Capricorn, 2024 will offer notable opportunities and challenges, inviting you to link the tangible with the intangible and find stability within a change.
Top Themes for the Year:
• Financial transformations and evaluation of values.
• Balancing professional aspirations and home life.
• Communication, creativity, and daily ritual.
As you step into 2024, Pluto, the planet of transformation, will shift out of your sign and step into Aquarius on January 20th. Notice subtle themes from last year that surface again. You’ve worked with Pluto long enough to know that ignoring what needs to change works against you, while facing it head-on helps you tap into your personal power.
This year’s Libra eclipses on March 25th and Oct 2nd will focus on your professional sphere or reputation. Topics of home and work-life balance are up for review. The primary invitation is to release what’s no longer serving your path and lean into a new foundation that’s ready to be explored. The Aries eclipse on April 8th and a Mercury retrograde on April 1st in your 4th house will steer your focus inward and potentially provide insights into how your internal and external worlds mirror each other. Once your foundations are solid, there’s nothing you cannot build or conquer.
Your ruling planet, Saturn, has been in Pisces, focused on your daily rituals and commination styles since the spring of 2023. This year, Mars will meet Saturn on April 10th. Later in the year, on September 17th, there will be a Pisces eclipse in this area. The invitation is to use courage and strategy to unveil your karmic path. On this journey, you may have to step out of your comfort zone and explore new connections that are in sync with the path that’s unfolding in your life. Trust the change.
A notable high point of the year is when Jupiter meets Uranus on April 20th, followed by Venus and Jupiter meeting on May 23rd in your 5th house. This area of your life supports creativity, happiness, love affairs, children, and brilliant ideas. This is when you want to think outside the box and follow your heart. Soon after, on May 25th, Jupiter will move into Gemini for the first time in 12 years. This energy will illuminate your health and wealth. What do you want to expand or change about these topics? The sooner you dial into this desire, the more proactive Jupiter can be on your behalf.
Capricorn, as you navigate through 2024, your innate perseverance and judicious nature will be a cornerstone and guiding light. Trust your intuition, and you will indeed thrive.