Christopher Renstrom + Founder of Astrology Hub, Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh
- The current influence of Saturn and Pluto and how you can expect this energy to rebuild society.
- How the Great American Eclipse of 2017 is impacting the current cosmic shift and why.
- How leaning into accountability will empower you to navigate through 2020 with honor and balance.
- What Pluto is uncovering for you to review, and when you can expect this process to bring healing and restoration.
Thank you so much. Mahalo nui. Once again, Amanda, you have given us such a gift to help to navigate this turbulence. Christopher is not only brilliant he is delightful. I learned so, so much especially resonating with other historical moments. Settles me. Encourages me. OK- tears of relief. I knew it was going to be big, this year. I was ready (I thought). Great! Sweep away the patriarchy, the wild Feminine, the Queen, Eris, Aquarius (my sun sign). I just had no idea how challenging, how intense it would be. How much grief for the suffering. Seven years ago I dreamed I was surfing with the “Big Kahunas” but fell off my board and got pulled under. One wave. Two. Waiting for the release after the third, but I was pinned still at the bottom. Spirit said: You are going to learn to breathe underwater. I have, I guess. And really feeling the push to help build something beautiful, caring and new. For Saturn’s children, yes, and for my grandchildren. Aloha nui.
Thank you for listening!