Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and higher purpose, enters the zodiac sign of Gemini on May 25th. Typically, Jupiter brings a bevy of blessings and benefits to whatever sign it visits, but not with Gemini.

Indeed, Jupiter in the zodiac sign of the Twins conditions its rewards based on your day-to-day interactions. If you're good to people, then people will be good in return; and if you're not?

Well, let's just say that your returns will be significantly less than what you had originally hoped for. “Love thy neighbor as you would yourself” is an excellent mantra for this period of time. You may think that's easy to do, but it's a lot more difficult than it seems given our current divisiveness.

Nobody's saying you have to be besties with people you can't abide, but that shouldn't stop you from finding a better way to play well with others. Do this and you'll wind up with a gold star next to your name. Jupiter will be in Gemini until June 9, 2025.

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