Ep 46 – The Power of Planetary Cycles to Help You Create More of What You Want in Your Life: An Interview with Astrologer, Adam Sommer
“You have to have a willingness to see in a different way, and a willingness to be uncomfortable.” – Adam Sommer
You're in a SEASON of your life. Seasons begin and end…but ALSO move in cycles – reminding us of the past as they move us forward.
If you know the cycles, reading the “signs” of life becomes easier.
Today on the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Adam Sommer and I speak about the cycles of planets and how they reveal key signatures in the unfolding story of your life.
Favorite Quotes
“When you study astrology, the timekeeper of cycles, you discover there is something stranger than we can even imagine going on. We're talking about little cycles, right? Lunar cycles, Mercury cycles, these are small, but they're important for the human journey. When you take a step back and contemplate the procession of the equinoxes or the great year, the platonic year, which is roughly 26,000 years, you see the ebb and flow of civilizations, which is also the ebb and flow of consciousness available to people.”
– Adam Sommer
“You hear how Mercury is the trickster. “Oh, Mercury is playing tricks,” but never why he plays them. What's he showing me? Where is my intention right now? Would it be good for me to have my attention somewhere else? When we notice his actions more magic comes. He's the magician capable of bringing that element of magic into our lives.”
– Amanda Pua Walsh
- Join the waitlist for the weekend workshop we’ll be doing with Rick at the end of October! Registration is opening next week, but we’ll give first dibs at seats to those on the waitlist.
- Get on the waitlist now! Want to be part of a powerful community of Astrology Lovers? Get on the List – be the first to know when the Inner Circle re-opens.
- Adam Sommer's Podcast Holes to Heaven
Get Notified!
The Astrology of Relationships
💖WHAT: The Astrology of Relationships: Explore How Astrology Can Improve Your Relationships, Learn Synastry & Composite Techniques, Practice with Real-Time Student Charts
⏰WHEN: October 25 (4-6 PM Pacific) & October 26 (10:30 – 5:00 PM Pacific)
💻WHERE: Online, wherever you have an internet connection!
🎉HOW: Join the Waitlist NOW! Registration opens next week!
The workshop will be recorded and added to your online Astrology Hub Library for you to re-watch or catch what you missed if you can’t join the whole event live.
Every episode of Astrology Hub gives me a few answers but also greatest more questions! I think that’s a good thing really! Thank you so much for opening my eyes more to the stars!
Right now my most burning question would be: if I’m Leo Ascending (and a moonchild by my natal chart) supposedly the stars say I’m a “born leader” yet I am much more comfortable staying on the sidelines trying to influence things rather than up front¢er. Why is that? Is there something I’m missing or denying?
I sooooo ENJOYED Adam and looking forward to his class.
Thank You Amanda and Adam
Thank you for listening!