An Interview with Priestess Path Guidess, Elizabeth Wilcock

“A sacred warrior stands for the respect, honor, and protection of the higher energies and noble values.” Elizabeth Wilcock

There are times when we're broken, and moments when we find the power to rise, and then there are sacred moments when we stand to defend and teach others to do the same. Elizabeth Wilcock has done this and so much more. Her wisdom and depth whisper strength and empowerment to those on every stage of their journey.

Tune in to hear the story of her path, and perhaps the calling to begin yours….

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Most memorable quote(s) from the show:

A priestess is a woman who feels a yearning to be connected to the divine, to be in communion with the divine, by nature she's already doing that somehow because we all have a birthright. We come from the divine and we will go back to the divine – Elizabeth Wilcock

A Goddess Warrior attuned to the sacred feminine & who chooses to be a sacred warriorhere for a reason. Elizabeth Wilcock

The universe is not going to give you certain gifts unless you are sincere, honorable & attuned to love and that you will use it for good.

Your sacred partnership is going to be very much in alignment with your sacred work in the world, your Dharma. – Elizabeth Wilcock

Links and tools mentioned in the Show:

GUESTS: Elizabeth Wilcock
HOSTS: Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh and Donna Woodwell

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