaluate your heart’s approach to various aspects of your life and explore the array of possibilities before you.

The episode further explores the meeting of the sun and Jupiter in Aries, describing it as a source of booming positive energy. However, to truly harness this power, the host emphasizes the importance of taking action on personal goals and opportunities. As listeners prepare to navigate through the eclipse portal, they may feel as if they’re on the cusp of entering a new world. This podcast episode provides an intriguing, high-level overview of the energies that your specific sun or rising signs may experience during this pivotal time, leaving you eager to discover more insights and advice.

On Today’s Episode You’ll learn…

🌑 Which area of your life will be blessed by Venus when she moves into Gemini.
🌒 How to take advantage of this week’s energy to prepare for the coming eclipse season.
🌓 Which decisions might be better to put off until a little later in the month.

🌠Ready to unlock your unique soul purpose and find the keys to a more aligned future?

Book a consultation with Jamie today and explore the magic and power within you. Together, you and Jamie will reflect on your past experiences, uncover the lessons still waiting to be integrated, and work with your growing-edges to help you grow and thrive. Don’t wait any longer to start your journey towards a more fulfilling life – schedule your consultation now.

Readings with Astrologer Jamie Magee


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