Don't Know Your Birthtime? Four Ways to Find It, an Interview Astrology Hub's Master Astrologer, Donna Woodwell

“There is a relationship between all of the events that have happened in your life.…” – Donna Woodwell

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Ep 41 – Don't Know Your Birthtime? Four Ways to Find It, an Interview Astrology Hub's Master Astrologer, Donna Woodwell

On the path of self-discovery, Astrology is a sacred tool. We each have a birth chart that is unique to us. With an accurate birthtime, the natal promise is unveiled by studying the layers of the chart.

But what if you don't know the time you were born? 

On this week's podcast episode, Amanda & Master Astrologer Donna Woodwell discuss 4 options you can explore to find it!

Tune in to hear why these four paths are recommended—then download your free guide to exploring each of them!


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