Stark and no-nonsense, the Jan. 27/28 Aquarius New Moon urges you to dig in and repeat the mantra: “I got this.”
Like a wintery snow-covered landscape forces one to focus on the essentials by eliminating distractions, this lunation has few aspects to distract from its essential message.
And astrologers around the web concur:
“Whatever restrictions or responsibilities you're confronting, the message is crystal: now is the time to move forward, and maybe even start fresh. Let me be clear – you're not avoiding your responsibilities. … You are turning to yourself and finding the strength, savvy and maturity (there's that word again) to make it through. It won't always be like this. But for now, it's up to you. You can do this.”
Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology
“The sky is delivering the atmospheric gear shift that was missing when Dec. 31 gave way to Jan. 1. We’re crawling out of the misty waters that have dominated life since then, drying off and turning our gaze forward. …The inherent detachment of the Aquarius New Moon promises to put those waters far behind — or rather, far below. It gives us the benefit of a bird’s eye view.
“[T]he focus is on individuality. Shake off those emotions, especially ones you soaked up from others. Wring yourself out. View your life as Mr. Spock. Put on your future vision. Embrace the glorious, outrageous, unique you that is your core. And let it come out and play.”
Kathy Biehl, Empowerment Unlimited
(The Aquarius New Moon also marks the start of the Chinese New Year; 2017 is the Year of the Yin Fire Rooster.)
The Water Bearer
Aquarius the Water Bearer is a mass of contradictions.
Its classical image is of a boy pouring water from a double-spouted amphora. But despite its constellation namesake, in horoscopic astrology Aquarius is an Air sign. Air is the element we've associated with the realm of fleeting ideas, to connect and communicate.
It's also the most “fixed” of the Air signs. It's where we steadfastly hold on to our own ideas. Not necessarily out of emotion, but because logic and evidence has convinced us of the rightness of our point of view. When Aquarius is tolerant of others, it's often with a pragmatic “let's agree to disagree.”
In modern times, Aquarius has become even more complex. Though traditionally ruled by steadfast Saturn, modern astrologers have linked Uranus, the first new planet discovered by astronomers, to Aquarius as well.
As the first planet of the “scientific revolution,” Uranus calls to question, well, everything. It's the planet of genius, iconoclasts and rebels. And most definitely not an easy bedfellow for serious Saturn.
Together, this cosmic odd couple has given Aquarius its quixotic modern flavor.
It's a good thing the Aquarius amphora has two spouts.
Lord of Form
Though this Aquarius New Moon is unaspected, we can still glean meaning from the placement of its planetary advocates, Saturn and Uranus.
“Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius. Saturn's energy of restraint goes well with Aquarian detachment. It still won't feel great, but there will be something unavoidable that you'll have to accept with maturity. Just deal with it. I know…this is not a warm and fuzzy message. But this is not a warm and fuzzy Moon. The vibe is a bit lonely, a bit cold, with enforced independence.”
Nadia Gilchrist, Ruby Slipper Astrology
At the moment of the New Moon, Saturn's in Sagittarius squaring off with the Love Goddess Venus, exalted in Pisces. This is the “power of love” straining to rein in the harsher sides of Saturn's authoritarian tendencies. We can feel the strain on the societal level, in our interpersonal relationships, even our relationship to our own internalized authority.
Socially speaking:
“Traditions worth preserving, that took generations to build (Saturn) could be trashed by silly offended snowflakes (Venus). On the other hand there are the stagnant, corrupt, Satanic Saturnians who need challenging by Venus in her form of Lucifer the light-bringer.”
Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology
Interpersonally speaking:
“Venus square Saturn can add stress to intimate relationships because of negative feelings, distance or other relationships problems. Most of these hindrances will stem from your own fears or criticisms, but you may face the same from others.
“It is common under this influence to feel lonely and depressed. … Although motivation may be lacking and you would prefer to be lazy, hard work is needed maintain your present relationship, career or other valued part of life.
“This is no time to be ignoring your responsibilities, especially for loved ones. Although you will be feeling low and in need of love, someone close to you may lean on your for support and would be greatly disappointed if you let them down.”
Jamie Partridge, Astrology King
Internally speaking:
“The most negative manifestation of Venus/Saturn at this New Moon is feeling unworthy of love or support. This can cause big problems in all forms of relationships whether in business or your romantic life. Try not to unconsciously push partners away, and work towards thawing any ice that has built up out of mistrust. Check all the fine print at this time as deals made come with strings attached. Proof of commitment is demanded from either side of the contract.”
Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology
But, the deepest lesson of astrology is this: all things in balance.
You can allow any estrangement or isolation you feel to pull you into despair, or you can decide to celebrate your alone time with your own “me party.”
Iconoclasts Unite
Astrologers who consider Uranus as the primary avatar of Aquarius look to it's position in Aries as a call-to-arms:
“Uranus is in the warrior sign Aries. Consequently, I see this new moon as if the universe is throwing down the gauntlet. It’s a challenge to reinvent yourself (Sun) and your feelings (Moon), as they relate to the house in your chart where the new moon takes place.”
While it makes no applying aspects at the time of the Aquarius New Moon, Uranus is still widely aligned with the ongoing outer-planet dance: square Pluto in Capricorn, trine Saturn in Sagittarius and opposite Jupiter in Libra.
The Uranian heart may yearn to blaze new trails, but it's feeling mired in the complexities of the system: by tenacious power structures, belief systems and relationships. There's no simple solution here.
Other Considerations
In astrology, there's always another layer, another lens, through which to explore life. Consider these additional cosmic synchronicities with the Aquarius New Moon
Fixed Stars
Astrologers find this New Moon aligned with the fixed stars Baten Algiedi and Alpha Tucana:
“Omega Capricornus has the traditional name Baten Algiedi which means Belly of the Goat. Ptolemy said the stars in the Goat’s Belly act like Mars and Mercury. This gives the New Moon a combative, irritating and argumentative feel but also an adventurous, decisive and enterprising nature.”
Jamie Partridge, Astrology King
“At 9 degrees Aquarius we have Alpha Tucana, the comical looking Toucan. This adds kookiness and a garish mask to the New Moon. Toucans toss objects such as berries in the air and jest around with each other playing catch. It’s a behavior that earned them the title of the joker of the forest. Toucans can actually pitch and are said to never miss their target.
“Toucans use their long sharp beaks to duel with each other much like a fencer. The word bicker comes from beak. This New Moon enjoys a good verbal fencing match. This is a great time for political rants. Entertaining though these pundits are, they might be accused of going too far with the vitriol. Toucans are known to be one of the noisiest birds in the forest.”
Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology
The 12 Zodiac signs are 30 degrees each, and so can be divided into three 10-degree sections, called decans. At 9 degrees of Aquarius, this New Moon falls in the first decan.
“The needy embryonic Moon is not comfortable in a decan that is so much about cutting the umbilical cord to freedom. It is also one that will tend to rebel against its mother country and feel at odds in whatever home they find themselves. The Moon here is continually searching for the “Promised Land” but rarely finds it. This New Moon Aquarius 1 is so idealistic, that it finds squaring its high expectations with earthly domestic reality extremely hard.”
Marina Macario, Darkstar Astrology
Sabian Symbol
Over the centuries, astrologers have also assigned meanings to individual Zodiac degrees. The most popular system of the 20th Century was called the Sabian Symbols.
The Sabian symbol for 9 Aquarius is “A flag is seen turning into an eagle.”
In his commentary on the Sabian Symbols, the astrologer Dane Rudhyar wrote: “The seer must become the doer. The impersonal is dynamized and brought into focus. We have here the acting out of the vision.”
Lunar Mansions
In addition to the 12-sign solar zodiac, there's a far older 28-sign lunar zodiac. In Western astrology, the lunar zodiac signs are known as the Mansions of the Moon.
The Aquarius New Moon falls in lunar mansion 24, Al Sa'd al Su'ud, which literally translates as the “luckiest of the lucky.” I nicknamed this mansion “The Mother,” as it's auspicious for nurturing yourself and your projects.
Summing It Up
Though this New Moon may leave you feeling lonely or isolated, it's also a reminder to confidently connect to your own unique vision and rhythm.
Lunaria Datebook
Last Moon Phase: Full Moon in Cancer
Next Moon Phase: Full Moon in Leo
New Moon Dates and Times
San Francisco: Friday, Jan. 27, 4:07 p.m. PST
New York: Friday, Jan. 27, 7:07 p.m EST
São Paulo: Friday, Jan. 27, 10:07 p.m. BRDT
London: Saturday, Jan. 28, 12:07 a.m. GMT
Istanbul: Saturday, Jan. 28, 3:07 a.m. EEST
Mumbai: Saturday, Jan. 28, 5:37 a.m. IST
Tokyo: Saturday, Jan. 28, 9:07 a.m. JST
Sydney: Saturday, Jan. 28, 11:07 a.m. AEDT