[SEEDS of LIGHT] Supporting Your Aquarius Child w/ Astrologer Cameron Allen

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In this Seeds of Light episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Cameron Allen and Ana Zaharia discuss the question…”My child is an Aquarius, with all the planetary energies concentrated in Aquarius right now how can I support him?”

You’ll learn…
  • What Cameron feels is the most majestic expression of Aquarius, and how parents can help their children aspire to this energy.
  • The role Saturn has in granting authorship when it transits the natal Sun, and how this can be supported in your child's life.
  • Why helping your child lean into their creative energies gives Jupiter an opportunity to expand their horizons.
  • Insights on how Aquarius children sense the world around them, and simple practices that can help balance the intensity of the electromagnetic fields they sense.

With this FREE PDF Guide, you'll learn how to help your child feel safe & nurtured, by understanding the key attributes and special gifts of their Moon Sign.

Your Childs Moon Sign

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