This astrology forecast is a sneak-peek into Astrology Hub's Cosmic Curriculum Podcast, coming December 3, 2018, to speakers near you!

Venus & Mars Alchemy

Deep desires and motives… care to share yours?

The Scorpio New Moon isn't asking but demanding we face the Q&A's we'd rather ignore over the next few weeks. As exciting as that may sound… there's really BIG news to consider!

Jupiter is home in Sagittarius, for a year. Jupiter in Sagittarius = reaching desired horizons.

These powerhouse energies are not alone as we face this upcoming week Tune in to hear how Donna and I plan to consciously work with the life-changing shifts ahead.

Here’s a hint… mountains will move.

Get Notified! Astrology Hub's Cosmic Curriculum Podcast is Coming Soon

This forecast is a sneak-peek into the Cosmic Curriculum Podcast, coming December 3, 2018, to speakers near you! Join Astrologer, Donna Woodwell and Astrology Hub CEO, Amanda Pua Walsh, on a journey through the Cosmic Curriculum… and learn how astrology can help you live your life with more passion, purpose and grace.  

Click here to get notified as soon as our first podcast episode is live!

This episode is brought to you by Astrology Hub’s Inner Circle Membership Program – A Global Community dedicated to Spiritual Growth, Lunar Forecasts and Mastery Classes with Leading Astrologers. If you’re ready to learn more about astrology, take your work with the moon cycles to the next level, and join a thriving community of supportive, growth minded individuals like you… THIS is the place for YOU! Click here to learn more and join our Inner Circle today.

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