August Astrology Forecast ⭐

this weekend the astrological dialogue between my dad and me continued…

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Before I go on, I need to explain something..


My father is NOT your typical astrology lover! 


I didn’t grow up like Astrologer Becca Tarnas (the daughter of legendary Astrologer, Rick Tarnas), guided by explorations of the cosmos and celestial dinner table conversations.


No, on the opposite extreme, our dinner table conversations were dominated by who was going to pitch in my brothers’ upcoming baseball game or who was going to make first string on the football team.


So the fact that my dad and I are bonding over astrology is already mindblowing 🤯.


Now… this dialogue is partly happening because he’s the most supportive dad ever and loves to get behind whatever I’m up to…


But mainly, what’s happening in the skies is the kind of astrology that makes it hard for even the most hardened skeptics to ignore! 


While the previous weekend we were discussing the shocking events that happened with the Mars/Uranus/Algol conjunction…


Yesterday was a continuation of that transit’s ripple effect PLUS the impact of the Full Moon in Capricorn at 29 degrees.


29 degrees of any sign always indicates a powerful ending or culminating point. 


But when you add that the Full Moon was in Capricorn (where we’re wrapping up a Plutonian Epoch that began in 2008), and the fact that Pluto was also conjunct this moon AND the fact that it was the second Capricorn Full Moon this year (making it a rare “blue moon” – hence the term “once in a blue moon”)…


You get the kind of historic events that have taken place over the last few days. 


So as we gear up for a continuation of this powerful astrology into August (and beyond), it feels important to introduce you to a profound theme that can guide us through the month:


“Fear is the guardian of your greatest treasure.” – Andrea Michelle Kennedy, The Astrology Hub Podcast, August Forecast


This idea is certainly one that we collectively, as humanity, would be wise to embrace through the coming astrological tides…


But it’s also something we can consider as individuals right now.


In this week's podcast, Astrologer Andrea Michelle challenges us to look deeply at the question, “What am I afraid to pursue?”


She says that all the transits of August will help to uncover this…


And the answers will guide us towards a more empowered future.


Often, your deepest fears point you toward your most significant potential and untapped gifts.


And August’s astrological landscape encourages you to slow down and tune into those fears with intention and courage.


Remember… true courage comes from the heart. 💗


It's not about being fearless, but about facing your fears with an open heart and mind, moving toward them, and gathering the gifts on the other side.


You don't have to do or know everything at once — let your courage build up with each step you take.


As we navigate August, Andrea Michelle encourages us to embrace the paradoxes and uncertainties that arise. When feeling lost or overwhelmed, try repeating these mantras she gifted us on the podcast:

  1. “I don't know where I am, and I know exactly how to get there.”
  2. “I don't know who I am, and I'm being me perfectly.”
  3. “I don't know if I'm doing it right, and I'm doing it perfectly.”

These statements remind us that uncertainty is a natural part of growth and that we can trust our inner wisdom even when the path forward isn't clear.

So this August, I encourage you to slow down, create space for reflection, and stay tuned into the “celestial news” for higher perspective and guidance on everything that’s unfolding (we’ll do our best to keep delivering it for you!)


And remember, as you face your fears, you just may discover that they do in fact, guard your greatest treasures…


Aspects of yourself waiting to be realized, talents longing to be expressed, and a life eager to be fully lived.


Wishing you a month of heart-centered courage and exploration,

Amanda ❤️‍🔥


PS: Happy Birthday, Leo friends! Here are three reasons why we love you: 

  1. You’re creative and bold
  2. With a heart of gold
  3. And your radiance never gets old!

Those are just a few reasons we want to make sure you redeem your birthday gift! 🎉Get 20% off your personalized, year ahead birthday report. It’ll help you understand the key dates for the entire year ahead, based on YOUR chart, and give you tips and tools for working with the most important transits. You get your discount through Leo Season…


Click here to get your Essential Birthday Report and make sure you use code “LEO20″ at checkout to claim your 20% discount!

Get Your Personalized Astrology Report









P.P.S. If you don’t already follow us on social media, we’d love to connect with you there! We’re putting lots of love into our channels so you can look forward to surprise LIVE broadcasts (I even brought the legendary Rick Merlin Levine on for a live last week), astrologically based tips and short highlights from the podcast. You can join us on InstagramFacebook and/or TikTok!



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