For the Week of December 10, 2018
Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree—do you remember it? Donna's weekly horoscope advises keeping things THAT simple. After last weeks deep dive into the realm of Scorpio, this sounds awesome, doesn’t it?
Monday morning starts off really well, but you might find that you need a little bit of a break on Monday afternoon because there's a disturbance in the force…”
Donna Woodwell
I know what you’re thinking, “take time for myself on a Monday…or any day of the week for that matter?” I confessed to Donna on this podcast that I have so much guilt when I take time out for myself. Can you relate? If so, you’ll love her insight on how not doing so actually works against you – it may be exactly what you need to hear this week!
Mercury may have us all looking at the big picture says, Donna.
Wednesday when Mercury re-enters Sagittarius, it will be joining the Sun and Jupiter in that very open and optimistic sign.
How well do you juggle the to-do lists with dreamy/creative Moon aspects? If you don’t know the answer, you’ll find out on Thursday!
“Ideas will be coming to you, but if you don't write them down, they may be gone before you even have the chance to capitalize them.”
Donna Woodwell
At this point in the forecast I couldn’t help but think about how grateful I was for this pause — at the same time — I was curious about what was to come after the ‘calm.’ So I asked Donna for a little taste of what we plan to discuss in depth on Episode 005. What can you expect in 2019 and how can you prepare for next year now?
Donna had this to say about the year ahead:
2019 is a bridge year, at least that's what I would call it. We are moving into some very intense aspects coming up in 2020 and all the way through 2024. As things realign themselves will have a little bit of space to catch our breath…
The Weekend
The Moon will be void of course as the weekend begins. If you haven't heard of this term I can almost promise you’ve sensed this… think of a random time in the day when you feel a pause, or lose all your energy.
Donna explained:
Have you ever watched people surf? They paddle out between the waves and they wait for a wave to come.
Normally the Moon is that wave caring in that planetary energy. But when the Moon is void, it's that slack time where they're just hanging out between the waves waiting for the next one.
After hearing that the weekends void of course would be unusually long & how Pluto would impact Sunday, cozy couch time seemed like the perfect plan.
Don’t let the quiet time fool you, there’s a powerful manifesting vibe in the air —Tune In for Donna’s advice on how to harness the energy of the week!
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