Astrology Hub Podcast Horoscope for the Week of August 12th – August 18th

Stormie Grace's Major Theme for the Week of August 12th: Get It Done. 

“Try not to take yourself or other people too seriously. Nothing on this planet is perfect. Don't nit-pick your way out of relationships. Your desire to have everything be perfect can turn you into being a little bit of a bully. But if you use this energy correctly, Mars can help you create a space that's not only high in health and integrity but a service to other people, which I think is brilliant.” – Stormie Grace

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Week of August 12th – August 18th

This energy gives an abundance of opportunity to see things from a different perspective, which can lead to a breakthrough. – Stormie Grace

You felt the tingle of inspiration, now what are YOU going to do with it?

This week is packed with pragmatic energies that will simultaneously close chapters and launch you into the heart of your purpose.

The Aquarius Full Moon demands that you look at your strongest asset, the community around you, and what you were born to give to each other.

Tune in to hear Stormie & Amanda’s insight on how to make the most of the auspicious energy, without stirring the pot of conflict.

Advice from Amanda & Stormie

“It's never a great thing to be on the other side of criticism. There's a way to guide, coach, or hold space for a different outcome. Criticism is never going to get you very far. If anything it repels people. I love what you're saying. I love what I've heard about Virgo that they're able to see such a high vision for what things could be, which makes them seem critical because it's like, “Well, why isn't it being done like that?” Because they can actually see how it could be done so much better. At the same time, I think it's all in the delivery and also in the intention behind the delivery.”

– Amanda Pua Walsh

“With great power comes great responsibility, youtube, podcasting, any of these social places, even at your local community center, if you're standing up and you have a voice, you have great power over the people that you are around. Are you using it to create something that furthers us, that innovates us as a human race? Are you furthering your community? That's a great way to think about those things. It's a different concept to turn on your camera and begin talking about whatever and have no intention of anything good coming from it. What are you doing to become a leader or to influence the social spheres around you?

-Stormie Grace

Key Astrology Dates from this Lunations Inner Guide

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*IC COSMIC UPDATE *8.15  Full Moon @ 22 Aquarius opposite Sun-Venus and Juno-Mars 26-28 Leo @5:28a PDT 

With so much intensity it's easy to drift into ideals now. This Moon highlights your readiness – or not – to risk true intimacy without taking anything personally. – Adam Gainsburg

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