[Cosmic Insider] A sneak preview of the year ahead!
Last week, we had an incredible Solstice Panel event featuring 5 of our upcoming Inner Circle Astrologer teachers…
As always, these incredible Astrologers showed up with a wealth of wisdom to guide us through the rest of 2022 (and beyond!).
And while the overarching astrological energies appear to remain tumultuous and full of unexpected change through the end of 2022 and into 2023, the astrologers reminded us that now more than ever, it's important to stay focused on what you can control.
They reminded us to stay as present in our bodies as possible, not to get swept up in the volatile sea of energy, and remain open to new ideas and innovative approaches.
Christopher Renstrom likened the next 6 months to a white water rapid ride adventure… one that can either have you clutching the sides of the raft, or squealing with delight at the unexpected twists and turns.
If you missed the panel, I’ve got you covered with a quick breakdown of what you can expect from some powerful upcoming transits…
⭐ Uranus Retrograde (August 24 to January 22): This transit asks the question: How can you stay present with instability and change?
“Taurus doesn’t want to change, but Uranus in Taurus says, no actually this has to change… we’re too comfortable with this and we have to shift. It’s the mantra of choose change before change chooses you.”
-Nura Rachelle, Inner Circle Astrologer for August
⭐ Mars Retrograde (October 30 to January 12): Things will be more volatile, so you need to be anchored in something solid and true for YOU.
“It’s so important to have your practices and to know how to get the energy out. Because if we’re hot-headed, we’re quick to lose it, right? And Mars always tests that.”
-Adam Sommer, Inner Circle Guiding Astrologer for November
⭐ Jupiter Sextile Mars (September 1): Remember that Aries is connected to the head and Gemini is connected to the mind, you will be trying to figure out your course as you’re moving forward.
“With this sextile, it’s important to be centered, it’s important to be mindful and open. In addition to that, it’s also important to be inventive, creative, and spontaneous.”
-Christopher Renstrom, Inner Circle Astrologer for December
⭐ Saturn/Uranus Square (strongest September through November): Get into a “prepping mindset” but not from a fear-based place.
“Change is in the air, Uranus and Saturn square, it’s time to prepare. Time to have courage, step out of your comfort zone, tide is shifting. Find joy in simplicity.”
-Linda Kubota Byrd, Inner Circle Astrologer for July
⭐ Mars Retrograde (October 30 to January 12): Things will be more volatile, so you need to be anchored in something solid and true for YOU.
“It’s so important to have your practices and to know how to get the energy out. Because if we’re hot-headed, we’re quick to lose it, right? And Mars always tests that.”
-Adam Sommer, Inner Circle Astrologer for November
⭐ And a preview for 2023: While we will likely be experiencing inflation until Spring of 2023, Pluto square the Nodes will allow more space to heal generational issues, while the outer planets in earth and water signs will allow you to sculpt something new from the muddy clay-like energy.
“The challenges and losses we experience really strip away what doesn’t truly belong to us. When this is over, you’ll know who you are and what you’re made of, and what can’t be taken away from you.”
-Jenn Zahrt, Inner Circle Astrologer for September
And that was only the tip of the celestial iceberg! If you want to work with these amazing Astrologers, as your teachers and mentors, month after month…
I'm delighted to let you know that you can as a member of our Inner Circle membership program! Enrollment is officially open for a limited time.
As an Inner Circle member, you'll have access to these master astrologers as 2022 continues to unfold, as well as the opportunity to learn their best chart reading techniques through their mastery classes.
You can learn more about the Inner Circle and sign up here.
By joining the Inner Circle, you'll get immediate access to a vibrant online community of students, Mastery Classes, Instructional Forecasts, 20% Discounts off all Astrology Hub courses and offerings and SO much more.
Don’t wait! We only open twice per year.
PLUS, when you join during this open enrollment period only, you get access to TWO BONUS mastery classes…
✨ Chart Vision By Day or By Night with Acyuta-bhava Das
✨ Planetary Hours & Magical Elections with Gary P. Caton
We’d love to welcome you inside.
With Love,
CEO & Founder
This Week on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast!
Let Go & Float
[WEEKLY WEATHER] with Jenn Zahrt
Astrologer Jenn Zarht joins us to talk about the Cancer Solstice and how the Venus and Pluto trine can ask you to address your enmeshments. Watch or listen here.
Working With What You've Got
[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] with Christopher Renstrom
This week, you’ll learn how The Iliad highlights that disadvantages in strength and power may not always produce a loss. Watch or listen here.
Your Top 3 Changes
[STAR SIGNS] with Jamie Magee
Find what the Venus transition into Gemini and aspects with Pluto and Saturn will motivate in your life. Watch or listen here.