How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

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Life Coach Toni Levin & Amanda Walsh discuss how becoming a coach has changed Toni's life…

On this episode, you’ll learn…

🌕 How Tony shattered limiting beliefs and embarked on a journey of transformative personal growth.
🌗 The blend of psychology and coaching that's helping Tony become a more effective leader.
🌘 Tony's tips on time management, making personal development adaptable for anyone's schedule.

🌌 Are you an astrologer looking to enhance your skill set with specialized coaching techniques?

Catherine’s school is your gateway to mastering the art of coaching, empowering you to foster transformative experiences in your astrological practice. Discover the potential of integrating coaching into your offerings at:

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Toni: [00:00:00] ask yourself, why do you want to do it? What is the purpose of you doing it?

What is it that you want to achieve from it? What is it that you, where is it that you want to be? Where do you want to go? And ask yourself those questions, understand what the driver is and what the purpose is behind doing it as well. And honestly, like my biggest piece of advice would just be to do it.


Amanda: Well, hello everybody and welcome to the astrology hub podcast. I am so happy that you are here today. We're going to be experiencing a day in the life.

We're speaking with Tony Levin, who is a Rise and Thrive certified coach, and the reason why we're doing this episode is to show you how your interest in astrology and a more formal coaching certification program [00:01:00] can intersect to make you number one, a more effective astrologer, number two, A more effective coach, if you're interested in that.

And number three, how these things can come together to get you on a path. of a viable, sustainable career that brings your interest and your passion for astrology into a coaching setting. So both of these things we know can help people so much. And I was just speaking to Tony before we, we went live and saying that, you know, most people that are interested in astrology, they've experienced the benefit of astrology in their own life.

It's helped them so much in their own life. And so most of you, my guess is you're also interested in how, what you've learned about astrology can help. The other thing is I've talked to a lot of astrologers who say that there's a little bit of like an edge. They know how to read the [00:02:00] chart. They know how to interpret the astrology, but they don't always know how to really tangibly coach people with that information.

Often people are going, okay, that's great. Now, what do I do with this? So that's what we're talking about here today. And that's why we're so excited about this new partnership we have with the Rise and Thrive Coaching Academy. A little bit about our guest. So Tony is a passionate coach who has recently completed the Rise and Thrive Academy course.

Tony is passionate about the work that she does as her goal in her life is to help others and make a difference in any type of capacity that she She's driven by connecting with others and helping them grow in order to spark. positive change in their life. Tony, welcome to the astrology hub podcast.

I'm so, so grateful to have you here. Thank you for joining us.

Toni: Thank you so much for having me. I'm really grateful to be here too.

Amanda: Thank you. All right, Tony.

Toni's Journey to Coaching

Amanda: So what [00:03:00] made you interested in pursuing a coaching the

Toni: first For me, the biggest driver, and as you kind of summed it up perfectly just then when describing a little bit about me, the driver has really always been around helping others.

I've always known that I've wanted to help people in some type of capacity. For as long as I can remember. And for a long time, I didn't actually know how I wanted to do that or how I was going to bring that to life. Um, you know, when I finished school, there was the, the only thing that I thought was available to me was going down actually the psychology route, but that wasn't something that I felt super driven to pursue.

And so, when, when discovering this course and understanding how. You can learn psychology practices, but then also it's more down that coaching side of things. Um, it kind of blended the best of both worlds. And so, [00:04:00] yeah, the biggest drive around. You know, why I've pursued it and what's drawn me towards it is really around the idea of making positive change, connecting with people in some way, helping people in some way.

Another thing that really interested me is, the leadership aspect as well. Um, so I work in leadership roles as well outside of coaching. And so even just growing that, part of myself and learning how to be a better leader, um, learning the psychology behind that as well. And then essentially applying that and helping others in that capacity too, has been another thing that has been, been a really big interest of mine.

I guess the last thing as well, that drove me to specifically this course as well is the way in which it is crafted and the way in which the course is laid out. You are not [00:05:00] only learning a new skill to apply to others, but you actually learn new skills within to apply to yourself. So as you go through the course, you do the work on yourself as well.

And so the. Models that you learn or the tools that you get access to you apply to yourself. Which is another thing that, you know, rarely sparked interest for

Amanda: me. I just, it's amazing to me how many of us are drawn to psychology because of all those things you just said.

And I know I'm, I'm included in that. I have my master's in organizational psychology because I was interested in helping others. I was interested in leadership. I was interested in like how to actually apply this, that type of information to help make life better. And I always was fascinated with like.

What makes people tick and like, how, how do we work? Why do we make certain decisions and, you know, all those things. It was for [00:06:00] me, you know, so I went down that psychology path. I didn't know about things like rise and thrive coaching Academy. I didn't know about any of that, but it was astrology. That was my first like, Oh wow.

Astrology. Really answers a lot of those questions that I was holding. So again, for me, just this delicious marriage of what Catherine has created with the rise and thrive coaching Academy. And then with the astrological sort of. Flavor that she's bringing to that conversation is it's just amazing to me.

It's like a match made in heaven. It's, it's incredible.

Rise & Thrive's AstroLife Blueprint & How it Works

Amanda: So let's talk a little bit about that, Tony. Yeah. Catherine, when she was on the podcast a couple of weeks ago, talked about the astro life blueprint, which I know is, is a tool. It's like an assessment tool that she's developed. Based on astrology, but bringing in this, you know, coaching and leadership and positive psychology and all of it into one, can you tell us a little bit about that astral [00:07:00] life blueprint and, um, basically how you use it during the coaching program that you,

Toni: you're a part of.

Yeah, absolutely. So, um, as you just mentioned, it's kind of like a blend of all these forces together. And so essentially the blueprint represents the 12 houses. And so, this lays a beautiful foundation for coaching. Sessions, because essentially what we get the clients to do is to fill this out in their own time.

And essentially what they do is they, and I think Catherine already explained this, but I'll go through it again, just to remind everybody about it. You go through it with two different colored pens and you rate for each house, you write your level of importance. Of that particular life area in one color, and then you rate your level of satisfaction in another color.

And what this does is it creates this beautiful visual representation of essentially your life blueprint. So where you're at in your life in these certain [00:08:00] areas. And why this is powerful is it shines a light on first of all, what is important to me and what is not important to me, because sometimes people don't even sit down and think about that.

And then it, again, it's another layer down. It's now that I know what's important to me, how satisfied am I in those areas that are important to me and. If that satisfaction is, if there's a big gap there, then essentially that's a clear indication that that's maybe the route that they want to go down in terms of working through some things in that life area.

Um, you know, one thing we always say is. The goal isn't to have a perfect circle, you know, tens are all around where importance and satisfaction are peaking. That's, um, unrealistic, but it's about creating balance in people's lives, in the areas that are important to them. So everybody's wheel is going to look different.

Everybody's wheel is going to mean something different to them. [00:09:00] And finding balance in those areas is going to mean something different to them too. So it's really personal, and tailored. To themselves, because it's that visual representation of essentially their life. What I found as well with working with the tool is it's also just an incredible reflection tool.

You know, often we don't sit down and reflect upon these things as important as they may be. And sometimes when doing it, it feels like such a simple task, but. At the end of the day, we just don't always take that time for ourselves and we don't take that time for the reflection. And just simply doing that exercise provides so much time and space to reflect and for insights to come in and for, a clear path.

It creates a clear path of Where can I go from here? Essentially,

Amanda: Tony, it's, I talk all the time about the cosmic curriculum, how the cosmos, [00:10:00] it literally, if we just follow the rhythms, if we follow the blueprint that has already been provided, everything's covered. And like you just said that the, the wheel with the houses, it lays out every important aspect of life.

And yes, we come here to experience different aspects of life in different, um, measurements, you know, like in, in, for some, for some of us, the career is the most important aspect, for example, for some of us, family is the most important aspect or our physical health or, you know, so, but if you just use it as a structuring tool to, for self inquiry.

For reminders, you know, all these things that you're saying, it's brilliantly laid out. We don't have to reinvent the wheel, which I'm just realizing right now might literally be about the wheel that the astrological blueprint provides. We don't have to reinvent it. It's already there. And it provides so much [00:11:00] insight and you're right.

Half the time, the issue is that we just don't take the time to ask the questions and sit down and really consider these things and live as consciously as possible. in, in these areas of our life. Absolutely.

Impact of AstroLife Blueprint on Clients

Amanda: So in terms of your client, so I'm guessing that you're already working with clients with, with these tools, is that correct?

Correct. Yeah, I have. Okay. Yes. How have you seen this actually help them, like have that aha moment of like, oh my God, I say this is important, but I'm not even spending any time there. And how have you helped them see it, reprioritize their goals?

Toni: So yeah, it, it does that. So essentially, once the wheel is complete, It, as I said, it paints this very clear visual picture of, okay, there's certain areas that I'm content with.

I'm happy with there's certain areas that I've just realized that actually aren't important to me. And so those probably [00:12:00] aren't going to be where I want to work in, but maybe there's three areas of this wheel where there's some really big gaps here. And so. Um, now what you can do with this is essentially help the individual establish goals around this.

So in your sessions, you know, it's, it's really up to them where they want to take it. So as a coach, you never lead, you never give advice. , it's driven by the individual. And so once they've got a picture of maybe let's use that example of three areas that maybe they want to do the work in, um, it's up to them to choose.

Which one is of greatest importance to them. Again, the change is only going to be the most profound when it comes from them. If I tell you, okay, you need to work on, um, your identity and self, that's going to be very different to you saying to me, this is something that I really want to dig deep in, there's something here that I want to unpack.

they've got that, that representation where they want to take it, what goals they want to [00:13:00] establish around these areas. What's the most important thing for them to tick off first and starting there. Don't go all at once. Um, you know, that's, that's completely overwhelming.

Focus on. Each house individually go down that route based on what it is that they want to achieve from that. And then it's really just about asking them questions and asking the right questions for them to establish their goals within that area. And then once their goals are established in that area, it's about going deeper, unpacking that further understanding.

What's currently taking place for them in this life area, where is it that they want to be and how is it that they're going to get there?

Marrying Coaching & Astrology

Amanda: So when Catherine approached me, one of the things she said is, you know, we're using this astral life blueprint and, and we have a very clear like coaching structure already in place.

Yes. You have a community of people who [00:14:00] understand the astrological language, so they'll be able to actually take. So let's pretend someone, someone does the astral life blueprint and they're like, these three areas are the most important. Somebody with an astrological training could look at the planetary placements, could also look at upcoming transits to those houses and have a whole nother layer of insight that they can add to this conversation, whether or not the astrological language is used or not.

You know, they wouldn't have to be like, Oh, well you have Saturn there and that explains all that. It actually doesn't really matter as much, right? But having the understanding and awareness of the themes that Saturn would bring in to color that house for that person is, is really powerful. And so that's why Catherine and I were like, Ooh, this is amazing because you can inspire a cohort of coaches to go a little deeper with their astrological knowledge.

And then we can [00:15:00] inspire this cohort of astrology enthusiasts to go a little deeper with their coaching skills. And again, together, it's this like super, super powerhouse of skills that will really provide this level of impact. And I, is there anything that you wanted to add to that? Just based on what I just I think it's spot on.

Toni: I think the two just marry well, like it just, it's kind of like a match made in heaven. I think having the. , that background and understanding of the houses and what is happening with the planets. And as you just said, it may not even have to be said in those sessions, but having that background and having that understanding, it just works so perfectly with then applying it to the coaching practices from the course or using the blueprint.

Um, it just allows. People to apply that knowledge in a different way and in a way that could potentially even create more profound change and [00:16:00] results. Because as I was saying before, what you, what you will learn to do is the, you will learn the techniques around getting the individual to drive the conversation and getting the other individual to.

To make that change and come up with solutions for themselves, which with that other extra knowledge paired with that, it just, yeah, I can only imagine it creating incredible

Amanda: results. And one of the things that I've heard, you know, we have our reading platform where people can connect with great astrologers for astrological readings.

Usually it's a hundred, you know, a hundred percent people love it. The only thing I've ever heard, and this sort of goes across the board, not just from our reading platform, from just hearing what people say about having astrology readings is sometimes that the astrologer just talked. Because the astrologer is reading a language, right?

They're reading. Yes. They're interpreting the [00:17:00] symbology and creating a story, which can be so helpful because you get so many insights from that. However, that additional level of coaching skills and it's sort of like, it's almost like bedside behavior, you know, for a doctor, it's like you kind of don't, you don't want to only be talked to or at there.

There's a certain level of dialogue that can be facilitated that a lot of astrologers are great at either naturally or they've had some training. But, uh, I, but again, I just love that fast track of like, here's, here's a great way to ask the kinds of questions. That will help the person create their own conclusions.

Yeah. And then from there, there's just a different level of ownership. Like you said, there's a different level of empowerment. Yeah. Okay.

Types of Clients Who Receive Coaching

Amanda: So Tony, can you tell us a little bit about the type of people you work with? Like. Who is it? Is it in a business setting? Are you working with [00:18:00] leaders? Are you working with management level people?

Like who are the type of people who seek out this type of

Toni: coaching? Yeah. So far with my experience, it's exactly what you've just said. It's, um, more in that leadership space, more in that management space. , but I guess what's really great again with these sessions is. No matter who the person is, what their level in a business is, what their background is, when you do that, and again, bringing it back to that wheel, when you do that, the life blueprint, at the end of the day, no matter who they are.

It doesn't have to be professional, what you're working on. It doesn't have to be personal. It's whatever the story tells you in the results of that print. So, you know, it can be potentially in that leadership space that they want to develop their skills a little bit more or in that work. Space that they wanna develop their skills a little bit more.

Or oftentimes they'll fill it [00:19:00] out and be like, actually I'm prioritizing all of that work stuff and neglecting all of that personal stuff. You know, the relationships or the health or, um, you know, the, whatever it may be, the identity stuff. And so the work needs to be done there. So, I think another beautiful thing about this wheel is it's so applicable to absolutely anybody, no matter your title, no matter your profession, no matter what you're doing.

Because at the end of the day, anyone can connect to any of those 12 houses in some capacity, maybe not all of them, but some of them, and then realize that the work needs to be done in certain

Amanda: areas.

A Detailed Look at the Coaching Program

Amanda: Can you give us an idea of what the coaching program that you just completed, what, what are the components of it?

Are you meeting online? How often, uh, are there tests to help you, you know, make sure you're on track? Like, [00:20:00] what is the program actually like? Yeah. So the

Toni: program is, it's, it's. There's so many different, I guess, um, aspects to it. So it is online. Yes. Essentially you get your theory books, you get your work books.

The great thing with it as well is it applies to different. Learners. So you can read the theory. You can listen to the theory as well. So there's, audio and written, , to learn the content, um, as you learn the content, you have workbooks paired with it, that you fill out answers to. So you essentially, it's not tests, but you do obviously have to pass through the workbooks by answering the questions correctly.

Um, so each, each module has. A workbook and a theory book. They also come with tools as well. So throughout the theory, you learn about different tools that you can essentially apply. To, the models that you're learning or [00:21:00] to when you're in your sessions. And so those tools are provided to you. Those tools are actually an opportunity for you.

And, you know, as I've mentioned before, you did the work on yourself. And so you actually fill out the tools as a student while you're going as well, going through it. So that's why, that's how you kind of bring in that element of you doing the work on yourself. There's also mentoring sessions as well.

That is done in small groups. There's 10 of these and essentially what the mentoring sessions. Allow you to do is actually bring this to life more and practice coaching sessions together.

So it creates a space where you can apply your learning, you can practice doing a session so you don't just a lot of the time, and this is another thing that I love about this course a lot of the time, uh, a great example is university, right? If you do a university degree, which I have done, you learn all.

All this theory, all this [00:22:00] information, which is great. But you don't get any in the field or, or on the ground experience. You then finish university and you maybe do an internship or you maybe just go and get a job. And you realize you don't know that much, or maybe some of the stuff that you've learned in the course, you, you just don't know how to apply it in the real world.

Whereas with this course, you're learning the theory, but then in these mentoring sessions, you're actually applying that and you're learning. How can I now use this model of this framework in an actual session? So you do your practice sessions on each other with other people that are doing the course and slowly you start to figure out, you know, learn the ropes, learn how to conduct these sessions.

Um, and it creates a. Great safe space for you to again, do the work on yourself because you're getting coached by other people, but also connect with people that are in the same boat as you learning new [00:23:00] things with you as well. And so it creates that nice little community field too. So there's lots of aspects To the course, but, yeah, it's, it's fun and you do it at your own pace.

And you do have that opportunity to connect with people online to have those mentoring sessions too.

Amanda: It's a year long, right? It's a year long program. And, and did you work also while you were doing it or did you just like completely commit to doing this for a year and that

Toni: was all you did? I still worked.

I do still work outside of coaching as well. So I do still have, I've had a full time job this whole time. So during the time of learning, um, and currently, so yeah, it's been a lot, but it's great. And so it's about then, I guess. If someone might be questioning, how do you then manage your time? If you're working full time and you're doing the course, um, as I said, you can do it in your own time outside of those mentoring sessions.

I used to spend. Saturday mornings, doing it as an example. And that was my time that I blocked out to just sitting down [00:24:00] and doing the work for a few hours. So it's not something that you have to be doing every single day. You can, if you weren't, but, it's very doable and achievable if you are still doing other endeavors at the same time.

Amanda: That's good to know. And is your goal eventually to have this be your full time work and you're just sort of like easing your way into

Toni: it? Is that? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Amanda: Okay. Um,

Toni's Personal Experience with the Program

Amanda: tony, help us like paint a picture for us. The Tony that entered the program and the Tony that graduated the program.

What was, what was your own personal growth like? What shifted for you? What were your biggest like takeaways or ahas? Like how, how did you change in the process of going through

Toni: this program? Great question. Um, Going into the program. I, um, I'm happy to share [00:25:00] this. I guess one of like the biggest things that I've worked on throughout the program would definitely be, um, learning to believe in myself a little bit more.

So before the, and I'm still working on it. Um, but. Before doing the program, this is definitely something that's something that I've always really struggled with. Um, and I think doing the program, it maybe showed me more so than I thought that I struggled with it. So that has been a huge help, you know, in terms of before and after.

In terms of like the growth within myself, it just shines a light on, you know, some of those limiting beliefs that you might have, and you may not even know that you had them. And that has happened to me, you know, through the practicing mentoring sessions, I've been coached and things have come out in me.

And I'm like, Where did that come from? I didn't even know that I was holding that. I didn't even know that I was believe that.[00:26:00] so that's a huge one. I guess the there's other things as well would be just how I approached certain situations. So prior to doing the course, I was, uh, my knee jerk reaction to things was offer advice, fix, help.

And. That you can't do that as a coach. And that I say, I'll say it's probably also been one of my biggest challenges throughout the program is. Learning how to switch that off. Um, because my automatic reaction is to jump in and be like, Oh, why don't you do this? Why don't you do that offer advice? Because I'm like, okay, let's come up with the quickest possible solution so you can feel happy and be okay.

But at the end of the day, that's actually not helpful. Um, if you tell somebody what to do or how to do it, that has a way, way less impact then. Them [00:27:00] figuring out how to do it and them figuring out the way forward, because that's come from them. And so learning how to ask questions instead of providing or offering advice would be actually probably the biggest thing from before and after, because I've learned how, how to turn it off and how to apply it.

And the most rewarding thing about that is. Seeing the change that it creates for the other individuals. So by you offering that advice. You're actually doing them somewhat of a disservice. Um, and by asking the questions and letting them do the work, it's creating way more incredible solutions and change.

And I've seen that firsthand. Um, so I definitely say. That's another one that has been a big change at a challenge at the [00:28:00] same time, but very rewarding now to see, how I can apply myself differently. I

Amanda: bet that has ripple effects too. Like not just for you professionally, but then also in your other personal relationships.

Absolutely. Applying it in other areas too, right?

Toni: Yeah, definitely. And like, I try my best to do it in more personal. In personal, I still feel like I sometimes jump to that advice. I think I'm like, okay, this is my opportunity to do it because I'm not in a coaching session. But yes, I do try. Absolutely.

Switch that. Switch that off, even impersonal, because at the end of the day in a coaching session, not in a coaching session, wherever you are, if it's just a personal interaction, at the end of the day, if you're asking questions for them to come up with the solutions, it's always going to create a better outcome.

Amanda: Well, and we started this episode talking about how usually people get into astrology or coaching because they want to help people. And so that impulse to jump in and help, [00:29:00] it's kind of counterintuitive because it's like, well, if you really actually do want to help, then you have to resist that urge to jump in and solve the problem for someone.

It's so true. And I love that you're getting a whole like skill set and toolbox around how to actually do that. Like how to actually ask the right kind of questions, how to get them to those, their answers.

Importance of the ICF Accreditation

Amanda: How important was the ICF accreditation to you? And why do you think that's an important part of this, of this program?

Toni: I think that it's important. I think for me, if I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it properly. And so if I've done all this work in, in getting to where I am, it only makes sense to then, you know, get it accredited and. Strive for that. Um, because I do believe it'll open up more doors. I do believe that it, [00:30:00] it will provide more opportunities.

And I do think that because it is. The course is ICF accredited. You're learning the material correctly. So you're learning it to a certain standard. You're learning it to the standard that the coaching federation says, this is how you need to do it. And so I think it's that as well. It's like a guarantee of the quality of work essentially, because you're doing it in the way that the, they say is the best way to apply this and the best way to provide the most positive outcomes.

So, for me, it's It's almost a no brainer to just do it right.

Amanda: Tony, thank you so much. This has been such an incredible opportunity to learn from you and to get a little glimpse inside the program.

Toni's Advice for Potential Coaches

Amanda: What would you say to anyone in our community who's considering it? They're like, I don't know, it feels like a big step, but maybe this is the right step for me.

What, what would you say to them as they're making their

Toni: [00:31:00] considerations? Um, well, first of all, do your research, jump online, have a look at what the course has to offer. There's so much information about it on the website. Um, and just. I guess like why ask yourself, why do you want to do it? What is the purpose of you doing it?

What is it that you want to achieve from it? What is it that you, where is it that you want to be? Where do you want to go? And ask yourself those questions, understand what the driver is and what the purpose is behind doing it as well. And honestly, like my biggest piece of advice would just be to do it.

No matter how you end up applying it and no matter what you end up doing with it, you're only going to gain from it. You're only going to benefit from it because. At the end of the day, you're doing the work. So I just say, go for it, do it. Only positive change is going to come from it. Amazing, Tony.


Toni: All right. Any of you considering it, we have partnered with Rise and Thrive [00:32:00] Academy because we're so excited about the opportunities that this opens up for our community. Go to

Amanda: astrologyhub. com slash coaching. That's going to bring you to their website. When you sign up through that link. If you're an astrology hub community member, you're also going to get, and this doesn't mean you have to be an inner circle member.

If you're a podcast listener, if you're, if you're just anyone in our audience and you sign up for this rise and thrive Academy, you will receive astrology foundations level one. So our, our foundational course taught by Rick Levine, as part of your package when you join, so, go to astrologyhub.

com slash coaching, check out the program. If it's right for you, then when you sign up, you will also get access to the astrology foundations level one. Um, not immediately. We're actually collecting the names and then we're going to be sending out access to that course. But again, it's the [00:33:00] perfect compliment for this coaching program to also be.

Going deeper into your astrological foundations, understanding the archetypes, it'll only make this program come to life. On a whole nother level for you. So, um, that's available to you as well. And the next cohort, so the next group of coaches that will be going through this program begins in October. We're going to put all these links in the show notes as well. So, Just go to the show notes. Click the links. Tony, again, it's been such a pleasure getting to know you getting to learn about your experience in this program.

I am so happy for you that you've had this experience that you've had this transformation that you're now getting to apply it. And I hope that you get to be doing it full time really soon. Um, and just thank you for sharing your story here with our community. Thank you so

Toni: much. Thank you for

Amanda: having me.

It's been a pleasure. All right, everybody. Thanks for tuning in. Thank you for being a part of our community. Thank you as always for making [00:34:00] astrology a part of your life. Take care.

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