Cosmic Insider | An Enchanted Equinox
This week you get an extra special double-dose of the incredible Becca Tarnas!
First up is our deeply profound and practical conversation on How to Directly Experience Astrological Archetypes
In it, Becca gives you tangible practices to take your experience of astrology out of a mental headspace and into your body so you can intimately EXPERIENCE the magic of planetary energies in your daily life.
Plus you can hear about her fascinating astrological lineage and what she is most excited to share in Your Astrological Initiation, the workshop that's happening this Wednesday with Becca (and her father, the esteemed Richard Tarnas)!
Becca also joined me on the Weekly Weather to talk about why the astrology this week will give you a palpable sense of endings and new beginnings in your life.
You’ll experience this transition with the Equinox, September 22 AND as you begin a new lunar cycle with the New Moon at the end of the week.
No matter what zodiac you’re working with or which hemisphere you're in, you'll feel this shift into a new season of life this week.
Here are your tips from Becca to work with the energy of the days ahead…
🔥 Monday: Illuminate the hidden & liberate your beauty.
The Sun trines Pluto illuminating the depths, the hidden, and what we don’t always see clearly with an opportunity to integrate it in a healthy way. Venus trine Uranus brings out a social, beautiful, and heart-opening energy.
🏠 Tuesday: Have a long conversation at home.
The Moon is busy today and forms a sextile to Mercury and trine to Jupiter in the evening. It’s a good time to have long conversations at home or with family members. For example, Becca will be talking at length with her father, Richard Tarnas, about their workshop the following day…
💡 Wednesday: Rich ideas & inspired thinking.
The Mercury/Jupiter opposition is highlighted bringing in big ideas and an abundance of intellectual stimulation while the Moon sextile Mars adds restless physical energy. Becca recommends putting it to use in a fruitful way (like cleaning your house). If you’re attending the workshop, she encourages you to move your body beforehand and stretch as needed to help you absorb the teachings (which are bound to inspire!).
📖Thursday: The new adventure begins…
The message is to slow down as the Sun moves into Libra (the Equinox) and joins retrograde Mercury. The Moon activates the Saturn/Uranus square, so pay attention to where you are feeling a breaking point or the need for change. It’s also “Hobbit Day” marking the day when the adventure for the character’s in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series begins!
🪄 Friday: Enjoy the magic.
Mercury moves back into Virgo (which it rules and exalts in) which should feel more comfortable and less challenging. Venus opposes Neptune and brings an idealistic, romantic, and dreamy energy. Enjoy the arts, create beauty, and beware of delusions.
🌹 Saturday: Appreciate the beautiful things in life, lean in & participate.
The Moon passes Venus, Mercury, and the Sun (opposite Neptune and Jupiter) bringing in enchanted language and expressions of love. Today is a good time to consider what you need to do so that your dream becomes a reality.
🙌 Sunday: Begin again & dream big.
The Libra New Moon is infused with Jupiter’s growth, joviality, and positivity. We have this opportunity to begin a new cycle in the expansive energy of the Jupiter/Neptune alignment, that dreamy, what-is-possible, poetic space.
To get the full scoop from Becca and learn more about how you can use this week to enchant your life, check out the full episode.
In it, Becca says that the root of the word “enchanted” actually means “to be in song”. How beautiful is that?
So this week… may you become enchanted with your life and find yourself in harmony with the music of the spheres.
With love,
P.S. It's happening in just two days! Don't miss this Wednesday's workshop with Richard and Becca Tarnas, Your Astrological Initiation!
This is an opportunity to be re-initiated into the magic, mystery, and beauty that astrology can really infuse into our daily reality.
Whether you’re brand new to astrology or a practiced student, it’s going to be mind-blowing food for the soul.
Click here to join Your Astrological Initiation before class starts on Wednesday!
This Week on the ASTROLOGY HUB Podcast!
Breaking Point
Astrologer Becca Tarnas shares her forecast for the week ahead including how to use the energies surrounding the Libra Equinox. Watch or listen here.
Waiting for a Message in a Bottle
[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] with Christopher Renstrom
An exalted retrograde Mercury will move into the heart of the Sun, which could bring unusual messages. Watch or listen here.
What is Libra Season All About?
[STAR SIGNS] with Jamie Magee
Learn why this week is full of new energy and new ideas and how you can move toward change you’re seeking. Watch or listen here.
How to Invoke Planetary Energies
[STAR SIGNS] with Jamie Magee
Learn the philosophy of remediation and how to use it and the historical background of astrological magic. Watch or listen here.
How to Directly Experience Astrological Archetypes
with Becca Tarnas, PhD
Learn about archetypal thinking and why learning about the archetypes can make your transits more transformative. Watch or listen here.