The Finger of God: Understanding Yods and Fateful Connections w/ Christopher Renstrom

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In this episode of the Astrology Hub podcast

In this episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, astrologer Christopher Renstrom delves into the fascinating and often misunderstood aspect of astrology—the quincunx and the yod, also known as “The Finger of God.” Christopher reflects on his personal journey from skepticism to fascination with these dynamic and challenging aspects. He unpacks their unique energies, their role in chart interpretation, and how they signify unresolved patterns and fated moments. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how quincunxes can illuminate hidden dynamics and yods can reveal life's fateful turning points.

What You'll Learn in This Episode:

⚖️The difference between traditional Ptolemaic aspects (like conjunctions and trines) and postmodern aspects like quincunxes.

🔮How the quincunx operates as a “non-relationship” in astrology, blending tension and potential without resolution.

💡Why understanding the quincunx can help identify recurring life patterns that resist integration.

⚡How yods amplify the energy of quincunxes and serve as powerful indicators of destiny and personal challenges.

💪Real-life applications of quincunxes in artistic, athletic, and scientific pursuits, and how they foster “work-in-progress” energy.

📌Tips for identifying quincunxes and yods in your own chart and how to work with their dynamic energy for personal growth.


00:00:00:04 – 00:00:21:03


Hello, my name is Christopher Renstrom and I'm your weekly horoscope columnist here on Astrology Hub. And this time I wanted to talk to you about one of the most fascinating aspects in all of astrology the quincunx and the yod.


00:00:21:05 – 00:00:51:23


Now I have a little confession to make. I was not a big fan of the quincunx for a very long time while I was a practicing astrologer, so? So don't hate me. Being a Capricorn and and at times a bit of a study. Old Capricorn at that. I always worked with the Ptolemaic aspects, which are the classical aspects of astrology the conjunction, the opposition, the square, the trine and the sextile.


00:00:52:00 – 00:01:12:07


And so when people would say, well, what about the quincunx, I would always be like a quincunx. What's that? All right. So I was like, I was impossible there for a while. But anyway, what often happens with me is that I know that whatever I do, I'm kind of like harrumphing about or that I'll prove initially resistant to.


00:01:12:09 – 00:01:31:22


I know that at some point I'm going to end up falling madly in love with that, okay? And it's going to be coming. And it ends up becoming my obsession, or the thing that I, that I completely focus on. Now, I'm not completely focused on quincunx, is I? I don't recite them in my sleep or, you know, look for them in, in day to day charts or anything like that.


00:01:31:22 – 00:02:00:16


But, but the quincunx is such a fascinating aspect to me in astrology because, well, basically the quincunx is what I call the postmodern aspect of astrology, and that's because a quincunx describes non relationship. Now let me take a moment here to back up a little bit. What are aspects? Aspects are the relationships that planets make to one another in the sky.


00:02:00:18 – 00:02:28:09


You can have planets that are right next to one another, or you can have planets that are opposite one another. They're as far away from one another as they can be. And these were called the Ptolemaic aspects. Ptolemaic aspects come from Claudius Ptolemy, who put together the tetra Byblos, which was basically the astrological Bible in the second century, C.E..


00:02:28:11 – 00:03:02:11


Now, it's it's questionable as to whether Ptolemy actually was an astrologer. There are many, suspicions that he was more like a librarian or a collector, someone who was interested in these curious texts, having to do with astrology and and basically the principles of astronomy. Although back then that was called astrology. In any case, he had collected them into one text, and this became a very important, not only in Hellenized Egypt, but also Persia and later on in Europe.


00:03:02:13 – 00:03:27:18


So the Ptolemaic aspects describe the basic relationships of the planets in astrology. All right. You have the conjunction, which is basically means one planet is right next to another planet. They're in the same place at the same time in the sky. Okay. And so they fuze together. They don't really fuze together. A conjunction between two planets is more like a three legged race.


00:03:27:18 – 00:03:55:23


All right? They have to work with one another. And some of the planets are really wonderful at three legged races. Like, if you have a conjunction between, for instance. I don't know, Mercury and Venus, they're going to do splendidly or, the sun and Jupiter, they're going to do wonderfully in a three legged race. But sometimes if you have a conjunction between, oh, let's say, Mercury and Saturn, you've got Mercury, who wants to go really, really fast.


00:03:56:02 – 00:04:18:15


And you have Saturn, who's moving at a sort of Winnie the Pooh. Your pace. Okay. Saturn is very slow moving. And so they can they can get very frustrated with one another. So conjunctions are two planets at the same place at the same time in the sky. So for this I want you to think of a clock, and I want you to think of the minute hand and the hour hand.


00:04:18:15 – 00:04:43:02


And let's say they're both pointing to 12 at the top of the clock. 12 noon. That's how we would read it. That's a conjunction. The two planets are in the same place at the same time in the sky, in opposition is 180 degrees away. Or in other words, the planets are as opposite one another as they can get on a circle or in the sky.


00:04:43:04 – 00:05:07:05


And so a good image for that would be 1230. All right. The, our hand is still pointing to 12, and the minute hand is pointing to six. So that's 1230. That's an opposition there as far away from one another as they can be. And this is a polarizing energy. You side with one planet or you side with the other, but you can't side with both a square.


00:05:07:07 – 00:05:32:06


If we continue with the clock analogy we quarter the hour. All right. So we've got the our hand still pointing at 12. And let's say the minute hand is at nine or at or it's at three. So it's either quarter 212 or it's 12, 15. So that's a square. A square basically splits the opposition squares in astrology or of the nature of Mars.


00:05:32:06 – 00:05:53:02


So they are combative, they fight with one another. So two planets that are squaring one another in an astrological chart are in conflict with one another. Why are they in conflict with one another? Did they take a look at one another and say, you know, I don't like you or the way that you're looking at me? No, what it is, is that one planet is insistent that this is the way to do things.


00:05:53:04 – 00:06:17:04


The other planet is insisted that no, no, no, this is the way to do things. And so they go at it with one another. They're they're, fighting to gain the upper hand over the other one. One can almost think of it as a power struggle between planets, but it's really, conflicting views, conflicting opinions, conflicting way of approaching something.


00:06:17:09 – 00:06:40:16


And so that's what a square is in an astrological chart. A trying a trine is a benevolent energy. Where the square, for instance, is 90 degrees, the planets are 90 degrees away from one another on a 360 degree circle with a trine. The planets are 120 degrees away from one another. Now, that might leave you going. Okay.


00:06:40:16 – 00:07:04:05


Yeah, sure. 120 degrees to would count all. So what I want you to do again is, imagine the hour hand at 12 moves the minute hand on down to four. Or look at the minute hand on over, eight and you see 1220 or 1240. But you also see if you kind of imagine this, this 12 going down to four.


00:07:04:05 – 00:07:32:23


An eight is a triangle. It is an equilateral triangle. And this is what we call a grand trine in astrology. One doesn't always have to have a grand trine of planets to have training, energy and astrology. You can have one side of the equilateral, triangle, and that will still constitute trine. In any case, a trine is a benevolent, supportive, simpatico energy.


00:07:33:02 – 00:07:53:12


The two planets get along wonderfully. They're going to help one another out. And this is really important because a lot of times we think of like, good planets, bad planets, we even call them benefics and malefics. And we think that Benefics are always just going to be good, and malefics are just always going to be bad. And that's not true.


00:07:53:14 – 00:08:26:01


What happens is that each planet has their own set of characteristics, but their temperament, their, their, their way of viewing one another. The work that I'm going for here is behavior. Their behavior towards one another changes, based on what sort of aspect they're forming to one another. So the behavior between two planets. Let's say it's, the sun and Mars, may be adversarial or squaring, you know, when they're in a square that's adversarial.


00:08:26:03 – 00:08:44:05


It's my way or the highway, and and Mars is like trying to steamroll over the sun. Okay, so they're they're in a square. But when Mars is trying to in the sun, all of a sudden Mars becomes supportive of the sun. It becomes encouraging of the sun's efforts. It's saying to the sun, I'm not going to fight with you.


00:08:44:07 – 00:09:03:21


I'm going to fight for you. I'm going to do what you want. You just you just tell me who to take out and I'll take them out. Well, it doesn't have to always be a combative, physical situation like that. But basically Mars is going to back up the sun. When it's forming a trine, Saturn changes its disposition.


00:09:03:21 – 00:09:28:24


Uranus, Pluto, when they form Trines, they they're not as difficult or as challenging as they might be in a square or even at times in a conjunction. But in a trying they become very supportive. They're, they're very parental. And then a very, very good, protective, nurturing and encouraging way. And then finally a sextile. A sextile would be like, oh, think of 1210 and 1250.


00:09:29:05 – 00:09:54:09


All right. The, the, our hand is still pointing to 12 and the minute hand is pointing to two, or the ten. This is called a sextile. And the nature of sextile are Venusian in nature. So, so sextile are very helpful. They're not as completely simpatico as a trine, okay? They're not completely like I'm there for you 24 seven as as two planets turning would be.


00:09:54:11 – 00:10:21:23


They have their differences, but the differences aren't fighting words. The differences are okay. I could see the way that you want to do this, but did you ever think about doing it like this? You know, sextile is introduce options. They introduce alternatives. They introduce other ways of doing something. Two planets and sextile may not typically get along like for instance the sun and Saturn and have have issues with one another.


00:10:22:00 – 00:10:44:17


They may not typically get along, but when they're in sextile, they're going to put aside their differences and work for a mutual benefit. They're going to come together. It's like coming together with someone on a project. Or you might work with someone at work that, you know, you don't really like this person that much, but you're working on a project and you're going to be professional.


00:10:44:23 – 00:11:04:02


And maybe, during the period of time that you're working on a project together, you actually like this person. You you're like, oh, you know, they're smarter than I thought they were or more insightful or, you know, and so you kind of learn working with someone to read their signals and how to and kind of play with one another in a, in a good way.


00:11:04:07 – 00:11:26:14


These are things that come out when planets are sextile in one another. As I said, these are the Ptolemaic aspects. These are their traditional relationships. And that's the word that I want to emphasize with you. Relationship planets that are forming Ptolemaic aspects with one another are in relationship with one another. Maybe they're getting along. Maybe they're not getting along.


00:11:26:18 – 00:11:52:23


Even if you're not getting along, you're in relationship with one another. You can have the two parties of Congress, for instance, which is my favorite example of an opposition. They're still within a Congress or they're still within a Senate. They they they are still in relationship with one another, no matter how much they can't stay on the side of one another or how polarized they they are in their beliefs or ideologies.


00:11:53:04 – 00:12:28:03


They're still going about the business of government. And so there's still they're still in relationship with one another. And that's the point that I really want to make about the Ptolemaic aspects, whether they like each other or not, they are in relationship with one another now a quincunx. And the same thing goes for a sextile as well. But today we're talking about quincunx and not semi sextile, but quincunx is or what I call the postmodern aspects of astrology, because they describe a non relationship that's taking place between two planets.


00:12:28:05 – 00:12:53:17


So technically speaking, a quincunx is a 150 degree aspect between two planets. The easiest way to find a quincunx? Let's take Aries. Okay. It's the first zodiac sign. Let's take Aries, for example. What you're going to want to do is that you start with Aries. That's your starting point, right? You go to its opposite sign, which is Libra, right?


00:12:53:19 – 00:13:25:11


And the two zodiac signs that flank Libra, they are Virgo and Scorpio. Each of these two signs forms a quincunx to Aries. So quincunx flanks in opposition. But it but they also flank the zodiac signs that are going to trine. Now. Hopefully that didn't leave. You're going. Okay, so Aries is opposite Libra right? Okay. They're they're absolutely opposite one another.


00:13:25:11 – 00:13:51:19


The two zodiac signs that flank Libra, Virgo and Scorpio are going to form a quincunx to Aries. But for instance, if I were to go one zodiac sign past Scorpio, I would have Sagittarius. Or let's say I want, one zodiac sign. Before Virgo, I would have Leo. Leo and Sagittarius are fire signs just like Aries, so they form a trine.


00:13:51:21 – 00:14:19:18


So what we have here with the quincunx is that it flanks in opposition, but it also flanks zodiac signs that trying. So the nature of a quincunx is a mix between a trine and an opposition. All right. It's a mix of the two. The impulse of the zodiac sign is to trine, but it's not of the same element.


00:14:19:20 – 00:14:45:13


And the impulse of a quincunx is to oppose, but it's not of the same modality. So it kind of falls in this in between place. And it's because it's in this in-between place that creates the non relationship. So simply put and opposition is okay. Think of the two parties in Congress or in the United States of America, Republican and Democrat.


00:14:45:13 – 00:15:05:23


They're polarized. They're not talking to one another okay. That's an opposition. Okay. And then if you think of Trines, they're like, I'm behind you 150%, I love you, I adore you, can I support you in whatever you do? Okay. So what happens when Virgo is trying to relate to Aries? Let's say there was a planet in Virgo.


00:15:05:23 – 00:15:30:15


Let's say you've got or, I don't know, a Saturn in Virgo and you've got, sun in Aries. The Saturn in Virgo is going to feel this push pull between like, I understand you because it's next to a zodiac sign that Trines and I don't want anything to do with you, which is because it's next to a zodiac sign that that opposes.


00:15:30:17 – 00:15:54:20


So I want you to think of that push pull between Trining I get you and opposing, which is I don't want anything to do with you. Okay? And this is what's going on with zodiac signs that form a quincunx to your own sign. Let's take an example. Okay. And for the example that we're going to take is let's work with Aries.


00:15:54:22 – 00:16:33:01


Hey there, astrology lover. If you're enjoying this episode, you're not going to want to miss Christopher's newly released masterclass called quincunx Yards, aka The Finger of God. Interpreting Faded Fraction, join Christopher as he helps you pull back the curtain on these challenging aspects, helping you identify them, interpret them, and integrate them into your life. You'll also get Christopher's Buy sign breakdown for how to interpret all possible quincunx relationships, as well as every zodiac sign at the apex of a yod or finger of God.


00:16:33:03 – 00:16:58:04


Your registration includes lifetime access to the class, along with Christopher's teaching materials and video, audio, and transcript format. This class was a popular Inner circle exclusive, and we're releasing it to our podcast community for the first time ever. In celebration of this, you can lock in a 20% discount if you register for the class by January 31st, 2025.


00:16:58:08 – 00:17:08:07


Catch all the details at Astrology We'll also drop that link in the show notes. And now back to the episode.


00:17:08:09 – 00:17:36:18


So the idea is if you're an Aries all right. And let's say, you've got a planet in the zodiac sign of, of, Virgo, right? That's what we decided on. These two zodiac signs form a quincunx to one another. Now, when you're looking at planets in these different signs like, let's we put the sun in areas and we threw, Saturn into Virgo, the orb.


00:17:36:20 – 00:18:06:23


Okay. Which is basically, as many degrees as you can go before it stops becoming a quincunx. I follow the, famous astrologer Lynn Bell's general rule, which is a 2 to 3 degree orb. I find that that's actually really quite effective. So if you've got a sun at, 20 degrees, Aries, the Saturn has to be at 20 degrees Virgo, 21, 22 or 20 degrees Virgo 1918.


00:18:07:04 – 00:18:33:02


You know, that's the degree range. If you've got the sun at like 20 degrees Aries and your Saturn is at three degrees Virgo, the signs are quincunx, but the planets and they have to be closer to really form that quincunx energy. So what you want to do, when you're looking at something like, Aries and Virgo is you want to remind yourself what this quincunx is?


00:18:33:02 – 00:18:54:13


Okay, a quincunx is 150 degrees away from one another. If that works for you, that's great. Personally, for me, that doesn't say anything. I mean, I'm like, okay, it's 150 degrees. All right. Well, what helps me keep in mind, the quincunx is that the two signs that are forming a quincunx to one another do not share a mode.


00:18:54:15 – 00:19:20:24


Okay. What are the modes? Cardinal signs, fixed signs, and mutable signs. If you look at Aries, you see that it's a cardinal sign. If you look at Virgo, you see it's a mutable sign. These are not the same mode. They're not in the same class. The other thing that they don't share is element. Okay. So you look at Aries and you see it's a fire sign and you look at Virgo and you see it's an Earth sign.


00:19:21:01 – 00:19:49:11


They don't get one another, you know, mentally. And then finally, if you look at Aries and you if you look at Virgo, they are not, of the same gender. Nowadays we call it yin yang, you know, but, in old school, astrology, it was male, masculine and feminine zodiac signs. In fact, planets change their gender depending on the zodiac sign that they were traveling through.


00:19:49:16 – 00:20:10:17


So you could have the moon, which we all pretty much regard as being very feminine. The moon could be in Pisces, which is very watery. Pisces is Pisces is a water sign. And water signs are feminine. And so the moon can be very feminine in Pisces, but if it enters Aries, it's masculine. Okay. It's total, total.


00:20:10:17 – 00:20:39:15


Bring on the yang energy. All right. So it's it's because, Aries is a fire sign. So planets change their gender, okay. When they move from zodiac sign to zodiac sign. Something to think about. But anyway, so, there's no, shared gender. Virgo is Earth, which is yin or feminine. Aries is masculine, which is yang, and so they don't they don't share that either.


00:20:39:15 – 00:21:04:21


So, so areas in Virgo are not the same mode. Aries and Virgo are not the same element and areas and Virgo are not the same gender. So the next thing that I like to do, because we have to describe an energy that brings them together and an energy that pulls them apart. Okay, because this is what a quincunx is going to do.


00:21:04:23 – 00:21:23:16


And what I like to do when I'm sort of looking at a chart, you know, just as a sort of exercise is take maybe like three if I'm feeling whatever four basic ideas, okay, I don't want to get into a long, you know, it could be this, it could be that I want to take 3 to 4 basic ideas.


00:21:23:16 – 00:21:49:01


I, I, I'm a Capricorn. I'm going to sign. Okay. We always want to keep things very simple and very structured. All right. But I want to make things very simple and basic. So if I take like three, maybe four simple ideas, I'm not going to start thesaurus izing my interpretation. And what I mean by, the same thing is like finding different ways to say, intense.


00:21:49:03 – 00:22:08:01


Yeah. It's just like, you know, intense. And no, it's like you want to find different words. You want to find different ideas. That's what's going to make an interpretation full, and that's what's going to give an interpretation dimension. So we look at these two zodiac signs Aries and Virgo. And we're like well what do they have in common.


00:22:08:03 – 00:22:22:08


And if I were teaching you a class I would be like, what? What do they have in common? And we would throw out words and we would discuss this and all sorts of things. But I'm on zoom, so I'm going to sort of like just fill in the ideas. All right. So so we look at Aries and we look at Virgo.


00:22:22:08 – 00:22:43:17


And what are two things that they have in common. For me, one of the things that strikes me as something that they have in common is the head. All right. Aries is the zodiac sign that rules the head. We're used to it with the horns. It's head strong and, you know, butts heads. Okay, so there's head, head strong, you know, head butting.


00:22:43:19 – 00:23:07:12


But then we go to Virgo and we think of the planet that rules Virgo, which is Mercury, which is very much cerebral. It's very in its head, you know, it's it's it's the way that you think is is Mercury. Mercury would describe the way that you think and the way that you communicate in an astrological chart. So here we have head, you know, with the idea of Aries.


00:23:07:12 – 00:23:32:08


Aries rules the head. And then we have head in terms of brains and thinking, which is Virgo. And we get there because of Virgos ruling planet Mercury. Right. So these are these are something that they have in common. Another, idea that I've seen, you know, just with working with charts, people born under, areas and Virgos through the years.


00:23:32:10 – 00:23:58:00


Is this idea of self-improvement? Self-improvement is something that's very important to Aries, and self-improvement is something that's very important to Virgo. Aries goes about self-improvement in terms of making itself better. All right. It's areas I like to describe as being, a coach sign. Okay. It's one of the signs of the father, and I always call Aries coach.


00:23:58:00 – 00:24:17:11


Dad. You know that people born in the Aries had this kind of coach. Dad, maybe you know, the the father who was like, that was a good job, you know? But you could do better. All right. So. So Aries is always this idea of, you know, if you if you meet a standard, well, then the bar should be raised because that's what's going to make you more excellent.


00:24:17:11 – 00:24:36:18


That's what's going to make you better. You know, it's the dad that's like, give me 25 push ups and you're like, you give, you know, after days or weeks, you know, you do 25 perfect push ups and you're like, okay, you know. And then the father's like, okay, now give me 50. Okay. So, so, so Aries is always raising the bar in terms of it's self-improvement.


00:24:36:20 – 00:24:54:15


You can always do better. All right. Is is really the Aries maxims. And it's the challenge of being the best person that you can be. And you're not going to be the best person that you can be if things come to you, or if you're complacent or you're comfortable in life, you're going to be the best person that you can be.


00:24:54:15 – 00:25:18:14


If you tackle challenges, if you make yourself reach further than you can initially reach, you know, so so Aries has that sort of gusto to it. What do you want? Tomorrow's road sign. So then we look at Virgo and Virgo. Self-improvement is really based on on on being smarter. All right. It's on you know, educating the mind, being smarter.


00:25:18:14 – 00:25:48:09


Like, you know, I could solve this problem. And what was there about my ability to solve this problem that I can apply to another problem or another issue. So Virgo is continually formulating, it's creating formulas and then it's improving that formula over and over and over again, usually through the mind. But it can also be things like, efficiency, economy, you know, getting at something faster, quicker, than you could before.


00:25:48:11 – 00:26:09:12


And by the way, that's another thing that, Aries and Virgo have in common is speed. They do things very, very quickly. Okay. So, but but Virgo's idea of self-improvement is Virgo will look at a situation, a problem, maybe even a piece of merchandise and say, how could this be made better? You know, how can I make this better?


00:26:09:15 – 00:26:34:21


So Virgo is always sort of working out in its head of like, okay, how do I make this television better? Or how do I make this method more efficient? How do I streamline? How how do I take a situation and, and and improve upon it by making it faster, more efficient, more economic, more serviceable? You know, which makes sense, because Virgo is, the zodiac sign of of service.


00:26:34:23 – 00:27:03:10


So do you see how these are ideas they have in common? But even on the way that I was describing the signs, the approaches are different. So let's go with with another idea helping, okay. The idea of helping Aries helping Virgo helping. Well, Aries helps by running to the rescue of people in trouble. Okay, if you're in trouble and you call out for help in areas is going to run to your rescue, they're going to, you know, climb the tree and get the cat down out of the tree.


00:27:03:10 – 00:27:26:04


They're going to run into the burning building and save the child. If you're like, oh, no, I need help. You know, it's that that that call for help. Aries I often like to describe as being the superhero of the Zodiac. They'll drop what they're doing and they'll fly to the rescue. Which puts Aries always in an interesting predicament, because Aries doesn't like people being weak.


00:27:26:04 – 00:27:49:10


You know, it's a mars ruled sign, so it has an aversion towards weakness. But if someone's in trouble, it can't help but be the shining Knight. It can't help it be Wonder Woman and fly to the rescue of that person. And so Aries will help you out of a critical situation or a very, difficult situation in a situation where you may feel helpless.


00:27:49:12 – 00:28:07:21


Okay, that doesn't mean you can turn to an Aries and be like, hi, I feel helpless with reaching for this, pen or or reaching for this can on a shelf. Can you help me? Areas will be like, get over it, help yourself. But, you know, if you're in a crisis, you're in trouble. You're on the brink of something.


00:28:07:23 – 00:28:29:13


Aries will rush and fly to your rescue. Virgo's relationship to self-improvement is I'm going to do it for you this one time, but I'm going to do it for you this one time to show you how you can do this for yourself. Okay? Virgo subscribes to the maxim if you give a man a fish he eats for a day.


00:28:29:16 – 00:28:47:13


But if you teach a man how to fish, then a man, then that man will eat forever. So Virgo's big maxim is self sufficiency. I'm. I'm going to do it for you this one time. But I want you to watch me, I don't know, dismantle this computer so that you can put this computer back together in the future.


00:28:47:13 – 00:29:09:22


I don't know, but actually they will they will do that. I'm going to show you, how to take this apart, put the pieces back together. That's how it works. Now we're going to take it apart again, and you're going to, put it back together, and I'm going to watch you do that. So. So Virgo is a natural teacher, which makes sense with Mercury being the ruling planet of Virgo, and it teaches people to be self-sufficient.


00:29:09:24 – 00:29:34:18


Another thing I said I was gonna link it to do three ideas. I think I'm on my fence or whatever here. Another thing that they have in common, which is not something that's always really sort of understood, is that both Aries and Virgo are heated signs. Okay, they get hot under the collar. Okay. I remember when I was first studying astrology, Virgo was supposed to be cool and aloof.


00:29:34:20 – 00:30:01:09


I've yet to meet a cool and aloof Virgo. Okay, they may, you know, come across that way. Or maybe with a cultivated disinterest or something like that. But because astrology, comes out of the northern hemisphere, astrology, is very much linked to the seasons as we experience them in the northern hemisphere. Aries is is fire. Okay, that's that's a heated element.


00:30:01:11 – 00:30:26:19


It's spring. It gets the year going. It comes at the beginning of our agricultural year here in the Northern hemisphere. So there's a heated quality to to Aries, but there's also a heated quality to Virgo. Virgo is a sign that's really at the heat of summer. It's just following the heat of summer. And so there can be a heated, maybe even short, peevish, impatient, quality to Virgo.


00:30:26:21 – 00:30:47:03


And that I scry. I ascribe to the time of year, you know, of Virgo, which is more often not a very hot time of year and month in which we're kind of like over the summer and just like, bring on the fall already. You know, this is, and so there can be that heated quality that both sides have as, as well.


00:30:47:05 – 00:31:10:13


Virgo isn't always as composed and put together as, the astrological textbooks, will broadcast. They can have real tempers and they can lose it. And there can be a kind of peevish quality. And that comes from a kind of like heated, you know, prickly quality can be part of Virgo as well. So these are the things that these signs have in common.


00:31:10:15 – 00:31:38:11


But, they go about these behaviors differently or let's talk about the differences okay. And these are differences that aren't okay. I'm not going to get ahead of myself. Let's talk about the differences. I want to take this idea because I want to bring in mixing the oppositional to the training energy. Okay. We talk what I brought before, what they have in common is kind of what would come out of a training energy.


00:31:38:11 – 00:32:06:16


Now we're going to bring what they don't have in common. And what they often don't have in common is their approach to things, and their behavior with Aries. With Aries, you get urgency. Okay, that's that's a word that I like to use a lot with. With Aries, it's the first sign of the zodiac because it's associated with the spring equinox, and it gets things up and going, you know, and if you know the spring, all of a sudden things are bursting with life.


00:32:06:16 – 00:32:42:05


You know, there are buds on the tree and and things are popping up through the ground and, and, and and this is wonderful. But if you garden, you'll notice there's also an urgency about it because the weeds are popping up just as quickly, you know, and so the, the plants that you like and the weeds that you don't are in competition immediately for grant, for ground, for Earth, you know, and so there's a kind of land grab that takes place between them, you know, your, your favorite flowers may be sort of slowly puree, picking up and, and, and fresh green sprouts and the weeds are just like, you know, taking up as much territory


00:32:42:05 – 00:33:00:01


as I can. So, so there's this, this urgency to to live and to take up as much as ground, take over as much ground as you possibly can. There's also an urgency to plants in spring, because you don't know if there's going to be a frost that's going to descend and kill everything that just, you know, started to live.


00:33:00:01 – 00:33:22:23


So, so with with Aries, it's kind of like those wild animals where they drop out, they drop down out of their mother, you know, onto the ground like like giraffes or elephants or antelopes. And they have to sort of get up immediately and, and get their bearing. You know, there's no like, incubation, nurturing period. It's like they drop onto the ground and they have to get up on their feet because guess what?


00:33:23:02 – 00:33:46:23


The predators are looking at them. They're like, that looks like a juicy baby. Zebra. You know. So so there's this urgency to areas you have to get up and going and take as much ground as possible and defend and whatever. Virgo's approach is methodical. Okay. So Virgo is going to take a more studied approach. Now, that doesn't always mean that Virgo is going to be.


00:33:47:00 – 00:34:07:10


Let me think about this and go through the clues. Virgo can be very quickly with like, you know, like a Rubik's Cube champion. You know, where they click, you know, try and try to try to come up with what the what what the, proper order of the cube will be. You know, Virgos aren't slow. They can actually be, they're actually extremely fast.


00:34:07:12 – 00:34:30:09


And they'll try out all these ideas at the same time. But there's a methodology to it. Okay? It's like, I'm going to try this combination. I'm going to try that combination. I'm going to try this combination. I'm going to reverse. What did I miss? This is what I found. Here's my discovery. And it's done okay. So so there's a methodical or an even racing through the different variations on a theme that you can have with Virgo.


00:34:30:11 – 00:35:00:02


Think of a pianist, you know, practicing the piano over and over and over again. A pianist practices over and over and over again to perfect. You know, Virgos are often called perfectionists, but I like to change perfect from a subject to a verb. And you can even hear the difference. Perfect versus perfect. Virgo twins are perfecting all of the time, so areas can have almost sort of a headstrong urgency about something.


00:35:00:04 – 00:35:20:23


And Virgos can be as fast, but there's a methodical, process that's taking place at the same time where they're very quickly going through all the different possible combinations. Another difference between the two, signs is Aries can be very straightforward. You know, it's kind of like, this is what it is. This is what I feel. This is my opinion.


00:35:21:00 – 00:35:44:03


Deal with it, you know, and Virgo can be more analytical, you know, Virgo, can be more like, this is this is an ideal. Why do we think this is a good idea? Let's question it. What's a let's examine it. Let's see. You know what the pros and cons are of this? So, you know, Aries is like, pros and cons.


00:35:44:03 – 00:36:05:02


Just do it, you know, wants to take action. It's driven by that urgency. And Virgos like, no, we need to see, we need to see what's workable about the situation, what could be potentially valuable about the situation. It's a great idea, but we need contingency plans or we need backup, or we need to anticipate where things could run afoul or run aground.


00:36:05:04 – 00:36:27:18


So again, you can sort of hear that the there's a difference in the thinking, you know, that Aries is more apt to want to take on an obstacle and a difficulty and a challenge, and Virgo is more apt to sort of like see a difficulty or challenge as a problem, a problem that needs to be solved. And so explore, experimented with and and analyzed.


00:36:27:20 – 00:37:08:15


Another example would be risky versus safe. You know, and this is something that really does sort of divide the two signs. Aries is very into risk taking. All fire signs to some extent are in the risk taking. And, that comes from a supreme belief, in themselves and in the destiny of their lives and that, you know, they have this feeling of it can be, impulse or it can be zeal, or it can be passion or enthusiasm, you know, but, you know, there's this feeling of, I'm going to take this risk.


00:37:08:15 – 00:37:26:22


You know, if we don't take this risk, we're going to hang back and we're going to, you know, we're going to we're going to rue the day that we didn't do it and have a life full of regret and, you know, to hell with that. I'm a fire sign. I'm jumping on it. Okay. So because I'll just figure it out as, as I go, you know, this is that fire always moving towards the future.


00:37:26:22 – 00:37:54:18


Fire signs are always moving towards the future. They're they're very much about sensation and very much about arousal in terms of their energy. And Virgos. Virgos are more safe. They don't really like danger. They don't believe in putting things at risk. And part of, good solution or good answer is making it impregnable in some way, something that can't really be countered.


00:37:54:20 – 00:38:18:15


Or if it is, then as a Virgo, you're ready with a counter argument or an alternative for okay, let's forget that we could try this. So Virgo, it isn't safe in a solitary or stagnant way. It's safe because Virgos have a prized what could go wrong. They've worked out the contingencies. And so and they believe that the best way of getting from here to there is the safe route.


00:38:18:17 – 00:38:46:19


Because you may have to return from there back to back to here. So what's going on here is that the signs recognize in one another similarities. But the similarity is are not the same. What's wrong here is that the signs recognize two very different ways of approaching something. But they're not so different as to be irreconcilable. Okay.


00:38:46:21 – 00:39:11:14


And so what happens when planets are in quincunx with one another is that they feel that they could come together if they tried and they try, you know, the Virgo tries to match, you know, the, the, the Aries. There's an instinct to do that. They're they're following two signs at Trine. They try to find a fit, but they don't find the fit.


00:39:11:16 – 00:39:27:09


There's something that, you know, I don't know if you ever played with magnets as a kid. Personally, I don't know why I was playing with magnets as a kid, but anyway, I played with magnets as a kid, and there would be certain magnets that clicked, you know, they came together and certain magnets that would almost like, repel one another.


00:39:27:09 – 00:39:47:08


And then they would find a weird way of clicking. That's a quincunx. Okay. There's this repel warping type of energy. And so one can feel like, okay, we don't we're not simpatico, we don't click. So let's not try. You know, to be together in a relationship or an association or to understand one another, it's just not going to work.


00:39:47:10 – 00:40:09:17


And so both sides will leave the encounter with one another feeling very frustrated, annoyed and angry and blaming the other side. Maybe. But yet they can't give up trying. Okay, so so you can be like, this person gets on my nerves. We don't communicate. I don't want anything to do with this person. And then maybe a few hours later or a couple of days later, you're like, well, let's try again.


00:40:09:17 – 00:40:28:17


I mean, the person is a good person. And, you know, I do have to work with them. And let's try it one more time, you know? And so you try to find that fit, but you still don't find the fit. So. So what happens with, signs that quincunx or planets and signs at quincunx, they're continually looking for fit and they're not finding it.


00:40:28:23 – 00:40:53:04


And so it becomes this, this frustration. Now I'm going to talk very quickly about Scorpio because this is in service to illustrating a yod. Scorpio is the zodiac sign that follows Libra which opposes Aries. And it comes before Sagittarius, which is going to trine areas. So Scorpio forms a quincunx to Aries again. Aries is cardinal. Scorpios fixed.


00:40:53:04 – 00:41:14:09


They don't share mode. Aries is fire. Scorpio is water. They don't share an element. Aries is gang or masculine. Scorpio is yin or feminine. They don't share a gender. So what do they have in common? Well, they're both ruled by Mars. All right, so neither of them are strangers to difficulty and to struggle. They both know what that's like.


00:41:14:09 – 00:41:35:15


That's something that they have in common. And there might even be a pride about difficulty or struggle. Another thing that they have in common, just let's go with the Mars idea is anger. You know, both both zodiac signs have no problem getting angry. These are not two signs in which you are kind of like, I wonder if they're mad at me or not.


00:41:35:15 – 00:42:01:17


You know, that's about it, you know? Okay, so these are two signs that have no problem getting angry and, Oh, let's throw in something up. Sex. Okay. Right. Aries, is a very sexy, you know, sign, and Scorpio is a very sexy sign, so let's throw that on in common. Again, but let's look at how they go about things that are in a in a very different way.


00:42:01:19 – 00:42:32:22


Let's take I love that word for Aries. Right. Urgency. Let's take urgency. And I think a word that's always showing up with Scorpio is intensity. Intensity. So urgency I want you to think about urgency. And I want you to think about the word intensity. Are they the same idea. And this is what I love about quincunx is they aren't the same idea, but there's something similar, but they're not the same idea.


00:42:33:03 – 00:42:57:14


Okay. Stay with that. They're they're similar. But but no it's I just did I just demonstrated quincunx for you okay. That's quincunx that they are. No. But the kind of no that's quincunx okay. So urgency versus intensity. We talked about Aries an urgency. I need to do it now. Scorpio is intensity, and it can fixate on a moment.


00:42:57:16 – 00:43:28:18


Okay. Aries is burning in the moment. It has to be done. Now, that's a very urgent moment. Scorpio is like, I'm going to freeze this moment in my hypnotic gaze or stare or focus. Okay? And Scorpio is intense. There's a concentrated emotional energy to Scorpio and it's interactions and it's Mars. Okay, so so Scorpio. Scorpio doesn't break eye contact as Scorpio locks eyes with you.


00:43:28:18 – 00:43:49:24


It will keep looking at you even though you look away. You know Scorpio will wait for you to look away. And when you look back up, it's still looking at you. Okay, so there's an intensity, there's a focus to a Scorpio. It's not like Aries, it's Scorpio. Okay. Two other ideas that they have in common, but they're different areas.


00:43:49:24 – 00:44:21:22


Mars willpower okay, I want my way. I'm you know, this is my willpower. And and I'm going to flex my muscles and flex my willfulness and get what I want. Obsession. Is obsession the same as willpower? Oh, there's a kind of willful ness to obsession. But, the stakes in an obsession are much higher than willpower. Okay.


00:44:21:24 – 00:44:43:21


And that's because with Scorpio being a mars and a Pluto ruled sign, everything is for life or death stakes. Okay, make or break. That's that's the Scorpio. Goes at things with their lives depend on it. All right. So so so the willpower could be willful. You know, I'm going to rise to this challenge and master it, which is very Aries.


00:44:43:23 – 00:45:19:12


And Scorpios fixation with obsession. Obsession is getting fixated on something that more often than not, you can't have and you're not going to get it. And this is something that Scorpios know. You can become obsessed with someone and never meet them. You could become obsessed with someone, but they end up being sort of disappointing because what you were obsessed with was, you know, something more, and you don't feel like that person has met that potential or is really living that full life, or that idea that you had of them that you were obsessed with.


00:45:19:14 – 00:45:44:10


So obsession really always begs the question, if you think you can't live without it, the answer is you can. And that's the great dilemma of Scorpio, because they know that they can get to this place where they can't live without something, and they have to get to the realization that they can live without it. And boy, is that an infernal struggle, that it's so hard to say that.


00:45:44:12 – 00:46:20:16


All right. But willpower and obsession, they're sort of similar, but they're very different. And then, let's go with the idea of sex. Sex for Aries. It's a fire sign, you know? So it's athletic, it's physical and sexual. You know, it's it's sex, you know? So Aries can have a very athletic, robust sense of sex and sexuality and, and it's very fiery and of the moment and, you know, afterwards, you know, you're wiping off the sweat and, you know, and just.


00:46:20:18 – 00:46:46:03


That was great. Let's go. Let's go get a protein drink or something like that, I don't know. But anyway, it's, you know, it's very, carnal and it's very athletic. For Scorpio, sex is incredibly intimate. It can also be a bit taboo, you know, or at least Scorpio has the reputation for that. But Scorpio sees sex as being very intimate.


00:46:46:03 – 00:47:13:16


I always find it fascinating that, like, everyone's like, Scorpio, ooh, sex, you know? And then they're like, you know, scary. And it's like, why exactly? I mean, but but there's an intimacy. There's an intense intimacy about sex. For Scorpio, which does not kill the promiscuous, or anything. Now, Scorpios can be promiscuous and Aries can be incredibly like, you know, into that.


00:47:13:17 – 00:47:39:21


They can be, you know, very monogamous too. But but with Scorpio, there's a kind of monogamous quality when they when they have found that, that that sex bond, that sex union with someone because this is opening up the soul of another person. You know, it's not just physical, it's, it's it's opening up the soul and going to the depths of the soul and, and places, places that only a Scorpio can go.


00:47:40:01 – 00:48:10:11


But, you know, that, that, that, that connection. It's intimate. And for, for Scorpio, I would say that sex is sacred, you know, it's sacred. It's something that involves a sacred trust, a sacred intimacy, a sacred bond. So sex shows up in both times, but in two very different ways. Again, these are ideas in which, you know, the Scorpio and the Aries aren't really going to come together.


00:48:10:11 – 00:48:34:01


You know, Scorpio, as far as an Aries is concerned, is too heavy, too too emotional, too, too heavy, too unmoving, you know? And an Aries, as far as the Scorpio is concerned is like, wow, that can be hot. They're great. But, you know, they're they're there to, naive. They're to, quick in and out. They don't have longevity to them.


00:48:34:07 – 00:49:01:22


So there's, there's a, there's a camaraderie. They, they share Mars but not really something that, that can stand as and hold as a bond. Unless you of course, you've got other planets and different signs that are redirecting or fortifying that energy. So queen cancers are like wrinkles in a horoscope. All right. Think of a wrinkled shirt. You ironed it, or you try to smooth out the wrinkle and it never leaves.


00:49:01:23 – 00:49:26:01


Okay, that's a quincunx. Okay. The wrinkle never goes, the more you try to smooth it out or integrated or make a place for it, it's just not going to do that. So it creates great frustration and discomfort. Quincunx is show up a lot in patterns and relationships or patterns and work situations, patterns that I call almost like near misses.


00:49:26:03 – 00:49:48:06


But you can't really leave it either. This. This is something in which understanding a quincunx is going to be very helpful. Finally, the last note I want to make, about a quincunx before I put it, put them together into a yod is that quincunx is are something that I've seen artists and athletes work with really, really well.


00:49:48:12 – 00:50:18:20


Okay, quincunx is resist integration. They resist relationship. They're they're non relationship. They're struggling to find a relationship but they're never going to find it. And that's something you have to understand about a quincunx. It will never be resolved. It will never be relatable. They'll never relate to one another. The reason why I say artists and athletes and some scientists actually get this is because a quincunx, in order to really work with a quincunx, it's it's it's a verb, it's an active aspect.


00:50:18:20 – 00:50:43:16


It's not a state or a resolution or goal that you get to, it always pulls back into the wrinkle. What artists and athletes understand is work in progress. Okay. An artist can create something, you know, they can write a song. Maybe it's a hit, maybe it's not. If it's a hit, that's great. Oh my God. But now that it's a hit, how am I going to make another one?


00:50:43:16 – 00:51:09:03


Angst. Anxiety. Quincunx. You know, it's it's it's it's it's a work in progress. You never write the perfect song or the last song, or an athlete. You know, as long as you're a performing athlete, you never get the perfect game, the perfect match, the perfect win. It's ongoing. If you're a scientist or of a certain type of scientific mind, you never stop experimenting.


00:51:09:03 – 00:51:30:13


You never stop discovering. You know, sometimes you can have moments of of inspiration and ecstasy, and sometimes you can have moments of like, oh, it's all wrong and agony and you want to rip up everything. This is what a quincunx energy will bring out. And so with temperaments in which people understand to work in progress and they have quincunx, it's understandable.


00:51:30:15 – 00:52:03:17


Now I have to sort of wrap this up. The two planets, the two zodiac signs that quincunx. Aries. Right. Let's say we've got Saturn and, Saturn, Virgo, Mars and every, Saturn, Virgo, sun and Aries. Let's throw Jupiter and and Scorpio. All right. That Scorpio energy is quincunx. The Aries that Virgo energy is quincunx the Aries.


00:52:03:19 – 00:52:25:22


But if you look, you'll see that they're forming a triangle to one another. But this isn't the triangle that we saw with the trine. Like, remember when I was talking about 1220 and 1240? You know, you see this equilateral, this lovely equilateral triangle there? You know, that's what a trine is. All the, all the, each side is the equal, the other side with a yard.


00:52:25:22 – 00:52:51:21


What happens is that you get an isosceles triangle okay. So you get these, you get these two long sides. Alongside that joins Aries to Scorpio alongside that joins areas to Virgo. But then this little bottom side that that joins Virgo to Scorpio. I'm sure I could have put that mathematically more, precise, but what can I say.


00:52:51:23 – 00:53:24:24


So, so this creates an isosceles triangle. So when you've got planets in yard and again remember that the orbs are going to be 2 to 3 degrees. So it has to be very strict when you have planets forming a yard. The intensity of that energy goes to the, sign that's at the apex of the yod. So in other words, the Scorpio and the Virgo are being directed to the Aries.


00:53:24:24 – 00:53:56:01


Okay. The Aries is at the apex of the isosceles triangle, so it's getting all of the intensity. So. So if Aries was urgent before, it becomes a hundred times more urgent if it's at the apex of an isosceles triangle or if it's at the apex of a yod. But also happens is that Virgo and Scorpio, if they're joined in a god sextile one another, okay, they have a relationship with one another.


00:53:56:01 – 00:54:23:04


All right. So so where Virgo had no relationship to areas and and Scorpio had no relationship to Aries, all of a sudden by sextile Virgo and Scorpio have a relationship with one another. So not only is Aries the object of constant creation of focused energy from the Virgo and the Scorpio, but there's kind of a feeling with the areas that the Virgo and the Scorpio are ganging up on it.


00:54:23:08 – 00:54:43:23


Okay, because they understand one another. You know, they're kind of like classmates are like, yeah, right. You know, so so there can be that. So where does this idea of, you know, fate, you know, or the finger of God? Gods are also called the finger of God. I've learned working with the odds that it is the finger of God.


00:54:43:23 – 00:55:16:15


But you have to figure out if the finger of God is pointing the way, or if the finger of God is flipping you off. Okay, that's the thing. You have to figure out about your yod. As I said, it's not a grand trine with equilateral sides where the planets are all supporting one another. What it is is that the energy is really focused on the apex of the yod, which is the Aries, when we're talking about, for instance, for, Scorpio.


00:55:16:17 – 00:55:43:11


So my feeling is that that fated quality, you know, because I was just like, okay, well, what makes this fated? And then it began to realize, well, Christopher, the whole architecture of the God makes it fated. Now, if the two signs that aren't at the apex of the isosceles triangle, you know, Virgo and Scorpio, are they having a feeling of being fated?


00:55:43:13 – 00:56:06:03


Not at all. They're in sextile to one another. Okay, the point that's feeling fated is the Aries. Okay. And when you think about all the stuff that I just described to you about quincunx is it's a yard is basically to quincunx is and what completes it is that to do quincunx is join one another. Virgo sextile Scorpio.


00:56:06:05 – 00:56:33:16


Think about what fate is a feeling that you're you've been singled out, a feeling that you're special, a feeling like you're maybe being called to something great and purposeful. But what else can fate be? A feeling that you're stuck in a pattern. You know that. That there's been a script or a pattern set in motion before you arrived on this planet, and you have no question but to play it out.


00:56:33:18 – 00:56:59:09


Quincunx is are about those patterns that repeat that that over and over and over, and they never resolve. They never play out. So, so of course, a zodiac sign at the apex of an isosceles triangle and a zodiac sign at the apex of a god is going to feel like it's involved in a series of patterns that are playing out over and over and over again, and can't do anything to avert, to stop, to change it.


00:56:59:11 – 00:57:23:20


What's another thing that we think about with fate? On a on a on a dark day, you know, when we're not feeling so good about fate, when we're feeling more fated than fate, right? Thwarting or being thwarted by fate, you know, what is it about my fate that's thwarting me at every direction I choose to go? I'm being prevented from doing this, you know?


00:57:23:22 – 00:57:40:22


So you can have a feeling of fate that I was fated to be like this. This is who I am. I can't change it. You can have a feeling. The fate of. I'm thwarted by fate. Why is it that the gods have risen me up. Only to dash my hopes and destroy me on the rocks below?


00:57:40:24 – 00:58:05:01


There can be a feeling of, What? What is it about my love? Like my professional life? You know, my my my my inner state of being where I just keep playing this pattern out like Groundhog Day again and again and again. And I keep arriving at this, like, frustrating. This, this broken, this, this totally unsatisfying place. So this is yod energy.


00:58:05:01 – 00:58:23:17


It's not just the good things that we want to think about with fate. It's history repeating itself. It's a sense on a on a day when you're not feeling really great about your life, that you've been cursed. You know, if you feel, if you feel fate, you can feel blessed by fate. And then you can feel cursed by fate.


00:58:23:19 – 00:59:00:09


And this, to me, really picks up the character of the two. Quincunx is operating in the yard. You know of how this is going to play out. And of course, it's not about like, what's your choice going to be in life? Or how do you break the cycle? No, it's about understanding the dynamics of the quincunx. And working with the quincunx is as a as a work in progress, you know, so that you can direct the energy you may end up in a weirdo place, a place that has nothing to do with what you originally envisioned.


00:59:00:11 – 00:59:19:09


But that can be fate. Two you know, I was lost, I was meandering, I didn't know where I was going in my life. And then all of a sudden I came across this burning bush, or all of a sudden something spoke to me in this tree, or all of a sudden, you know, the birds formed a pattern in the sky, and I could see what it was.


00:59:19:11 – 00:59:46:21


All of a sudden there's a sword in the stone, and maybe I should try pulling it out. Oh, comes out. What's that mean? Okay, so. So there is, there is a meandering quality to fate, a feeling of discovery, of, of having come upon something. These are the things that I feel really appear in the yod. But in order to understand the yod, you have to understand the two quincunx is that make it up.


00:59:46:23 – 01:00:06:01


So what I would strongly encourage you to do at home is to go through your chart. Maybe you've got planets that are in specific orbs and form that yod to one another, a quincunx to one another. Work with some of the ideas that I gave you. And and get to know your chart in a new and very different way.


01:00:06:03 – 01:00:18:08


And, and in a way that even though it's not going to resolve flaws in the way that you want it to, it may it may just take you to a place that's even better.


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