Astrology Hub Podcast Episode 33: The Astrology of Free Will and Quantum Consciousness – An Interview with Physicist and Astrologer, Nadia Smirnova-Mierau

“You have to look for free will within your soul. That's when we begin talking about spirituality…a soul has physics to it..” – Nadia Smirnova- Mierau

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Astrology Hub Podcast Episode 33: The Astrology of Free Will and Quantum Consciousness – An Interview with Physicist and Astrologer, Nadia Smirnova-Mierau

Science and spirituality have often battled for a universal truth that can be proven.
Often the dueling points of view their point so boldly that hearing the other side is a challenge.
That is why brilliant minds & souls such as Nadia Smirnova- Mierau who understand and practice on both sides of the spectrum are pivotal to our generation.
Nadia Smirnova is a counseling western astrologer with a degree in nuclear physics as well as a writer, speaker, and teacher formerly from the USSR. She currently practices and teaches astrology in New York and author of the Physics of Astrology ebook series.
Nadia is a real gem merging our worlds of astrology and physics in such a unique and essential way.

On this episode we discuss…

  • How to consciously work with astrology and the quantum fields to initiate changes in your life.
  • What free will is and isn't the microcosmic influences that are constantly shaping our lives, the planet's gravity, electromagnetics, et Cetera
  • The importance of surrender and trust in the unfolding plan of the Cosmo's.

Most memorable quote(s) from the show

“There is a confusion in the freewill phenomena, simply because there is a mistake in defining it. If you Google freewill, there's a definition of it that has to do with making decisions without any external influence. That definition implies that there is a moment in your life when there are no external influences. There is no such moment.

Nadia Smirnova-Mierau

“Nadia, I love what you're highlighting in your personal story is the power of place and how, you know, if, if people are out there feeling constricted, yeah. There's something in them that they want to express what they feel constricted and all these different ways that potentially it could be where they are is not conducive to the energy that they're wanting to express. I love this real conscious choice that you made to put yourself in the right environment so that you can thrive.”

Amanda Pua Walsh

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