This is the first Solar Eclipse in the zodiac sign of Aries since 2006. This is especially powerful because the Sun is exalted in Aries and the eclipse itself will be taking place at 19 degrees Aries – the degree of the Sun's exaltation.

Solar Eclipses traditionally spelled trouble for monarchs and other public figures but over the years they've taken on a more consciousness-raising aspect because it's during a solar eclipse that we recognize the need to get right with heaven.

In ancient times this was a call to repent because people often blamed themselves for the Sun disappearing from the sky and, like with any crisis, it was only by promising to be good that the Sun would be restored again; nowadays eclipses are more about finding your way back to the path you should be on.

Whether you're slightly out of step or wildly lost will become clear on April 8th. Moreover, given the sheer determination and grit of Aries, there's no denying that you will do everything in your power to rectify your course.

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