Virgo New Moon

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What to expect from the Virgo New Moon

In this Weekly Horoscope by the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Jamie Magee reviews your Weekly Astrology Themes by Zodiac Sign.

Star Sign Horoscopes is a weekly podcast for astrology enthusiasts looking to stay up-to-date with the latest celestial events. Hosted by experienced astrologer Jamie Magee, the show provides insights into the astrological events of the week and how they may impact your life. In each episode, Jamie offers guidance on how to navigate the cosmic energies, highlighting important planetary alignments and sharing practical tips on how to make the most of them.

On Today’s Episode You’ll learn…

🌔 How the Virgo new moon invites you to scrutinize the finer details in your life, fostering small yet impactful changes that are primed to occur.

🌕 The synergistic influence of the sun in trine with Jupiter, ushering in a period of grounded growth and encouraging you to ponder on the positive transformations you wish to manifest in your life.

🌖 The potent energies surrounding the Virgo new moon, a perfect time to introspect and align your actions with your deeper desires, setting the stage for personal growth and fulfillment.

🌟 Explore the mysteries of the stars with Astrologer Connect, your premier source for quality astrology readings.

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Astrology Readings


Hi there astrology lovers. Welcome to Star Sign Horoscopes. I'm your astrologer, Jamie McGee. And today we're going to be taking a look at the astrology for the week of September 8th through the 14th. I hope you're having a great day. Thank you for spending some of it with me. All right. So happy new moon week.

Now, this is a week where you will have the opportunity to take a fresh look at an area of your life that is really primed for some change. And because this is a Virgo moon, it's likely that these changes will be small, something in the details, but they will make a massive impact on your life. Once you dial into those changes.

Now added to this new moon energy, we have the sun in trine with Jupiter. Now this energy supports a flowing yet grounded period of growth. The question is, what do you want to bring into your life? And what are you willing to do to make that possible? Definitely sit with that thought as we get ready to dive in.

Before we dive in, I did want to mention a Virgo new moon makes this a perfect time for you. If you have not already signed [00:01:00] up to check out astrology hubs, health, wealth, and fulfillment workshop series. This is taught by Judith Hill, Michael Bryant, and Georgia Stathis. Three of my favorites across three weeks.

These are three legends and three chart reading techniques are going to really help you unlock your highest potential. Now, you can find out more about this workshop series and grab your link and sign up and meet me there underneath this podcast. I can't wait to see you on that side.

Please remember to listen to your sun sign and your rising sign to get a better overall view. And as always, if you'd like to go deeper, look at your one of a kind natal chart. I encourage you to check out astrology hubs platform astrologer connect. And Now you can learn more about this amazing platform at forward slash connect. That link is below and you can find a book with me directly at astrologyhub. com forward slash Jamie connect. That link is also below. All right, with all that being said, let's get ready to dive in to this week's forecast.

Virgo- Thinking & Dreaming Big

Hey Virgo, let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know if you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

This question should really help you dial into your top focuses this week, which are one self expression, two partnerships, and three new directions. Now let's talk about why now this is your new moon Virgo. It is in your sign, making this the perfect time to set short and long term goals that impact every corner of your life with an added emphasis on that self expression and who you partner with and how you communicate with others.

The question is what needs to change here so you can feel both connected and independent when you're with others. Keep in mind that it's often the littlest changes that you can make. They're going to make a huge difference in your life, but you know that. You're a Virgo. Now, this is also a great time to be very grounded and focus on what you are attracting into your life and how you can or would want to change that.

Now, another energy that we're working with this [00:03:00] week for you is a big opportunity around growth or exploring, or those new, that new direction that you would want to go in. This could have to do with learning, teaching, or expressing your voice to a larger audience. This energy definitely invites you to think and dream big.

And I think once you do that, you're going to find a beautiful breakthrough, something that's been right there in your field for a while, but you've just been nudging against it. But once you really embrace the idea and say, this is where I want to go. And this is why I think you're going to see all the connections that you need.

Perfect timing in the perfect place. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.

Libra- Finding Bliss Within

Hi, Libra. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know on a scale of one to 10, how much do you love your daily ritual? This should help you dial into your top three focuses this week, which are one mind and body to daily ritual and three ending to begin.

Now let's talk about why now this week's new [00:04:00] moon is in a private, but very important part of your life. And the invitation is for you to find bliss within so that you can feel balanced. And your day to day rituals are possibly in what you do for others, the service that you do day in and day out. Now, a good practice to have this week would be to identify what you were ready to release so that you can begin freshly again.

Now you may find that you are well supported when it comes to deeply transformational topics or actions. So. changing within so you can change without asking for financial support. All of those things are well benefited for you right now. You have a lot of favor when you seek those solutions. And I do think that this solution could easily come from an unexpected idea or partnership.

This connection is likely one that you have already encountered, but now that some of your circumstances are there, their circumstances have adjusted. The connection seems more possible and likely to help both of you be more successful. So be on the lookout for those. I do hope you have a great week Libra.

I look forward to seeing you next time.[00:05:00]

Scorpio- Supporting Your Passions

Hi, Scorpio. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know on a scale of one to 10, how creative are you feeling right now? This answer should help you dial into your top focuses this week, which are one, your allies, two, passions, and three, your partnerships.

Now let's talk about why. Now this is the perfect week for you to set intentions that support your passions and how you share them. Definitely take some time to consider what allies you have in your corner. Are they on the same path as you? Do you feel well supported or hindered by your connections?

These are some pretty deep questions that you'll want to sit with. Now, adding to this week's energy is a nice flow in your one to one partnerships or connections. Now you could have an unexpected connection that proves to be very beneficial in the short term and long term, or an opportunity possibly would come up to connect with several new clients that lead you to new allies or a positive local [00:06:00] environment that you can build on for years to come.

All of the possibilities are there, Scorpio. You just have to lean in. I hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.

Sagittarius- Looking for Solutions

Hi Sagittarius. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know what are you most grateful for right now in your life? Might be hard to pick.

This answer should really help you dial into your top three right now this week, which are one, your career, two, your home and work life balance, and three, your daily rituals. Now, let's talk about why now, in some way, you may feel like you have reached the summit of a goal that you have been working on.

And now that you have arrived, it's time to set up camp and ensure that your home and your work life balance is in check. Having harmony at your is Always the key for lasting excess, take some time to think about what goals you can set to support your short and long term plans that you have from the [00:07:00] viewpoint that you now have.

Finding solutions in your day to day rituals as well as the work you do for others is very likely and favored. Look for solutions that are hidden in plain sight. Tapping into these options should feel really grounded As if they've always been there and they have a long term potential. If they don't feel that way, kind of look for the next one.

Where do you want to be in 10 years? That's a question you want to walk with. And who do you want at your side? I think once you dial into that kind of energy, you are going to be set up for success as you move through this week and the weeks to come. I do hope you have a good one. I look forward to seeing you next time

Capricorn- Keeping Your Eyes Open

at Capricorn.

Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, what do you love most about your daily routine? This should really help you dial into your top three this week, which are one new directions to communication and three passions. Now let's talk about why now this week's new moon may not feel all that [00:08:00] noticeable at first, but I assure you that it will offer a pathway to a big win in your local environment.

Or a new way to communicate, learn, and share with others. The question is, what do you want to say and to who? Or what do you want to learn or explore? It seems like a simple question, but once you sit with it, you will easily pick up on the depth and the possibilities hidden in plain sight. Your passions, including your entrepreneurships will also have a nice flow of energy this week.

There is a big opportunity that you may not have counted on in the recent past, but once you dial into what this is, you will clearly see the empire that you can build on. Once you really make this connection solid, keep your eyes open and stay curious. There's so much magic all around you.

I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.

Aquarius- Leaning into Change

Hi, Aquarius. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know what is the most valuable thing [00:09:00] in your life right now. Can you name it? This answer should really help you dial into your top three this week, which are one, transitions, two, wealth, and three, your roots.

Now let's talk about why. Now, your wealth and the wealth that you share with others will be a theme in the coming weeks. Now is a great time to reflect on who you share your resources with and how this is working for you or against you, as well as what's ready to grow and or begin so that you feel more supported.

Now, taking the time to ponder these questions will help you see how little changes can lead to lasting benefits. Now adding to this week is an easy flow, a brilliant energy at your roots, near your foundations or your home. A shift in perspective here could help you find the perfect obvious and not so obvious foundational assets that you have, though.

It's not always easy for you. Try to lean into the change that's inviting you in. Now that's where you're going to find the magic. I hope you have a great one. Aquarius. I look forward to seeing you next time.

Pisces- Honoring Who You Are

Hi Pisces. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know on a scale of one to 10, how happy are you and your partnerships right now?

This answer should really help you dial into your top three, which are one partnerships to self expression and three local vibes. Now let's talk about why now this week's new moon is going to be a focal point for you. And though you're going to sense this energy and the full moon energy in a few weeks in all areas, I think you're going to really notice this more.

So In your partnerships and your self expression, that's where you have the most opportunity for change and growth. Now, the question is, what kind of partners do you want? This could be anything from clients, friends, open enemies, romantic, long term committed relationships. Now, the next question is, how can you ensure that who you are at a soul deep level is never compromised in your relationships?

Considering these points will help you set up powerful intentions that you can build on for years to come. Now, adding to this [00:11:00] feeling is a fresh new start or a fresh new energy, even an electric flow is what I would call it. And your daily flow and how you communicate and who you communicate with each day.

Now I really want you to look for some big breakthrough ideas that can help you highlight your voice and express yourself one to one and in groups. That energy that's going to really amplify who you are and the dream that you carry. I think once you look for it, you'll find it. I do hope you have a great week.

I look forward to seeing you next time.

Aries- Making Small Changes

Hi Aries, let's take a look at your week. Now before we do, I would love to know, on a scale of 1 to 10, How happy are you right now? This should really help you dial into your top three this week, which are one, your rituals, two resources, and three mind and body balance.

Now let's talk about why now this week's new moon is offering you a clean slate when it comes to your daily habits, your rituals, the work you do. Now, the question that you want to walk with as you're setting intentions is what are you doing [00:12:00] to support or challenge your health and your wealth day in and day out?

Definitely take a moment early this week. to notice the details of your rituals. What little things can you change to enhance your overall experience and can really set you up for success? Now your values, your resources, your self esteem is also a really hot topic for you this week. I want you to take some time to notice what is working well for you and then consider ways that you can lean into this energy And grow those opportunities in a very grounded and practical way.

Now, one thing you may find this week is that less is more. It's definitely all about the details. Take your time and really build on what would make you feel happy day in and day out. I hope you have a great one. I look forward to seeing you next time.

Taurus- Noticing the Details

Hi, Taurus. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know how much time do you spend doing what you love each and every week?[00:13:00]

Now, this question and this reflection should really help you dial into your top three, which are one, self expression, two, passions, and three, a new perspective. Now, let's talk about why now this week, I think it's going to have a good flow for you, Taurus. Now you're not the biggest fan of change. That's no secret, but you do enjoy working with transitions and shifts when it's on your timing and on your terms, especially if it's your idea.

And this week makes that possible. It makes it possible for you to notice what adjustments that you can make and how you can make it. And it's all about the details. So make it a point to notice the little things in everything you do. This will help you make adjustments with a lot of grace and ease. Now also note that this week's new moon is going to highlight what you are passionate about setting goals to support what feeds your soul and feels your heart is highly recommended.

This will automatically attract the support systems and allies that you need to help make your dreams very possible. I hope you have a great one. I look forward to seeing you next time.

Gemini- Setting a New Foundation


Hi, Gemini. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know how organized do you think your home life is right now on a scale of one to ten?

Now, this answer should really help you dial into your top three, which is one, ending to begin, two, foundations, and three, your home and work life balance. Now, let's talk about why now this week, you may notice that you'd rather stay close to home. The details are loose ends at your roots are starting to crowd you, and they need a little bit of your attention.

Now, the good news is that you are well supported in finding ways to let go of what is no longer serving you and set a foundation that supports growth for the new themes that are starting to come into your life. Now in this process, make it a point to set intentions that support those foundations that support your home.

Doing so will help you thrive in all areas of your life, but especially when it comes to your reputation, your purpose, and your career, I do hope you have a great week, Gemini. I look forward to seeing [00:15:00] you next time.

Cancer- Setting Goals


Hi, Cancer. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, do you feel seen in your life?

This question, this reflection should really help you dial into your top three this week, which are one, local vibes, two, your dreams, and three, the allies that you have. Now let's talk about why. Now, communication has had its challenges for you recently, Cancer. Now, I would also tell you that the good thing to remember in situations like this is that often every complication is actually a blessing in disguise.

And the one that has your focus now is really helping you to see the missing details in your daily rhythm. Now, this may be the task or habits that you have or how you communicate with others. One to one, and even in big groups, make it a point to set goals with this new moon that we have that will help you smooth out your rituals.

Take out any complications that stress your day and [00:16:00] ensure that what you say is received in a way that you intended for it to be received. This will help you expand your horizons rather quickly, reach new crowds, new audiences, and also help you find some new connections that have that same dream that you have and can really set you up for success.

They're on your vibration. Definitely finding new connections or having fun with social groups that are already established is favored for you. That's, that's the really good news. Look for ways to settle in to the growth and the breakthroughs that you've had when it comes to these connections. This across this year, this is going to help you prepare for another season of change and growth.

That's just around the corner. I do hope you have a good one cancer. I look forward to seeing you next time.

Leo- Enhancing Your Skillset


Hi, Leo. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know on a scale of one to 10, how strong do you feel your ability to attract your desires is 10 being very strong. All right.

I think that question is going to really help you dial [00:17:00] into your top three this week, which are one, your values to self esteem and three, your reputation. Now let's talk about why now in the recent months, you may have experienced a surge of growth and breakthroughs that were not always easy for you to harmonize with.

However, I do think that this week, You're gonna start to settle into those breakthroughs, into those themes, and really see those opportunities, that energy is favored for you. Now, the New Moon in Virgo is gonna help you see the fine details, the fine print that can help you adjust your perspective on what's important in this opportunity and why this is a good time to set goals that will ensure that your earning power is well supported and evenly matched with what you are bringing to the table.

Enhancing your skill sets is also a favored topic. Little actions are going to lead to big rewards and a positive transformation. Follow your heart, Leo, even if it stretches you past your comfort zone and you'll do well. I hope you have a good one. I look forward to seeing you next time.



All right. That is our week.

I do hope you found some helpful tips and insights about how you can work with this week's Virgo new moon energy. Now, remember my favorite tip of all is for you to check out astrology hubs, health, wealth, and fulfillment workshop series that is happening now with Judith Hill, Michael Bryant, and Georgia status.

Now, this is a three week workshop series taught by three legends that are going to give you three chart reading techniques. For unlocking your highest potential. You definitely do not want to miss it. Check out the link below this podcast, and I cannot wait to see you there. I hope you have a good one.

I'll see you next time.

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