Astrology Hub's Podcast Horoscope for the Week of May 6th-12th

Donna Woodwell's Major Theme/ Suggestion for the Week: Smell the roses. You've got to trust that things will work out with perfect timing if you just keep at it and stay present aimed for that sweet spot we call flow.

Like a midsummer night's dream come early. The energy of Mars with the Sun & Moon in Taurus will open your senses and allow the opportunity to savor the moment. Use this as a time to be present with your desires. – Donna Woodwell

 Week of May 6th-12th

Do you have Spring Fever? If so, you’re in cosmic flow!
The goddess of love asks that we savor the moment early in the week. Listen to this urge. By midweek an intense craving for a rush—touch of spontaneity, could turn your world upside down. Dramatic shifts such as these, usually promise that the cosmos are setting the stage for a new chapter.
Tune in to hear advice from Donna & Amanda on when and how to react to your thoughts as well as the actions of others.

Advice from Amanda & Donna

“It goes to what you were talking about earlier, this invitation for us to be present as possible – in the moment versus finding ourselves getting stuck in the past,  in some old thing that we're bringing into the present. Or getting anxious about the future. And really just being realistic about what's literally happening in that moment. .”

– Amanda Pua Walsh

“In my relationships, sometimes when they say something… I have to pause for a moment because their words trigger me. Triggered means something in your past hurt you in some way, shape, or form. And to be triggered means you're no longer reacting to the situation as it is. You're reacting to the script that you have in your head. You're removed from reality and spinning off into a reality that's not real. That's what we're called to face over the next couple of weeks… ”

– Donna Woodwell


Key Astrology Dates from this Lunations Inner Guide


*IC Cosmic Update 5.5* Gemini Mars opposes Jupiter at 23 Sagittarius @ 2:56p PT Your truth may be challenged at this time. Is it possible to stand up for what you believe while remaining open to another’s point of view? Restrain from defending yourself reactively. – Amma Li GraceDarLuz

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