What To Do When Nothing Is Certain

[Cosmic Insider] What To Do When Nothing Is Certain


“Last year was a confrontation between old and new. It was a resistance to change. This year, change is coming. Are you going to orient yourself towards it? This eclipse is a powerful time to get more clear on where the universe wants to take you.”


—Astrologer Divine Harmony, The Weekly Weather 


Change is on the horizon…


And I'd like to invite you to contemplate this in anticipation: 


When nothing's certain, anything is possible.


While change implies uncertainty (and sometimes brings chaos and instability)…


Without anything set in stone, the outcome could be ANYTHING, and that could be better than any scenario you've ever imagined!


This week on the Weekly Weather, Divine Harmony discusses the change the upcoming Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus is initiating and gives countless tips on how to embrace change's friend – chaos.


You can watch the full episode here.


Eclipses trigger both endings and new beginnings, and this one in particular may bring new and unexpected surprises with it being in Taurus conjunct Uranus, the planet of unpredictability. 


Here are some of Harmony's top tips: 

  • Look for the goodness and blessings, even in challenging times. That will help you usher in something new that's potentially an upgrade.
  • Notice (and be mindful of) what you’re giving your attention to. What you pay attention to will become amplified.
  • As Mr. Rodgers says, “Look for the helpers!” This helps shift the focus to the people who care and can support you. 
  • Stay in gratitude for the things in your life that truly are gifts.


As the winds of change swirl around you, remember to remain open to possibilities, and trusting in the cosmic intelligence at play in your life. 


Wishing you the very best this Eclipse season…


With love,


CEO & Founder


P.S. Tracking eclipses in a chart is one of the techniques we’ll be looking at in Chart Reading Extravaganza 2: Timing & Transits with Rick Levine! 


We’ll be exploring Eclipses, along with other techniques like transits, progressions, planetary returns and more so you can understand how a chart unfolds through time and learn to forecast upcoming energies like we do in the Weekly Weather!


Enrollment is open now and class starts next week! Enroll now and get started on a BONUS lesson, available immediately. 


Learn more and enroll here.


Chart Reading 2 with Astrologer Rick Levine



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