Taurus Lunar Eclipse w/ Jamie Magee
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In this Weekly Horoscope by the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Jamie Magee reviews your Weekly Astrology Themes by Zodiac Sign.
Star Sign Horoscopes is a weekly podcast for astrology enthusiasts looking to stay up-to-date with the latest celestial events. Hosted by experienced astrologer Jamie Magee, the show provides insights into the astrological events of the week and how they may impact your life. In each episode, Jamie offers guidance on how to navigate the cosmic energies, highlighting important planetary alignments and sharing practical tips on how to make the most of them.
On Today’s Episode You’ll learn…
🌑 About the Taurus eclipse and its transformative potential, especially as it interacts with each of the zodiac signs.
🌒 The significance of Mercury and Mars meeting up in the sky and opposing Jupiter, highlighting the power of words to instigate change.
🌓 How Venus in trine with Uranus adds an unexpected twist, offering opportunities for breakthroughs that align with the eclipse's transformative energy.
📑🧑🎓 Sign up for Rick Levine’s new LIVE astrology course and learn how to integrate Harmonic Aspects to reveal the chart’s hidden dimensions! Go to https://astrologyhub.com/harmonic
Hi there. Before we get started today, I do have a special announcement about this podcast. Now, often in the horoscopes, we talk about endings are beginnings and the thing is podcast and astrologers are not exempt from the astrology. We're right there in it with you. And that brings me to the announcement.
Star signs is no longer going to be on the astrology hub podcast platform. It is ready to stand on its own and it will have a new independent name. The new name is scheduling fate, and you can learn more about this podcast at scheduling faith. com. I do want to say that I have absolutely enjoyed every single episode here with astrology hub on this podcast platform.
I'm very grateful to astrology hub and all of you, and I do look forward to connecting with you out there in the universe at scheduling fate. com or anywhere else. We may cross pass with that being said, let's get ready for this week's forecast. Transcribed
Hi, astrology lovers. Welcome to Star Sign Horoscopes. I'm your astrologer, Jamie McGee, and today we're going to be taking a look at the astrology for October 27th through November 2nd. I do hope you have a great week. Thank you for spending some of it with me. All right, so welcome to November and welcome to eclipse week.
Now we are going to talk more about the Taurus eclipse with each of the signs, but I also wanted to mention that we have Mercury and Mars meeting up in the sky this week. Before they do that, they're gonna each oppose Jupiter. So words could be quick and sharp, but if used wisely could bring about some needed change, then we will have Venus in trying with Uranus, adding to the opportunity for needed breakthroughs, definitely eclipse kind of vibes.
Now, I'm sure you're eager to see how this energy's gonna manifest with your sun sign and your rising sign. As a reminder, please be sure to listen to both, and please keep in mind that this is just a high level overview of how these energies could manifest. If you'd like to go deeper and look at your personal natal chart and how these eclipses are working with you or giving you a few challenges, I do recommend that you check out the platform astrologer connect.
You can learn more about that at astrology hub. com forward slash connect. And you can find a book with me directly there at astrology hub. com forward slash Jamie connect. Let's dive in to this eclipse week.
Scorpio- Speaking with Love
Hi, Scorpio. Let's talk about your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, how much do you value your partnerships on a scale of one to 10?
This answer should really help you dial into your top three this week, which is one partnerships, two vitality and three allies. Now let's talk about why now this could feel like an intense week at times. So it's good that that is the vibe that you are a pro at handling. Now the eclipse in Taurus will feel like a culmination point.
Something that you've been striving for is finally in reach somewhat unexpectedly. Now this energy should help you feel independent, but secure in your partnerships, which will empower your overall approach to life. Now you have had a lot of change to work with as you shift through this big energy.
You've been working with it for a long time, which means that taking your time. While processing this, this very pivotal point is a good idea. This will help you ensure that your actions are deliberate and that your emotions are settled on all matters before you share them with others, speak and act with love, and you will find an abundance of favor supporting your journey.
I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Sagittarius- Wrapping Up Loose Ends
Hi, Sagittarius, let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know what daily habits or ritual do you have that you absolutely adore? This should really help you dial into your top three this week, which is one, your work to mind and body balance and three, your reputation.
Now, let's talk about why now this week's eclipse falls in an area that really supports your habits and the work that you do in service of others. This is an area where it's not always easy to find a place of balance or harmony and something beautiful to look forward to. It's something that you have to do, not necessarily something that you want to do, but you have been striving to make this possible for a long time to bring that joy into your daily life, to like your routines.
And this week you may feel like you have found the right energy to harmonize. With day in and day out, which will in turn impact your overall health and wealth. This is a powerful time to wrap up any loose ends and prepare for a new chapter. There's definitely magic in the details. Focus on what you want to bring into your life and be open to the unexpected.
I do hope you have a great week. Look forward to seeing you next time.
Capricorn- Letting Go of the Past
Hi, Capricorn. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know what inspires you day in and day out. This reflection should help you dial into your top three, which is one passions, two allies, and three new directions.
Now let's talk about why. Now this week's Eclipse will focus on what you love without condition. This passionate area of your life has had some really sharp ups and downs in the recent years. Now on some level, you may feel like you are clear and ready to move forward. However, this week there could be some shifts or some announcements that come up when it comes to these matters.
Definitely stay curious and open minded. This will help you see the path that is opening up for you now. If you see it, you can build an empire around it. The goal is to let go of the past and build a future that supports your heart, those passions that you have. I do hope you have a great week.
I look forward to seeing you next time.
Aquarius- Noticing the Little Things
Hi Aquarius, let's take a look at your week. Now before we do, I would love to know what do you look forward to every day? This answer should help you dial into your top three, which is one your roots, two your reputation, and three your legacy. Now let's talk about why.
Now, for the past few years, finding a balance between your home and work life has had its challenges. There have been many endings and beginnings, some of which came out of the clear blue. This week, the Taurus Eclipse Energy will highlight this potent area of your life. Though there still may be a few shifts to work with, on some level, you're reaching the end of a journey.
Now when possible, take a moment to reflect on all that you've learned in recent years. These lessons are priceless and will help guide you. Follow your heart and notice the little things. I do hope you have a great week and look forward to seeing you next time.
Pisces- Letting Your Emotions Settle
Hi Pisces. Let's take a look at your week.
Now, before we do, I would love to know how exciting does your life feel right now on a scale of one to 10, this should really help you dial into your top three, which is one local vibes, two new directions and three partnerships. Now let's talk about why now this week's eclipse will have a local vibe to it.
The energy can surface in your neighborhood or those that you interact with. day in and day out. This is an area that has had some dramatic shifts so much so that very little could surprise you when it comes to your allies and your partnerships. This week, staying curious and open minded will be a key to understanding what the universe is bringing in and ushering out.
Take your time with all the communication that you have. Let your emotions settle and listen deeply to your heart and your instincts. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Aries- Looking Beyond the Obvious
hi, Aries. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know what is the most important thing in your life right now?
This answer should really help you dial into your top three, which is one values to transformation and three rituals. Now let's talk about why. Now, this week's eclipse will focus this energy on your values. What you have are what you have strived to earn. Now, this has been an intense focus for years now, with the ultimate goal being independence when it comes to your wealth.
Now there is a rich accomplishment to be celebrated here. However, to find it, you may have to look beyond the obvious. Once you are clear on what you desire and what you are willing to do to earn this desire, a near instant, powerful transformation will guide you down the right path.
Trust those instincts, follow your heart. I do look forward to seeing you next time. Have a good week.
Taurus- Looking at the Road Ahead
Hi, Taurus. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know what are you the most proud of right now in your life? This answer should really help you with your top three focuses, which is one vitality, two partnerships, and three passions.
Now let's talk about why. Now, this week's eclipse is in your sign, and it is sure to be noticed, even if only in hindsight. This is a power point in your chart that impacts vitality, partnerships. And your homework life balance. Now, the recent years have had some highs. They've had some lows. They've had some sudden unexpected shifts that were not always comfortable are, easy to contend with, especially with that fixed energy.
Like the change was not your idea. You're fine. If it's your idea, not always was now in some way. You're reaching the ends of this growth period, which should be celebrated. No matter how external or internal the news of this week or the coming week shifts your life, definitely focus on the road ahead, focus on the passions you have and how they empower the soul shifts that you're making right now.
You're going to do well with this energy. Just keep looking at that road ahead. I hope you have a great one. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Gemini- Identifying What Makes You Happy
Hi, Gemini. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know how in favor are you of endings in general, on a scale of 1 to 10. This should really help you dial into your top three, which is 1.
Endings, 2. Habits, and 3. Roots. Now let's talk about why. Now, this week's eclipse is highlighting a very private part of your chart. Now, though this area of your life has had a lot of attention over the recent years, many may not have noticed the battles that you were hiding behind a genuine smile. Now this week, there is a sense of an accomplishment or what needs to end so something else can come through.
You may notice an intense focus on your habits, the work you do and how they impact your daily rituals and your overall vitality. Now, the more aware you are of the little things that make you happy, the more prepared you will be to follow your heart and build that powerful new beginning. I hope you have a great week.
I look forward to seeing you next time.
Cancer- Trusting Rejection
Hi, Cancer. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know what are the most, what are you most passionate about in your life right now? This answer should really help you dial into your top three, which is one passions, two dreams, and three, your local vibes.
Now let's talk about why now this week, you may feel charged and ready to share your passion with others for a long while. You've been working on matters close to your heart and cultivating your passions. Now, though there is a sense of completion this week, there is also an acceleration. The biggest risk that you have this week is caring too much about how others respond to what you are sharing.
Trust that any rejection is actually a redirection that could lead you right to the allies and the local vibe that you need to support your growth. And your vitality. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Leo- Trusting Change
Hi, Leo. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, what do you want to be known for in this lifetime?
This answer should really help you dial into your top three, which is one, home, two, reputation, and three, your values. Now, let's talk about why. Now, for years now, you've been working on adjusting your home and work life balance. This may . Involves macheting some old roots, letting go of the past so that you can rise into your purpose, letting go of old faces and places are using your deep roots to launch you into a new role in your family.
Now the journey has had its challenges. It's had some very powerful lessons. Now this week, you may feel as if you have reached a culmination point. Big news could break or be revealed that really elevates your status or your perspective. If this comes about suddenly, it may take you some time to adjust to what is heard.
Your job is to trust the change and above all to trust the values and instincts that you have. I do hope you have a great week. I look forward to seeing you next time.
Virgo- Trusting Your Preparion
Hi, Virgo. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, are you ready to explore a new horizon right now? Yes or no.
This answer should help you dial into your top three, which is one communication, two new horizons and three self expression. Now let's talk about why. Now for a while now, it may have felt like your local crowd was fading away. Familiar faces and places didn't bring the same comfort, which may have sent you on a search for something that fit who you are becoming.
This has not been a simple task, but a necessary one. Now the purpose was to help you expand and explore outside of your comfort zone. This week, you may feel as if you have finally found a new direction that feels aligned with your path and the direction that you have your eye on. Those dreams that you have.
Now this could feel sudden, the changes that come up at times this week, but trust that all the work that you have done so far has prepared you for what is starting to unfold. Now, I do hope you have a great week. Look forward to seeing you next time.
Libra- Finding Harmony
Hi, Libra. Let's take a look at your week. Now, before we do, I would love to know, what is the most powerful thing that you have learned over the last two years?
This reflection should really help you dial into your top three, which is one, values, two, transformation, and three, ending to begin. Now let's talk about why now for a long while, it could have felt like you were investing far more than you were seeing being returned to you in all areas of your life. Now, this week, the Taurus eclipse with this energy, you could feel like you have finally reached a point of notable growth and reward when it comes to topics of shared wealth and legacy growth and transformation.
Now, the news that comes up could feel sudden and it could require a swift ending or beginning. So staying open minded and grounded in the moment will help you clearly see. How and where to pivot. Not only now, but in the coming weeks and months, your ultimate goal is to find a harmony that supports growth and partnerships yet allows you to be independent and you are well on your way.
I hope you have a great week. We'll look forward to seeing you next time.
All right. That is our week. I do hope you found some helpful tips and insights about how you can work with this energy. Now, remember, if you'd like to go deeper, look at your personal natal chart, how these eclipses are speaking directly to your natal promise, I recommend that you check out Astrologer Connect.
You can learn more at astrologyhub. com forward slash connect. You can find a book with me directly at astrologyhub. com forward slash Jamie connect. Great. Have a good one. See you next week.
Hi there. Before we get started today, I do have a special announcement about this podcast. Now, often in the horoscopes, we talk about endings are beginnings and the thing is podcast and astrologers are not exempt from the astrology. We're right there in it with you. And that brings me to the announcement.
Star signs is no longer going to be on the astrology hub podcast platform. It is ready to stand on its own and it will have a new independent name. The new name is scheduling fate, and you can learn more about this podcast at scheduling faith. com. I do want to say that I have absolutely enjoyed every single episode here with astrology hub on this podcast platform.
I'm very grateful to astrology hub and all of you, and I do look forward to connecting with you out there in the universe at scheduling fate. com or anywhere else. We may cross pass with that being said, let's get ready for this week's forecast. Transcribed