Looking Ahead

I’m writing this to you right before dawn here on Maui, a candle lit on my windowsill, and the stars still sparkling above…


I just want to say first that I’m so grateful to be able to connect with you regularly in this way and honored to be welcomed into your inbox. Thank you for this privilege. 🙏💖


Today, I’m feeling called to share a few insights from three different conversations I had, with three legendary astrologers… just last week. 

They each corroborated the pivotal importance of the next few years.


One conversation was with arguably the best Financial Astrologer in the world, Ray Merriman. He’ll be featured on the podcast in August but he had me peering into 2025…


He mentioned that between now and February 2025, we’ll reach the culminating, fever pitch of the division we’ve been experiencing. And after that, we’ll begin the process of rebuilding. 


Ray sited the Saturn/Neptune conjunction in Aries at 0 degrees and several other transits in this reference.


I then spoke with Steve Judd, an incredibly soulful, Master Astrologer from the UK who will not only be featured on the podcast in August, but who’ll also be an Inner Circle teacher for us this fall.


Steve mentioned that 2025 and 2026 are host to “much bigger” astrology than what we saw in 2020 and 2021.


This blew my mind. 🤯


How could there possibly be even bigger transits for us ahead than what we experienced with the “Capricorn Council” in 2020?


And finally, I interviewed our beloved Master Astrologer, Rick Levine, who said there’s a day he’s tracking in the summer of 2026 with astrological transits so unusual, he’s literally NEVER seen anything like it before.

And that he's emphasizing the malleable energy of the next few years because we still have the opportunity to make shifts and changes…

But that’s going to shift, and after 2026 the energy will be more set. More fixed. Less changeable.


Throughout August you’ll have the opportunity to tune into the full downloads from these incredibly wise, experienced and knowledgeable astrologers via the Astrology Hub Podcast…

And while they're delivering some strong statements, all three conversations left me feeling inspired and hopeful… so I can't wait to share their insights with you.


But why am I foreshadowing some of the content now?


Because I’d like to help you anchor in a bigger context. 


To remind you that you’re living in completely epic times.


That things are changing at speeds that would have been unfathomable to generations who’ve come before us (or even versions of ourselves a few decades ago!)


And if you’re feeling weary, on edge, exhausted, or just concerned about what the future holds, it’s completely understandable.


You’re not alone. We’re absolutely in unchartered territory and there’s still quite a bit of the journey ahead of us. 


But remember, the odds of you being here, at this dramatic turning point in history are infinitesimal, and it's no accident that you're here!


You’re here for a reason. There’s something you came here to contribute to this changing human story.


You have gifts to share. A unique perspective to lend. A contribution to make.

And you're already doing this by living your life. 


I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need to hear this.


To find the anchor in a more eternal, universal energy as the transient tides of life on earth toss around me.


To use astrology to help me find calm in the chaos and joy on the journey.

And as Astrologer Andrea Michelle Kennedy reminded us on the August Forecast, right now you have the power to write your own, personal mythology…


And live your unique destiny, here and now.


Thank you for being here, for tuning into the celestial broadcast and allowing yourself to stay connected to something much bigger.


I’m grateful for your presence and looking forward to riding the big swells ahead, with you.


Sending love from Hawaii,




PS: You may have already heard… but for the first time ever, we're opening Georgia Stathis’ Planetary Rulerships Mastery Class to the public. This invaluable course, previously exclusive to our Inner Circle members, is now available to everyone.


Approved Email Graphics Planetary Rulerships w Georgia Stathis

To celebrate this special release, we're offering:

  1. A limited-time 22% discount on the course (normally priced at $127. Now $97 through July 31 with this discount!)
  2. An exclusive opportunity to have your chart read by Georgia herself during a Live Q&A and Chart Reading BONUS session

This is your chance to learn from a master astrologer and potentially have your own chart interpreted using these powerful techniques!

👉 Click here to access the Planetary Rulerships Mastery Class at the special discounted rate and secure your spot for a chance to have your chart read by Georgia!

*Special note for Inner Circle Members: If you don't already have this class in your library, you can save even more! Simply use your Membership Discount code at checkout.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to deepen your astrological knowledge and gain insights into your personal chart. Enroll now!


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Watch or listen here.


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August 2024 Astrology Forecast: Key Transits & Energies

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Watch or listen here.


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Mars Transit Gemini 2024: Insights and Tips For ALL 12 Zodiac Signs!

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Prepare for the Mars-Uranus Conjunction: Astrological Insights

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Watch or listen here.