Few planetary aspects are as unforgiving as a Sun/Pluto opposition, and given that the one on July 23rd will be the first to occur in the zodiac signs of Leo and Aquarius, you can expect it to be especially powerful. Whatever thin hope you were banking on will be abruptly removed. Beginnings are over before they've begun, endings are as swift as they are premature, and any chance to appeal or regroup is immediately snuffed out, which means you'll have no choice but to accept defeat on July 23rd.
However, the Sun always rises on a new day. It's something we all know but don't fully appreciate until we've reached the nadir. Moreover, the Sun doesn't rise any brighter or stronger than when it's traveling through its own sign. This won't restore what you've lost, but it will pave the way to a new future. As July is succeeded by August, you will see your faith rekindled, your heart emboldened, and your optimism restored. The Sun in Leo is an indefatigable reminder that tomorrow is another day.