Harmonic Aspects & The Harmony of the Heavenly Spheres w/ Gemini Brett & Rick Levine

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Join Astrologers Rick Levine and Gemini Brett as they discuss the topic of Musical Harmony and how it intersects with Astrology.

On this episode, you’ll learn…

🌑 About the intricate world of harmonics in astrology, as Gemini Brett and Rick Levine delve into quintiles, septiles, octiles, and their impact on astrological interpretations.
🌒 The historical and theoretical framework of harmonic astrology, including its relationship with music and the parallels between celestial and musical harmonies.
🌓 The practical implications of using harmonic aspects in astrology readings, with a focus on the fifth harmonic (quintile) and the concept of age harmonics, offering a more nuanced understanding of chart interpretations.

📑🧑‍🎓 Sign up for Rick Levine’s new LIVE astrology course and learn how to integrate Harmonic Aspects to reveal the chart’s hidden dimensions! Go to https://astrologyhub.com/harmonic

Astrology Course Harmonic Astrology with Rick Levine Astrology Teacher


Introduction to the Cosmic Connection

Welcome to the Cosmic Connection presented by Astrology Hub. I'm your host, Amanda Poole Walsh, founder of Astrology Hub, here with Master Astrologer Rick Merlin Levine. This is your place to explore the order and beauty of the cosmos, and your connection to it all.

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Surprise Guest Host: Gemini Brett

It's a Gemini Brett guest host. Hi, Rick. Well, you're not Amanda. I'm not, but I'm working on it. don't work too hard on it. We like you the way you are. Oh, that feels so nice. What harmonic is that, Rick? That that, [00:02:00] uh, it's actually not a harmonic, it's a harmonica. Oh, beautiful. I love that instrument.

Yeah. Yeah. It's so Stevie. Wonderful. Um, it's really good to see you. Same, same, same to you. So what are we doing here? We're, we're, we're Manless. Yeah, so I'm going to interrogate you, um, gently.

Exploring the Connection Between Music and Astrology

I just want to share that I met the great Rick Merlin Levine over harmonics, in a sense, because we met over music, um, at our friend Sid's house.

That's right. I actually knew you as a saxophone player before. I knew you as an astrologer, but I heard reference that you were an astrologer and I thought, oh yeah, another, another musician who thinks they're an astrologer. Yeah. And I'm pleasantly surprised. Those two now more, and you're a musician who's an astrologer as well.

And I found out about the musician after I knew about astrologers. Well, and unlike [00:03:00] you, I've never been, um, a professional musician. Uh, I've never, I, I'm not a performer, although I will often, uh, pick up a flute and play that at the beginning of a workshop or whatever, just to set a tone, but, uh, but I, but I don't, I don't perform, I don't play well with others, but I have a good sense and a strong upbringing education in music, music theory.

And I read and write music. And on top of that, when I don't feel like playing and someone says, what do you do for a living? I often say I'm a musician and they go, well, what do you play? They go, well, I play an instrument that plays so low, octaves lower than. Even the lowest base that you can't even hear it.

And by then they're thoroughly confused and either give up or go, well, what do you mean? And I go, well, you know, I, I, I, I play the cosmic harp. You know, it's, uh, it's instead of, instead of cycles per [00:04:00] second, like, you know, a above middle C is what? 440 cycles a second. I play with an instrument that plays cycles per year or centuries or millennium millennia.

Have you seen the amazing truth, speaking of very low hums that we can't hear, um, that basically rhythm is pitch at a different speed? Yes, yes. And, um, and I actually… You know, I've had discussions about this in many, many forms, and I think that both Pythagoras and Kepler were fully aware of that. And of course, both of them referred to the music of the spheres, which has been kind of heartily laughed at and dismissed by science.

Because, of course, [00:05:00] this space is a vacuum, and therefore it doesn't conduct sound waves, so how stupid is it to think of music of the spheres? But in fact, the only difference between Electromagnetic, uh, vibrations, rhythms, harmonies, and acoustic harmonies that we can hear, um, is one actually noticeably changes the pressure, you know, as, as the wave is formed, um, within a realm that we can perceive.

But electro, I mean, the magic of all of the, um, you know, radios and televisions and CD players and computers and Digital cameras, all of that is based upon high frequency, not low frequency, but high frequency electromagnetic harmonies that are basically beating frequencies against each other at hundreds [00:06:00] of trillions or.

Trillions. I mean, our computers are, you know, are turning on and off in, in, in, in thousands, millions of different places simultaneously at the rate of what? 4. 7 gigahertz. You know, that's 4. 7 trillion. times every second. And so, yeah, it's all music.

The Concept of Vibration in Astrology

It's all vibration. Particles are an artifact. They're an illusion.

As Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein said, yeah, you know, reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. It's an amazing quote and so real. Um, and I heard you last week speaking with Amanda with Clarissa Dolphin about some types of rhythms. I think you were speaking about like a Pluto rhythm. Let's bring it a little closer to home and say, uh, Jupiter, for example.

Yeah, a Pluto rhythm is basically a musical note at four, [00:07:00] at four beats or four cycles, a millennium. Just like, you know, but how do you hear? You know, all right, how does science measure a Jupiter note? Well, okay, let's watch, let's listen. Okay, there it is lining up, beat. And then we have to wait 12 years to get the second beat.

Whereas meanwhile, this note has hit our eardrums about 300 times every second. And we register that and turn it into a note. Right. And people, you probably already, my question will know where I'm going with this, but everyone else, I promise I'll take you there, Rick, and I've been really excited to ask you about this, actually, since, you know, everything, um, everything and a lot about nothing.

I'm a Gemini rising, right?

The Role of Mitosis in Astrology

Will you talk to me and us a little bit about mitosis? Meaning cell [00:08:00] division from when we are a single cell. You're not talking about my five ptosis on each foot, huh? I'd like to know about your toes also, but let's start with mitosis. I'm not sure exactly what you're asking.

Maybe you could answer your question for me. Okay, well, I've been tripping lately on how from a single cell the one becomes two. And then the 2 becomes 4, and the 4 becomes 8, and the 8 becomes eventually near infinity. Right, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1028, you know, and so on. These numbers we're like so familiar with lately, because we're living in this kind of binary computer code, and how big is your hard drive, right?

But like that important thing of the one becoming two and the two becoming the four and the four becoming the eight in this doubling sequence, right?

Understanding the Harmony of the Heavenly Spheres

So I want to talk today a bit about this harmony of the heavenly spheres, because [00:09:00] for me, when we talk about harmonic astrology. It is a necessary expression of life and it is, but it also misses the, see, I mean, that doubling is the most obvious because it's the most comprehensible, the most measurable in music, you know, as I know, you know, when you double the length of the string.

The frequency, the sound of it goes down one octave when you take a string and make and, and, and, uh, and cut it in half, the octave goes up. It's the same note, you know, let's just stay there, Rick. And then I promise we'll go to three and the five and all the things, but I don't want to go to three or five.

I want to stay on the octave, right? So there's this amazing, beautiful thing. As Rick was just saying, you take a vibrating string, and I will suggest in a [00:10:00] way that the Zodiac is this.

The Zodiac as a Vibrating String

Okay, like the Zodiac is a wave. The Zodiac is the ecliptic. waving north and then south of Earth's equator. So the plane of the year is the ecliptic, the Earth's sun plane and the equator is the plane of the day.

Our rotation. Okay. And the way the tropical zodiac works is we're looking at this beautiful wave Where zero Aries and zero Libra are like nodes, and then zero Cancer and zero Capricorn are the far places from the equator. And you can look at the equator just waving north and south of the equator. Right.

Hold the orrery up. You didn't, we, we couldn't see it. So this is an armillary sphere and what it's showing. And for those who are listening, I'm holding up in my hands an armillary sphere and pointing out the equator. Which is the plane of our daily rotation and the ecliptic. which is the plane of our [00:11:00] orbital revolution, so day and year, right?

And, um, they're different because of Earth's tilt. But you can look at the ecliptic, and therefore the heart of the zodiac, as the path of the sun, and for the most part, the planets, waving north and south of the equator. Well, isn't it true, though, that as astrologers, most astrologers don't realize That they're measuring two different waves because most astrologers are only concerned with zodiacal longitude, which is only measuring one of the two waves, even though, as you correctly said, the Aries Libra.

Um, or literally the, the cancer Capricorn axis measure the extreme points on the other wave. And I know that's there, but most astrologers don't think of that wave, even though it's there. Yeah. And so if we talk about declination, right, but in harmonic [00:12:00] astrology, most folks are only working as we do typically with aspects and transits.

With the ecliptic longitude, which is you and I know as zodiac degree So even if Venus is five degrees north of the ecliptic We're gonna project her to the degree that we show her on the chart and that's our Which by the way, I'm kind of getting to something I wanted to talk about later. But here it is It's one of my as an astronomer It's one of my kind of issues or challenges with harmonic astrology or an aspect theory in general.

Should we only be looking at aspects in one dimension? And I think I, I fear that the answer is no. Yeah. And also, yes. And maybe there's a reason for that. There's a reason why the ecliptic, which is the sun's path. And I call it the one ring that rules them at all. And the light binds them, right? Like there's a reason why we tie things there.

And regardless of planetary paths, just the ecliptic itself, it does wave [00:13:00] North and South of Earth's equator. Right. And you can literally draw it like a sine wave. Okay. So where is the half point?

Exploring the Concept of Harmonics

Let's call it a guitar string, right? That's vibrating up and down or North and South as it actually does.

Right. And as far as the sun getting around the ecliptic, that vibration happens in a year, or the moon gets around the zodiac in 27 days, right? Or, you know, look at your rising sign. The whole zodiac rises in 23 hours and 56 minutes, right? Like, we can get shorter, um, periods to experience the wave, but the wave is the wave.

Correct. In any wave, and this is a very beautiful thing, like, uh, let me just play another demonstration. Everyone, if you will, please close your eyes. And the question is, what instrument is this?[00:14:00]

It's a Christmas instrument. It's a Christmas song played on what? Was that a guitar? A trombone. Trumpet? You say trombone? Um, and Rick will know this better than most. It's a wooden flute. Now, like, I mean, exactly where, what country that flutes from. And the answer is Peru or yeah, Rick. So I'm closing my eyes,

same, same theme, but both of these instruments have something in common and that is both of them have air going through. a cavity that is resonating, which is very different than vibrating lips through brass, or very different, you know, than hitting, you know, with a mallet, you know, um, like on a piano, which is really what you're doing.

And so the difference is, of course, the frequency that we're hearing the loudest [00:15:00] is the one that determines the note, but the reason why we know it's a flute and not a, um, an oboe, you know, or not a violin is because no note as Pythagoras noted, uh, no double entendre intended there, um, no note arises in a pure form as a note is created, it also creates a mathematical resonances of other notes that a musician would call overtones, but a, uh, someone designing an electrical circuit would call harmonics.

Yeah, musicians say that too. So yeah, let's be there. So Rick played a recorder, a wooden recorder. And I played a flute from Peru. I'm sorry to say, I forget what it's called. Um, and the tones are pretty similar, right? But if I took out a, uh, ukulele here [00:16:00] and played that and Rick played his flute, I mean, you would very clearly recognize a different instrument from the Yeah, the amazing thing.

And so this is called timber. It's like the flavor. Right. Or the identity of the instrument. And the reason why your ears are able to distinguish this ukulele note from if I played that same note on the flute is because of harmonics, so any vibrating everything. And Rick, how many things vibrate? Oh, um, everything.

Oh, everything. And maybe everything even is vibration. Agreed? Well, and that's, remember, particles are an artifact and most people don't realize that the word node, which is an important word in astrology because we associate it with [00:17:00] the lunar nodes. But the word node is a Latin word. That means not. Not, not, like I said before, but not like a K N O T, something tied up in a knot.

The Future of Astrology: Harmonics and Uranian Astrology

And the word knot is etymologically derived from the Latin word node. And just like we astrologers call the node of the moon, you know, a cancer node. Is the central not where the mass of a tumor is, you know, or in physics, when you create a radio and an antenna to hear that radio frequency, you basically tune the antenna to a harmonic that picks up on the node of the wave so that in all, even as we're right now, talking in a computer or into a microphone and um, Having our voices accelerate to the speed of light and decoded everywhere else somehow magically.

It's all [00:18:00] done by the management of nodes, because there is nothing solid. Everything is vibration. And of course, this was the big change. That physics went through in the 20th century that most people really don't understand that physics, the hardest core of all the hardcore sciences, basically bellied up.

It went soft shell. It went soft because as the electron microscope was developed and we were able to see down past the apparent surfaces of solid things, all of a sudden, The scientists who were doing these subatomic explorations discovered that what they thought was solid was only solid while they were measuring it, and when they weren't measuring it, it was a vibration.

But somehow when they looked at it, it popped into a particle. And of course, I mean, the, between, um, uh, Niels [00:19:00] Bohr and Albert Einstein, and of course, a cadre of other explorers, um, you know, we now realize that light is a particle. It's a photon is a particle, but only when we're looking at it because it propagates, it travels like a wave form or like a wave or a vibe.

A wave is just a vibration slow enough that we can measure it. Vibration and waves are one in the same thing, but here's the thing that most astrologers don't ever think about unless they've heard it probably from you or me or, or, or now, maybe hopefully more and more. And that is. That planets traditionally are particles, just like everything was assumed to be particles.

Atoms were the building blocks, the Legos of the material world. I mean, that was what the party line was for a couple of millennium, a couple of millennia. Anyhow, the deal [00:20:00] is that when we as astrologers go to Map a chart. We're basically putting particles into a radial graphing system We're we're mapping particles And I remember having a breakfast with rob hand i'm thinking this is probably Close to 30 years ago.

It was in it was in the early 90s And and we were talking I I was talking about this looking for some feedback from someone who I thought Knew a lot and and and and did and still does But My claim was, or my, my thought at that time, which has been developing for three decades, is that just like in the subatomic realm, just like that, when we observe a moon cycle, because the moon propagates like a wave, that's about 12, 13 times a year, when we observe Saturn, which is a wave, That [00:21:00] basically propagates three times a century approximately, but when we observe it like a light wave, it becomes a particle, but it doesn't mean that Saturn or the moon or Mercury or any of these things are particles.

They're just particle waves, and they become particles when we observe them, and when we treat them like particles, we're missing out on the real, uh, what, what feeds the artifact of what has become natal astrology. Yeah, it's like so deep. I mean, first of all, like, how can your intellect or consciousness even survive the truth that the chair I'm sitting on is not there?

Oh, it's there. It's there. It's just it and it appears solid because of these. Nodes that are tying themselves up into these, these, these trillions of cycles a second or more, um, uh, frequencies are basically interfering with each [00:22:00] other, making what we know, what we, what we call standing waves. You know, you throw two rocks into a pond, and although the ripples are moving out, the water is not moving out.

The water is just moving up and down, but the energy is moving out and where those concentric circles meet. They cross. And they create points that don't move. And in fact, those points can send out their own patterns called interference patterns. And so, the chair is there, and we perceive it as solid, but a high frequency wave like cosmic waves, they don't even perceive Earth.

They, I mean, they just go right through earth and metal and people and anything on it. Like there's nothing there because it's all vibration. Yeah. And so one thing I just learned from you is that if I want to try to walk on water, I should throw a big rock in and then walk on the nodes. So thanks for that.

Yeah, we call that, we call that surfing. [00:23:00] I think you'd agree that, um, the matter of my chair is vibrating at a much slower pace than the matter of the air that I'm breathing right now. Yeah, or it's true. And one of the things that Buckminster Fuller actually taught Albert Einstein, which is a crazy thought.

And there's, there's a whole story about when they got together because, uh, Bucky Fuller wrote a book called Nine Chains to the Moon, um, is I think in the early 30s, and there was a chapter in it on relativity and Random House refused to publish it because Bucky Fuller wasn't one of the known experts on, on relativity.

And so Bucky, a friend of Buckminster Fuller's in New York, arranged a meeting between him and Albert Einstein who signed off on the book and left the meeting saying, I had no idea that, um, that the Uh, universal field theory or general relativity, um, because I had no idea that there were any real world practical [00:24:00] applications of this until I had this conversation with Buckminster Fuller.

Because what, what basically what Fuller, um, uh, explained is that what we perceive as solid, what we perceive as particle is basically Light that has, because of bumping into other waves, has slowed down enough to interfere with our sensory mechanisms. You know, there's no such thing as green or red in the universe.

You know, green is just, what, I don't know, 480 trillion cycles a second. There's a vibration, but we know what green is because we can see it, but it doesn't exist out there. It exists in our perception. So to say the chair isn't real isn't quite right. Green is real. It's just not green. It's just hundreds of trillions of cycles a second.[00:25:00]

So I'm trying to see how to map this from here. Yeah, let me show a demonstration of harmonics so folks can hear it. Um, but this um, every vibration actually consists of vibrations within vibrations within vibrations within vibrations within vibrations eternally and it's an amazing truth and I just and some vibrations sound easy and smooth like a flute and some vibrations like a trumpet or a tuba, the harmonics don't resonate as pretty and they create that kind of harsher sound, but the note is still the same, but it is, as you said, the timbre that actually is a result of the different arrangement of what harmonics are contained in that particular note.

Right, so let me start from the top because this will be really new information for a lot of [00:26:00] ears out here. Just imagine a string vibrating. Right. And so it's going up and down, right? Like the whole string, like look at a guitar string and just pluck that thing. Brett, Brett, Brett, hang on one second. I I've done this before.

Here's the string. Pluck it. I grab it in the middle and I lift it up and it goes like this.

Right, and so that string is going up and down. And again, like, you can imagine the Zodiac has a string that goes north and south of Earth's equator. It does. Right. So if, if that's true, like let's just say zero Aries and there's a good reason to measure from there. And I mean, zero tropical Aries when I say that, cause it's due east of the center of earth where we are all one and therefore it works like a global ascendant and it's one of the nodes or the knots, thanks for that Rick, of this earth, sun thing, [00:27:00] because it's where the ecliptic, the plane of the year North's across the equator.

So it's one of these nodal points, right? And so the, here's a string that's just going up and down. Across the equator, right? The Zodiac now in like that guitar string that Rick just brilliantly played for us, um, and it's up and down, right? You get the whole string wiggling in that way. And that's going to create this tone.

That's going to create what we call the first harmonic. Or the fundamental, right? And it's just the whole string. However, that string will also be vibrating at the first harmonic, which is the octave. I'm going to play that for you. And that's just, as Rick was saying before, if we pinch that guitar string in half,

Okay, now do that without lifting your fingers, Rick. You can't hear the microphones don't do a good job on those higher notes. All right. [00:28:00] Cool. So look, stick, stick with me with the guitar string for a second. All right. So if you pinch the guitar string in half and you play it again, you're going to play an octave.

What does that sound like? Somewhere like somewhere over the rainbow is a really good tune to remember if you want to hear the octave, right? And what an octave is on the vibrating string is you literally just pinch the string in half and therefore You are creating waves that are moving twice as fast, and the wave that moves twice as fast sounds to our ears twice as high.

We call that an octave for reasons we're not going to get into today. Now, if I pinch that half of a string in half again, It's the next octave and the half of the half of the half of the half of the half of the half of the half of the half double. It's still the same. We recognize it as the same note at another level, right?

Yeah. So like let's just say we're playing C, if I play half the string, it's the C above it and the quarter of the string, [00:29:00] it's the next C and the eighth, it's the next. And this is why I wanted to talk about mitosis, and I think we'll get into the idea of Uranian astrology in some regards too, of like if you're looking at.

In opposition, right, let's say a planet's at zero Aries and a planet's at zero Libra, or even without planets there, these points of the zodiac are in opposition to each other. Right. Or zero Cancer and zero Capricorn. One is where Earth's north pole leans, the other is where Earth's south pole leans, right?

They cut the guitar string in half. They are in this relationship of halfness. And we, of course, in astrology, we used to call it the diameter. Now we call it the opposition. If you cut the opposition in half, you get a square, right? Cut the square in half and you get the octile, but usually we call it a semi square.

Or a half square for those who don't want to speak Latin. Right, 45 degrees, cut the 45 degrees in half, 22 and a half, and you start having to get your calculator out, but basically there is this interesting relationship. [00:30:00] Of having and having and having and having which doubles and doubles and doubles and doubles the frequency.

And that's why I wanted to speak about mitosis. And there's something for me in kind of the mitochondrial DNA here. Um, and I don't know how, how much reality there is in that, but I have personally been wrestling with the idea that the Pythagorean mysteries, it is whispered. New even numbers as feminine and odd numbers as masculine.

I'm of the personal opinion that it's more like the doubling numbers would be seen. And I think for this kind of mitosis reason and for this, like, familiar and like, even. The, the mother birth, the child who will birth a child who is the mother's grandchild and on and on and on, there's something about these octaves and the having sequence and the doubling sequence where you just, in a sense, maintain the same note, but go up and up and up.

So, as Rick was saying before, in a sense, like the Jupiter pulse is like one [00:31:00] snap every 12 years. Well, we're not going to feel that. But if you take the octave of that, it's two snaps every 12 years or one snap every six years. What's the octave of that? One snap every three years. And eventually you can get to the point where we're actually snapping.

All right. And if that snapping gets so fast that it becomes a buzz. You're going to hear it as a note. This is one of the ways you could tune into the idea of the harmony of the heavenly spheres. It's not what Kepler was doing. It might be more akin to what Pythagoras was doing. We can't exactly say, but a cool thing to know is that Kepler wrote about how this harmony of the heavenly spheres can't be heard with the human ears, but it's heard by the soul.

But the mysteries whisper that Pythagoras could actually hear it. And who's that? I, I think a couple of things to what you're saying. Number one is I see regardless of what Pythagoras may or may [00:32:00] not have written or said, uh, I see as the having and the having and the having, or the doubling, doubling and doubling as a, Um, male and I don't mean sex organs.

I mean a gender, you know, sense a young energy because, because it manifests materially. It, it has impact. Um, and whereas there are other numbers and maybe the odd numbers, but when you get down to the mitochondria or in particular, into the structure of the, uh, You know, the deoxyribonucleic acid, what we call DNA.

Um, it's important to understand that the mathematical harmony of that. Is not just linear that what enters into that equation is the division by five, which is the golden mean or the divine proportion five, the 1. 6180339 dot, dot, dot, dot, because that number [00:33:00] somehow creates a very important ripple that is missed in the traditional model.

Octave. Octave. Octave. Octave. And so, um, but I think that that with the concept of mitosis and with the doubling, um, and doubling again, or they have in quartering the, you know, the 360 degrees, half 180 opposition, half square. 90, half of a half of a Scott, or I'm sorry, the half of an opposition, the square, the half of a square 45 and when 35, the half of that, the, you know, um, uh, 22 and a half, the 11 and a quarter and so on, that those are basic, basically harmonies or harmonics have physical artifact.

Um, that's not stable and, and there's more to go down there, but I want to just stop there. Rick, I think that's a great place to be. Cause I wanted to ask, and then we'll come back a little bit to the vibrating string, but let's go into astrology world. This is the [00:34:00] astrology hub podcast. And the one is the other by the way, but I'm sure folks listening, wait, this is an astrology podcast.

And I'm sitting with an, with an elder. I mean, I prefer to say uncle, like in Polynesia, right? He's a great teacher and a guide and a friend of mine. Um, but you've also been around and you've been around astrology for a good amount of time. And if this was episode one and it's not, I wasn't here for that.

I probably ask you when you began and all those things. What I'm interested in is like. I began studying, I began, my dad took me to Egypt on a business trip and I studied with Pythagoras. Perfect. Right. In that wonderful lifetime. Um, but you know, when you look at the pyramid, you are studying with Pythagoras.

So anyway, um, I'm wondering kind of when harmonics first came to you, Rick, and how they arrived, what you were doing in your astrology already. And I'm also wondering, you know, did you go Uranian? When that thing was happening. And [00:35:00] can you just tell us a little bit about that? Well, um, I, I got totally fascinated.

I was, you know, by astrology as a psychology major undergraduate and my first two real astrology books. Um, or teachers were Dane Rudger, the astrology of personality and then some of his many of his other books and one of his students, a guy named Michael Meyer, who wrote a book called handbook, uh, uh, for handbook for humanistic astrologers.

I'm looking up. I don't see it right in front of me. I was going to grab it. Um, and, and because of that, and because of Rudger's way of interpreting astrology, I learned about aspects In a section in the Michael Meyer book that talked about dividing a circle and having it, you know, dividing it by half and having a square or an opposition.

Sorry. And by 3 and having a trine and by 4 and having [00:36:00] a square and by 5 and having a quintile. And I never knew when I first learned that quintiles were supposed to be. Less important because real astrologers didn't use them. And so I found myself using quintiles early on and Then I think it was when I really began seriously studying on another level in the early 70s I think that I came across then, um, John Addy's work and a book by, I think the name was R.

A. Jacobson, um, who wrote a book called, uh, Uranian Astrology. And, um, and Uranian Astrology basically is an astrology that rather than looking at the zodiac in the way that We astrologers have been trained basically looks at the having and having and having, um, which [00:37:00] basically takes a horoscope wheel.

And, and normally we look at a wheel that has 360 degrees in it. And in Uranian astrology. They have a tool called the fourth harmonic wheel, which basically makes that circle 90 degrees. So you have to go around it four times to map everything, which ends up meaning. That if you have two planets at let's say four and a half degrees of fixed, whether those two planets are at four and a half degrees of airy, I'm sorry, four and a half degrees of Taurus and or four and a half degrees of Aquarius in that new chart, they will be an exact conjunction.

And so what it does is it magnifies the fourth harmonic. It came out of Germany and Germany of all the astrologies and cultures. It's the. culture that is most fixed on, on Saturn, on the ST, the ST of Saturn, the ST of, of Saturn, the [00:38:00] stuff of the real world. Um, and so that's really where between John Addie's work on Harmonics, Harmonic Astrology, um, and, um, and, and Uranian Astrology, it was in 1975 that I went to my first astrology conference.

Sponsored by Lowen, um, the, uh, publisher outta St. Paul Minnesota. I was living in Minneapolis and I, at that conference I heard a guy named Charles Emerson, um, give a few lectures that blew my mind, and he was a brilliant Uranian astrologer. And my life has never been the same. Now I have to say at that time, calculating harmonics was basically a calculator.

And so it was pretty mathematically intense, but I love mathematics. I'm good at it. And then by the You know, late 70s, I think it was in 77, um, I got my first own personal computer, [00:39:00] and I realized that shit, I could write little programs that would calculate harmonics. And so I lost a few years of my life into harmonics and, um, and Uranian astrology.

But I have to say that that over the years, I find harmonics, um, as a standalone system, cumbersome to work with, although we're catching up with the software, especially the work that David Cochran does and Clarissa. Uh, represented that, uh, last week's, uh, Cosmic Connection, um, that, that we're now beginning to get tools in order to surf those, the complexity of those harmonics, instead of just multiplying a chart by doubling it and doubling it and doubling it by the, you know, by the second, fourth, and so on any chart, I'm sorry, any number can be a harmonic.

And for that matter, Sorry. Any pair of [00:40:00] planets in the chart makes a chord, makes a note. It doesn't matter what, whether they have an aspect that we look at or not. They, they can, they can be, um, uh, a hundred and, um, uh, 168. 7325 degrees apart, and there's a harmonic. Where they will buzz as one and and and here's where the beauty of working with harmonic aspects, um, comes in and that is we don't have to take the leap into this crazy world of harmonics, which ultimately is where astrology is going.

I'm convinced of it. And I think that that what we will be. Well, let's say a generation or 2 or 3 down the road. Can't In order to do astrology, you'll have some sort of three, three dimensional, um, holographic modeling system where like, like an old oscilloscope [00:41:00] where you had the lines going across, like you see in the old movies with the radar or the submarines.

And you basically tune in an oscilloscope to get these patterns to meld to find out where their frequencies are either supporting each other or not. I believe that ultimately astrology will become incredibly visible where we'll be able to take a chart and literally go. I agree. And see where the harmonics are.

And until then we're stumbling around in the world like mathematicians were before they discovered calculus or, yeah, but we're getting closer. But, hey Rick, I wanna like retrograde us way back and then bring us back to right where you just were. And by the way, that random aspect you yelled at was it's a 15th harmonic.

Um, well, no, but it, but it's not with that decimal that far out, in other words. Even, hold on, even 89. 999 [00:42:00] is not an exact fourth harmonic. You're right, now I hear you. But I So And it's important to Pointing out that, like, to three decimal points got us to the But, but, you see, the thing is, the thing is, is that if you have four different pairs of planets in your chart That are at that 89.

9999. You can mistake them for a square until you start pulsing into the higher and higher frequencies. And then you see other patterns. That's again, let me, let me bring us back to where we are. So why? And I love also that you just kind of spoke to him and by the way, the, the book is the language of Uranian astrology is the book for Jacobson.

And then. A handbook, um, of human, humanistic astrology for both. Um, so yeah, I love that you spoke about Saturn, right? Because traditionally Saturn was a planet that was associated with the opposition aspect.

Understanding Astrology: Halving the Circle

In other words, like halving the circle. Right. And if you have the [00:43:00] half, you get the square and you have to have the half, the half, and like, why that, I mean, actually when I started astrology with Daniel DiMario.

The Role of Conjunctions, Squares, and Oppositions in Astrology

He's only really looking at conjunctions and squares and oppositions, and especially in transit. And his argument is, and it's like, you know, when somebody comes to see you, they're not coming because they're experiencing some trying aspect or, or, or, uh, transit some squares happening. Right?

The Impact of Halving and Doubling in Astrology

And, um, I mean, I'm into it all don't get me wrong, but there is something about that, like, having and doubling that we're looking at.

That's very much. I would say about, like. How the vision comes into this reality. That's right. It the screenwriter, right, Brett, it creates the maximum 90 degree angles or halves of halves.

The Concept of Maximum Deconstruction in Physics and Astrology

Of halves, of halves create what a physicist would call maximum deconstruction or maximum interference. And so they're gonna have the most.

Appearance in the three [00:44:00] dimensional world. When you look back at your life and you remember the most important things in your life, they're almost all going to be events that have been precipitated or popped into the three dimensional world by a division by a half or a half of a half or a half of a half of that.

So on.

The Influence of Trines and Harmonics in Astrology

And, and yes, the trines are the, the energy flows. There's, there's, whether it's a trine, Or a trine of a trine, meaning a 3rd harmonic or a 9th harmonic, or even a 27th harmonic or an 81st harmonic, which is basically magnifications of that division by 3, they don't create the same ripples, they, the energy flows.

The Misconception of Squares and Trines in Astrology

Now, here's the problem though, and the mistake is thinking that squares are bad and trines are good, because A person can come to you as a client and you look at the chart and you go, wow, look at all these trines. You know, your life should be really smooth and whatever, but the person suffering because they can't get any [00:45:00] traction, they can't make changes that everything is, is just so smooth and whatever it is, they need that square or something to make something happen.

And so it's a mistake to get distracted by the physical things the, because look, there's not a better tool.

The Use of Symmetrical Dial in Astrology

In that we astrologers have been using a symmetrical dial as something that Gary Kristen teaches, which is a second or third generation out of the school of Uranian astrology and using midpoints and, and, and, and symmetry.

But the thing here is that those tools are all incredibly powerful for predicting quote unquote real events. And I use the air quotes around real because it reminds me of the person who goes off and studies in Bhutan and the caves with some, you know, Buddhist guru or Rinpoche. [00:46:00] And, um, and, and after three or four years, there comes back to the States and 30 years later.

Um, comes back and tracks his history and finds this guru again. And the guru says, wonderful to see you.

The Real Meaning of Success in Astrology

How's your life? And the person says, well. It's been incredible. I went back to college. I got my PhD in this. I started teaching at the university. I met this wonderful woman or man or we got, we bought a house.

We have kids. I've published books, blah, blah, blah, blah. And the guru says, I don't care about any of that shit. You know, how are you doing? What's what's going on?

The Role of Harmonic Astrology in Challenging Patriarchy

In other words, we get distracted by the physical things and think that denotes success, but the real meaning that we're all being confronted with, or many people are these days, is that what's going on in the outside world, the mechanical world is not a map [00:47:00] that gets us to the world of meaning, that gets us to the yin, and this is why, you know, that I look at harmonic astrology really as a reaction to the patriarchy, because when you divide a circle by three and four, or by two and four and eight or, or two, three and four, what you're doing is you're getting physical artifacts, whether it's constriction or, um, or conflict as in the half, half, half, half, or whether it's flow as it is in the trine and sextile, they still have physical counterparts.

And, and, you know, Brett, you, you know, you were talking about the music thing before, you know, I don't know if you can remember in your life, Um, the first time that you heard music, let's say, um, Indian music, like from a sitar, you know, um, I mean, I have a distinct, I can remember the first time, I mean, I'd never [00:48:00] heard that kind of music before, ever, and I mean, this was 1967 or 68, and someone dragged me to a Ravi Shankar concert, and I'd never, and I left that, my brain was twisted, because Because I knew, I know music, and I know that the musical scale consists of these tones that actually Pythagoras kind of put together, um, which we know is the 12 note scale, um, you know, the, the 8 white keys, well, 7, and then back to the octave, the 8, and the 5 black keys, and, you know, and, and yet, That scale of which is the scale that was used by by the Gregorian chanters and by Mozart and Beethoven and the Beatles and, you know, and Metallica, and I don't care who it is.

That's the scale that we use, except there's an entire universe of notes. That have their own [00:49:00] hum that don't conform to our scale. Right? Absolutely. And in India, they'll tell you, you can't play Indian music like a Raga on a fixed note instrument. Like a, however, they also honor the 12 note scale because the 12 note scale is a natural result of the Harmonic series.

Okay. And, and Brett, by the same token. By the same token, I honor the 12 note scale. Of the division of the Zodiac and I'm tired of people saying, you know, people who are ignorant who say, well, what about the 13th sign? Stupid? It's a stupid thing because they don't understand that the, there are not 12 signs up there.

There's 12 signs in here. And that the Zodiac is a division by 12. You can't have a 13th. It's not about that. Well, it's probably what happens when you try to study astrology while ever having studied geometry. Exactly. And you wouldn't do that back in the day. Look, we're so short on space [00:50:00] time. Okay. And I wouldn't like…

Go to a bunch of these nodes we've gone to and try to tie them back together. So let me just do three things and then I'm going to bring you back in. Okay.

The Importance of Harmonics in Astrology

So we were talking about, so there's something as Rick was just saying, when you're looking at these halvings, right? In the opposition, the square, the semi square as this particular branch of astrology focuses in on, there's something about manifestation in it.

There's something important. But is reality quote unquote, as Rick said, like, is that reality? And what about the world behind the world and how do we get there and whatnot? All right.

The Vibrating String and its Role in Astrology

So let's come back to this vibrating string. When you vibrate the string, it has this one big wave, but it also has two waves within that wave.

It's doing that naturally. It also, the string is divided in thirds. And it vibrates there too. That's called the third harmonic. I want to just play the first three harmonics for you on this flute. Okay, when I do this,[00:51:00]

I'm actually closing holes that make the flute longer and therefore it's a longer air column and a longer frequency, which you hear is a lower note.

Now, I'm gonna just keep my fingers on that lowest note, and what I'm gonna do is instead of changing the without, the flute, I'm going to change the within, because when I'm playing this note, there's something inside of me that is mirroring the air column of the flute outside of me. Now, I can change what's happening within me, and what you're going to hear, though I'm fingering the same notes or the, uh, on the flute, is you're going to hear it pop up first to the second harmonic.

Which is the octave. And then if I can do it, you'll hear the third harmonic. Let me play this for you.[00:52:00]

That highest note is the third harmonic and I can't do it too well on that instrument. But if I took my saxophone out, I'd probably crush your ears. All right. So interestingly, this isn't a vibrating string. This is a vibrating air column, right? What you just heard is I was able somehow to change what's happening inside of me.

And split the tone so that instead of hearing the fundamental or the lowest, which is the first harmonic, your ears heard the second harmonic, which is the octave up. And then you heard the third harmonic, which is just a different animal entirely.

The Concept of Timbre in Astrology

Now, as we were saying before, the reason why this. Sound registers to you as flute is because of the timbre and the timbre is a natural result Of you hearing different amplitudes or volumes of the higher harmonics Okay, so when I play a flute you're hearing the first harmonic the fundamental but you're also hearing The second harmonic, the third, the [00:53:00] fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, right?

That you can only go so high because they kind of get outside of the range. But like the electric guitar has a different blend of the harmonics just in the way the instrument is constructed. then the acoustic guitar does, then a flute does, a saxophone, Rick's recorder versus this flute from Peru. And the argument I would make is, first of all, everything is vibration, including hopefully this chair I'm sitting on and the air I'm breathing and all, and you and me, and perhaps one of the ways that astrology will offer a tool that can help us tune in the timbre of you or me.

Right, is looking at the amplitude, if you will, or the volume of these higher harmonics, the relative, a relative amplitude, because it's not just about any, it's how they all combine and by the way, um, someone typed in the chat box a bit ago, um, as, as, as if they were [00:54:00] correcting us, I think, or maybe not, they typed in the word just by itself, uh, timber, timber, timber, Spelled T I M B R E, and I just want to say that is correct, but it's not pronounced Timber, the word is correctly pronounced Tamber, even though it's spelled T I M B R E.

Just wanted to be clear about that. If a tree falls in the woods… Yeah, no one hears it. Let's not go there. Alright, so, we can use, and I love Rick because when I was listening to you in the episode last week speaking about harmonics I was like, wow, there's so many metaphors that I use that Rick uses. Like, of course this is what you use.

A fourth harmonic chart is… of four times magnification of the chart. And it really helps us kind of tune into how much square there or what squares in there. Yeah. Well, when you use a fourth harmonic chart or, or, or any multiple of that, you're tuning in more and more discreetly. [00:55:00] Into the physical universe.

And this is why the notes that don't fit into the 12 fold zodiac, um, that 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12 create the harmonics. We know 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 create the Ptolemaic aspects, but even Ptolemy said, nope, when you go to the 12th harmonic, there's no note. I can't hear it. They're in conjuncts. And we know now. That there is a semi sextile and a quincunx, and those are the zodiac aspects.

But when you divide a circle by five or seven, those are the most fundamental non zodiacal harmonics. In other words, they're the closest to the fundamental first harmonic, that those are the most obvious. But if you look at a chart, and all the planets in it are tied into a hum. On the ninth harmonic or the 11th, that becomes [00:56:00] more resonant, more powerful, more amplitude, as you were describing, then maybe even the square.

But when our youth were so overwhelmed by the physical universe and trying to figure out how do I work with this moon square Saturn that I was born with, you may not even hear. that higher harmonic. But as we grow older and begin to look for meaning and look for the magic behind the physical universe, that's when the harmonics begin to unfold.

And that's why when you don't look at the 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and I'm just stopping there. only because we can manage that under 12, that doesn't mean that the 14th or the 17th harmonic isn't important. This is just a way we can get our brains wrapped around stepping into Indian music before we step into alien music.

Right. I made this cool revelation today, [00:57:00] um, That Ana and I both have this cool synastry in the 33rd harmonic. Now, before I go into what is the 33rd, I can see that 33rd is 11 and 3. And so if I know something about a trine, which is 3 and something about 11. Which is, who knows what, and Rick does, then I can try to get after what the 33 might be.

And this is one kind of practical way, perhaps, or theoretical way, or way that I'm experimentally working with harmonic charts.

The Use of Harmonic Charts in Astrology

There's this thing that you said last week, Rick, which I really appreciate. It's like, be careful, because I get obsessed, right? I'm obsessed with harmonics right now. Be careful in your obsessions not to make that your only astrology.

Right. So if it's fixed stars, you said, or uranium or whatever, like, right, bring that to your astrology. For me, harmonics is not the replacement of astrology as I've known it. It's a tool that will [00:58:00] help me expand my astrology as I know it. By the way, Lieutenant Charlie, who wrote the word timber before, clarified that he wasn't trying to correct us, he was just writing the word, uh, you know, even though it looks like timber, it's pronounced tam ber, he was just writing it down for others to see.

And Sparkles of Gold said they just heard the tree drop. We're in, we're in trouble, you know? But, but I, I do wanna say just one quick thing about this, because even, you know, we had our first class yesterday for this, you know, for the harmonics, uh, chart reading thing that, that I'm doing on Astrology Hub.

And we looked at four people's charts who I hand, um, curated out of some 200 charts that were, that have been, um, submitted. And it's just astounding how, when you look at just simply looking at a chart and looking for the septiles, which we don't normally, most people don't normally work with. And you see the patterns [00:59:00] of that and how they make someone's life actually just pop into, Oh my God, I've been doing this my whole life and I've never understood how it works in this chart.

And, and so. It's like hearing, you know, I, I, I remember also being in college and, uh, when the Beatles broke up, uh, George Harrison's, um, um, Al he came out with an album called wonder wall music. And George, of course, you know, studied sitar with Ravi Shankar and kind of, of the three, four Beatles kind of delved into those, uh, aspects of mysticism more than the others and the cover of that album had a brick wall.

And on one side of the brick wall was this life, black and white life in England with this guy walking along with his bowler cap and his cane and your umbrella or whatever, and look very, very absolutely stiff and straight and whatever. [01:00:00] And in this wall, there was one brick. That was removed, uh, um, which may be the origin of the brick in the wall, you know, from Pink Floyd, I don't know, but on the other side of that wall, there was this crazy, magical Hindu ish thing with more things that were all interrelated and the gods and the humans and it was just, and it always reminds me of someone who hasn't delved into Hinduism.

harmonics, because we think this is the whole, this side of the world. We think this is what it is until whether you do it through Uranian astrology or vibrational astrology, or what David's now calling it, um, you know, uh, he's taken the word astrology out of it. Um, and it's calling it. Um, like Cosmobiology in effect, making it more of a biological function, but whatever the tool is that it gets you into that realm, it's like the awareness of there's an [01:01:00] entire universe you didn't know about or you knew about, but you had no way of expressing it or quantifying it or putting it into the astrological realms.

By the way, on one side of the Wonderwall, it's Charlie Chaplin. And the George Harrison cover. And on the other side, there's a lot of Tantra happening in like a pool. There is. I haven't looked at the cover for a long time, but I, but it stands out in my mind again. When I first saw it, I thought I get it, you know, and of course also fun, you know, so, yeah, I mean, we can take harmonic charts, which I think are really amazing and it's a thing I'm playing with now.

And sometimes like one thing that I'm doing is just like, like, so I was speaking with a client today, actually. And she's, uh, she's a screenwriter.

The Significance of the Ninth Harmonic in Astrology

And, um, actually that's where I was really feeling. She was like, I'm receiving, I'm receiving the, the, the stories, right? And she kind of pointed up when she said that.

And I said, oh, but you want to get them out. Right? And I saw myself pointing forward and I felt that kind of coming down and then pointing [01:02:00] for you really felt the square there. Right. Where's the thing that's going to help these manifest in the world. Right. But the thing that I did and that I've been playing with lately is like, okay, well, it was for her.

It was a cancer midheaven and the moon is in Taurus. All right, and so we know Cancer and Taurus just by plates or whole signs, so they call it platyc or sextiles, but her midheaven and her moon weren't in any way 60 degrees apart. They were 3 16th of the Zodiac apart from when they were 67. 5 degrees apart.

Um, and so I just kind of did the math and saw that and then I cast the 16th harmonic chart. And then noticed all these other things. Right. But the reason why I was inspired to go there as I was like, well, if the traditional astrology has something to say, and a cancer mid heaven will in a way be expressed through how this person will work in what the moon is up to, then let me see how far the moon is from that [01:03:00] point and what kind of vibration they're in.

And then when I created that chart, I could see all these other things like. Mercury opposite Neptune, and she's a screenwriter, right? And I was like, okay, there. And like, can we work with that in some way, especially since the 16 is an eight is a four is a two is the one, um, to help her manifest and get these visions out.

Do you know what I mean? And, and by the way, then the internet died, but you know, well, I'll see her next time and we'll see what goes down. It's just one of the ways where I'm kind of toying with harmonics. as an opportunity to see a thing that just my, my currently trained astrological eyes don't see.

But I believe the way to start is something that Rick's teaching and really kind of encourages is like, Hey, just put quintiles on the chart. Just divide the wheel into five. I almost called you Gemini. And of course, I got [01:04:00] you. Well, you know your name on the computer. And I think Uh, just a very quick aside, many years ago, um, I got on, on Brett's case.

I said, you know, you know, when you, your name as Gemini Brett, um, it's like a green room. The room is the noun. Brett is the name. Brett is, and Gemini is an adjective. And so it makes me crazy when people call you Gemini, because your name isn't Gemini, your name is Brett. Gemini is the green or the tall or the smart or the storyteller or whatever.

And, um, and we kind of had that little talk. And the following day Brett calls me and says, Facebook just busted me and I gotta change my name on Facebook to my real name, . And Rick told on me anyway, my mom calls me Brett too, and she'll appreciate you for that. Say, I'm sorry, say that again. My mama calls me Brett too.

That's what she named. Yeah. I, I usually call, Hey, um, before I forget, two things. Number one, I don't know if you can [01:05:00] see this, but one of the British. Um, second generation harmonic practitioners, uh, who just recently passed away, a guy named David Hamblin, um, several books. This book, Harmonic Astrology in Practice, is really good.

He also wrote books called, like, The Spirit of Numbers. Ah, there it is right there, which is also right here. And then the other thing… is David Cochran's book, Vibrational Astrology. And again, whether you're doing harmonic charts or practicing, um, this in any way, the numbers are still what's important.

Understanding what a, what, what a seventh Harmonic sounds like understanding what an 11th harmonic or an eighth harmonic sounds like is the same in any of these in any of these approaches, right? And so that's another thing that's helping me right now is the music because I know, for example, the third [01:06:00] harmonic.

creates a musical fifth. If I slowed the vibration of a fifth down, it's this, it's three over two, and considering that relationship and how that feels in my body, how that rhythm moves me, and then speeding it up to listen to those two notes together. And those two notes, as is basically the basis. Um, of Gregorian Chants.

It's an open fifth. It's a Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, Do, Sol. Let me play a fifth. Here, I can do it. No, you got it. Here, I'll go a little lower. Let's play two notes. So that's the first. And that, that hollow sound, excuse me, Brett, that hollow sound is basically that open sound that we [01:07:00] get from a lot of medieval music because it takes a third note to give us the clarity of whether it's a major or a minor sound in music.

Which, you know, fascinating, like, so let me just play that. That's the major. That third note that just came in to make what we call the major chord, that's the fifth harmonic. Yeah. Um, and so an amazing thing is like, so just like one, two, four, eight, right? Let me play those for you on this instrument.

Actually have to, I ran outta fingers.

This is, that's as I, I, I actually missed, hold on.

That's as many octas as I could play on this melodica. But anyway, it's just like, I just played C and C and C, and if I had more piano and more hands, we'd play more and more Cs, they're beautiful, but you're kind of [01:08:00] in the same world. But when you start throwing odd numbers in like three. It divides the string in such a way that you're not having it, right?

You have one third and you have two thirds. And that brings in a new note to the scale. And an amazing thing is like once you get to three, however, which we could see as the trine, it's a third of the string, right? The six is the octave of the three. 'cause it's just you take it to three and now we can double the 3, 3, 6, 12, 20.

Right? Or astrologically, a sex tile is half of a trine. Right? And in a way we could call 'em semi trins. We could definitely call them semi trines, and then the semi sextile, which is a twelfth of the wheel, and then the semi semi sextile, the twenty fourth harmonic, which is fifteen degrees. They, in the harmonic series, or listening to that division of the string, [01:09:00] they're all the same note.

But separated by octaves. So in a sense, like once you get to like a seventh harmonic, the 14th has a similar smell now, the 14th, because it's seven and two, it might be the way that we partner in sevenness because we feel a partnership in opposition. One other thing I want to make sure that we just get out today, or at least just mention, and that is that although we Westerners look at.

the history of harmonics or, um, or harmonic astrology or cosmobiology or uranium astrology or harmonic aspects. We look at that from the standpoint of, you know, the 20th century and, you know, and, and cosmobiology, uranium astrology, John Addy, harmonics, uh, David Cochran, David Hamblin, my work, your work. But the fact of the matter is That the Vedic astrologers have been doing this for a couple of [01:10:00] thousand years, and they call it, and they call it divisional astrology.

Importantly, very few of the D charts in Indian astrology are harmonic. Yeah, that's well, it's like a harmonic chart will always be like the fifth harmonic puts five mini zodiacs inside the zodiac divides the zodiac into five slices, but it will always go through the zodiacal order and then repeat, right?

In the nym vom sha, like the ninth derivative, the D9 chart in Indian astrology, like that is definitely nine zodiacs in zodiacal order within the zodiac, but many of the divisions like the Horas. Which interesting is a Greek word in Vedic astrology, which divides into 24 slices and you go kind of sun, moon, moon, sun, sun, moon, moon, sun, right, right, right.

Not necessarily a quote unquote harmonic or it won't be mapped on a harmonic chart, which is a ninth harmonic chart that the [01:11:00] Hindu astrology or Vedic or Jyotish. Has been using that for centuries. I don't know how many, I don't know, I don't know whether it's one or one and a half or two millennia, but it's, it's basically a tool to see the completion in a marriage, which in some ways, if you think of a trine as that, which flows.

In the, from a social standpoint, that 9th harmonic is like a completion of flowing into the outer world, whether it's a happy marriage or not, of course, is not part of the issue. The issue is in the social context that there's that sense of completion. Right. So, and that's another interesting thing in that study, and I'm very.

New to it or young and I'm not even young in it, but the in the divisional charts and so called Vedic astrology, they will also apply to different houses. And so, like, the 9th division applies to the 7th house and therefore marriage. However, it's [01:12:00] often said that the 9th is the fruit. Of the tree that is the Rossi, which is the root charter, the first harmonic charter, you know, the charts that you and I are looking at all day, just the fundamental vibration of the string, which is the Zodiac your natal chart.

Right? So 1 last thing I wanted to speak with you about Rick. And then we should wrap this thing. Um, is the 9th harmonic because so in, like, if you cast a 2nd harmonic chart, which basically divides the Zodiac in half. It makes two Zodiacs within the Zodiac and then superimposes them on top of each other, right?

And then creates a chart out of them, which is amazing, right? It will help you magnify two times and look at like the kind of oppositional qualities in your chart. And if you see an opposition in that second harmonic. It's a square in the first harmonic because it's a half of a half, four is a half of a half, but however, and I should say this [01:13:00] as I, as I tried to play and sadly, some crazy sounds came out of this thing, but if I half the string length, I, I don't, I double the frequency.

It's the same note, but the octave up or in the next range. And the half it again, the same note in the next range and the next range, right? I'm staying in that same place. All right, but if I take a third of the string, I have a new note, okay, so that's like interestingly something that the trine does. And if I look at a third harmonic chart, and I see a trine in the third harmonic chart, Then three and three trying and three is a ninth.

So in the ninth harmonic chart, that will be a conjunction. However, in the harmonic series in music, the ninth harmonic is not the same note as the third harmonic, right? So the third harmonic, like I said, just for those of you who speak music, the third harmonic creates the musical fifth. If [01:14:00] I'm playing in the note C, the third harmonic is a G, and then the sixth is a G, the twelfth is a G, the twenty fourth, forty eight, because I can take that three and now I'm in my doubling sequence on the three, and I maintain the same note through the different grains.

Right, the only one that maintains consistency is the, is the octave, that's the magic of the octave. Right, but, but also the octave. Of any note. Exactly. Then 48, 96. I can't do it any further than that. Once I'm at 5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80. But 15 is a different animal. It creates a different note. And 9, which in a sense is like the trine of a trine.

It's also this other being it is something I think really important about that. And that's why I was saying before, like, I don't like to do feminine masculine for even and not odd numbers at all. Like, like putting gender on it just doesn't work for me. But I think importantly, instead of even an [01:15:00] odd.

It's more like doubling in numbers that aren't doubles. Because the numbers that aren't doubles, they bring us something new. Now, once I'm to 3, 6, which is not in the doubling sequence of 1, 2, 4, 8, it still is a double of the 3. It's not a new number. Brett, you can think of it this way. If you're just looking at harmonic aspects on a natal chart, that when you run any even numbered harmonic, oppositions are always going to be part of that.

In other words, in the fifth harmonic, you don't see if you're looking at the quintiles. In the, in a natal chart, we're not doing a new chart. We're not creating a harmonic chart. If you're looking at the quintiles in a chart, you won't see any, any oppositions. But if you're looking at the 10th harmonic, you'll see [01:16:00] oppositions.

If you're looking at a trine, there are no oppositions, but if you're looking at sextiles or the sixth harmonic, oppositions will be part of that frequency. The same is true with every number. That's the double. The octave is always part. of an even number, even, but that even number is always going to be any number doubled.

Any whole integer doubled is going to be an even number. But if you're looking at the 1. 68 harmonic, and again, you can make a, and you look at the double of that, you're not looking at the opposition. So everyone knew this was going to go long when the two of us got together. Yeah, we were just getting started.

I do have to ask one more question of you though.

The Use of Age Harmonic in Astrology

So, someone came up with this age harmonic thing. Tad Men. Tad Men. Well, I think it was Charles and [01:17:00] Louis Hannon were the first ones that came out with it in the AFA. And I'm not positive, and look, I wasn't. When was that? But this is, this is the book. I just got it.

I've gotten into it. Predictive Techniques and Annual Harmonics by, what's the date, what's the date on the book? Open it Up. Um, and the idea, well I look for its date. Yeah. 1986. Yeah. No, it, it, it's based on the work of Tad Tadd, man. Okay, cool. I gotta get so, so Tad man. TA man actually att att atman. Att Man.

Oh, God, I went backwards. Thanks. It's Atwood is his first name. Um, the idea is like, so I just turned 48. So my 48th harmonic chart is now coming alive in some interesting way. Yeah. So, first of all, have you played with it? A little bit. I've hung out with Ted a lot. And I know that the system works as validity.

The [01:18:00] conceptual theoretical framework behind it. Yeah. has to do with logarithmic time. It's very, very fascinating. Um, I do not use it in my regular practice, but, um, but I've seen it used and I've heard Tad talk about it in respect, in respect to my own chart, my own life. So yeah, it's, it's, it's an interesting thing.

I don't use it. His life cycle astrology is a different trip. That logarithmic spiral in the chart, like that works. It's still, it's still harmonically. Anyhow. Yeah. I didn't listen to that voice in me. It was like, do this after the live ends. And this probably gets edited out. Anyway, we will find out. So those of you who are here live, you saw it while it existed.

Um, all right. So Rick, we, I guess we better wrap this up. I, I have a million questions for you. I will just say that, um, this idea of starting to tune into harmonics, gracefully. So you're not just [01:19:00] looking at charts and what the heck is it? And what is the 33rd harmonic mean? And that kind of thing, just starting to add in the computers, make this easy, starting to add, even if you just add the quintiles to your chart.

One fifth of the Zodiac exactly that you have planets in this kind of relationship If you're Rick Levine, you have lots of planets in that kind of relationship Which means the fifth harmonic in the timbre that is the instrument Rick Levine is strong and pronounced, right? But you know the thing about the fifth harmonic is the five pointed star which was rejected rejected By the religion of the material universe, which is the four pointed star, the cross and, and the five pointed star became occulted hidden.

It's the outcast. And we know that the five pointed star or the quintile relates to Venus and it is manifest in the physical world, but it's manifest in the physical world as a result of aesthetic perfection. And so there's something different about it. And [01:20:00] yes, yeah. If you're not, if all of this is overwhelming, at least consider what orb do you use for a square, widest orb, let's say 6 degrees or 10 degrees, whatever you use, 12, whatever.

What orb do you use for a sextile? Let's say three degrees. The sextile is a sixth harmonic. The square is a fourth harmonic. Take a number between the two of them, like five degrees, which may seem crazy wide, but that's just because astrology has this judgment that if it doesn't fit into twelve, it's not important.

And so if you ever want to see quintiles, use a five degree orb or something larger than what you'd use for a sextile and less than what you'd use for a square because harmonics get stronger, louder, and pick up on a wider range the closer they get to one. And just using quintiles will change your whole view of the world because you'll begin [01:21:00] to see things that you didn't normally, didn't used to see.

Agreed. Add septiles and noviles, and more importantly, check out Rick's new class so you can hear deep wisdom drops. So Rick, before I say this next thing, because I asked the magicians behind the screen to push a magic button that will make us disappear in a puff of smoke, thanks for everybody who's been here live and at a time that the two of us currently perceive as the future.

But what is that anyway? We're really appreciating the present of your presence, Rick. It's so awesome. Always to spend time with you. You've always been such a guide and teacher and friend to me personally, and to so many in this field, and you are beloved. Gracias, amigo. Um, on their way out, let me just say that I have a million questions more and I'm sure that's true for everyone here.

And whenever we get into these complex things to add to [01:22:00] our astrology start Logically and linearly, and that's probably why instead of listening to two geeks babble about their obsession in vibrations on strings, you want to take a course.

The Importance of Sacred Geometry in Astrology

The entirety of our known universe from the subatomic microcosmic level to the galactic macrocosmic level is all built upon the blueprint of sacred geometry. Everything in the cosmos is made up of the sacred geometrical laws that bring reality into existence. You know, traditionally, we astrologers look at these patterns through a 12 fold system.

based on 12 signs of the zodiac. However, dividing a cycle by 12 is not the only way that nature works. It's just a very convenient way for us to mathematically divide a circle by 2, 3, 4, or 6, which of course creates the traditional aspects all astrologers know [01:23:00] well. Unfortunately, this patriarchal bias prompts us to miss a lot of the action when we divide a circle by the magical five or the otherworldly division by the number seven or even the motivational number eight in order to widen our astrological thinking so, so we can make invisible worlds visible.

We're going to look at quintiles, the division by five, septiles, the division by seven. Octiles, called semi squares and sesquisquares, that's the division by eight, and even more. Hey all, this is Rick Levine, and I'm excited to be announcing my latest course, unlocking the magic of harmonic aspects. This, as some of you know, is one of my favorite astrological topics, and I'm quite pleased to be teaching this, uh, on the Astrology Hub.

[01:24:00] Although the course actually includes a one hour introductory video that's a crash course in harmonic aspects for anyone unfamiliar with them. It's also a refresher for those who have already studied some of these aspects. But the course is not a course on theory. It's a hands on practical application of harmonic aspects.

for natal chart interpretation. I'm going to be reading four charts per class in four two hour live Zoom webinars, meaning that 16 lucky students will be chosen in advance and will be brought on screen to have me analyze, to unfold their harmonic aspects, revealing things about charts that maybe these people have never had put into words.

in an astrological session. So I invite you to come along on a mind expanding ride and take a next step into your [01:25:00] astrological studies. More information, details on the curriculum and registration is available. I'm Rick Levine. See you online.

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