The New Moon is at 20 Virgo on September 12 @ 11:14 PM Pacific and September 13 @ 2:14 AM Eastern.

New Moon in Virgo

In the past two weeks haven’t you been feeling like enough is enough already? The Sun and Moon together in perfectly poised Virgo is amplified by excessive Jupiter. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so many things feel magnified and intense this month.

Virgo is the pattern keeper and if we let her, she will show us the energetic patterns in our life. There is a  place for everything and everything has its place. So let go and trust the Virgo energy to take care of life’s little details – she knows how all the puzzle pieces fit together even when it's not clear to us.

Virgo’s gift is the quality of discernment. Use that Virgoan discernment constructively by identifying, letting go and releasing any thought patterns, possessions or people in your life who are holding you back from your deepest desires. Only the best will do for you now.

Open your closets and cabinets. It’s time to clean house, out with the old!

September Solar Eclipse

This new moon in Virgo is accompanied by a solar eclipse. Eclipse energy provides us an opportunity to look at the shadow, or integrate aspects of our personality that are often overlooked.

Although we all have an opportunity to unearth and integrate the more hidden aspects of ourselves with this eclipse, people born 1966 – 1969 and those with birthdays between the 2nd and 22nd in the months of September, December, March or June are especially touched by this partial solar eclipse.

For these individuals, this eclipse is heralding a time of radical transformation and activation. It is almost inevitable that within the 6 months following this eclipse, something radically different will change in the way you shine, radiate, and where you put your life force energy. You will be re-evaluating where you put your attention.

These individuals will feel the energy more powerfully than others and will definitely want to take note of our supportive suggestions below.

Read more about the science behind the eclipses here.

7 Supportive Suggestions for September Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Virgo:

  1. Take some quiet, solo reflection time
  2. Take care of life's little details
  3. Tend to your body and provide yourself with nurturing self care (focus on exercise and/or get a massage)
  4. Be discerning with your diet, the people you spend time with and the projects you take on
  5. Create a productive action plan and commit to whatever it takes to get the job done
  6. Persevere…don’t give up so easily and remember anything worthwhile is worth the work
  7. Experiencing criticism? Take it in stride and use it as an opportunity to get creative to improve your projects or plans

Special BONUS feature!

This is A Special Edition Horoscope for September Solar Eclipse and Jupiter in Virgo.

Astrology friends and fans, pay attention and please take note: while some horoscopes may give some illuminating information for a day (A New Moon) or a month, (The Sun in Virgo shines in this sign for a whole month) this horoscope is extra special since we are including the largest planet Jupiter. Jupiter recently rolled into Virgo August 11, so your horoscope here highlights expansion in this area of life, both now and for a year through early September 2016! Learn more about Jupiter in Virgo here.

A Journey Through the Zodiac

What does this Virgo New Moon & Solar Eclipse mean for you? Check out your Sun sign and rising sign below to dive deeper into these Virgo themes for this month and the coming year!

Aries: March 20 – April 20

Don’t skip ahead too far or too fast. This eclipse is a reminder to slow down and take care of business. Your area of healthy habits and routine is activated, both this month and this year. Make your plan to get organized. You feel more productive when you are aligning in both thought and action.

Taurus: April 20 – May 21

All work and no play? Take time out for some serious fun! The partial solar eclipse activates your area of fun and romance. Set time aside for playtime with the kids, or schedule a babysitter for date night out with your special someone. Let yourself be creative, but you may just have to plan it out on your calendar.

Gemini: May 21 – June 21

Settle down now. It’s OK to have a quiet night at home, now and then. This solar eclipse activates your area of family and foundation. Supported by expansive Jupiter, you may feel more inclined to tend to the details of home and private life now and in the course of the coming year. Take good care of yourself!

Cancer: June 21 – July 22

You can talk it up and get the job done when you are in the right place, at the right time with the right person. The solar eclipse activates your networking and communications area. Optimize your connections by being selective with your words. Avoid taking too much or putting your foot in your mouth.  Be open to new connections in the coming year.

Leo: July 22 – August 23

Take it easy and take your time. While you are often the life of the party Leo, this eclipse invites you to slow down. Reassess what you truly value. Jupiter travels through your region of finance and money this year. Take time to balance the budget so you can perfectly plan what you want and need to do!

Virgo: August 23 – September 23

Put your money where your mouth is. The solar eclipse in your sign is time to take care of details and get down to business. Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Sometimes that is what is required to do the work. You are expanded in the area of individuality and creative expression for the coming year.

Libra: September 23 – October 23

Take care of old business. The solar eclipse in your region of completions activates all the ways it is important to let go of the past and go with the flow. Just breathe. Perhaps not everything is crystal clear at the moment. Be compassionate with yourself as Jupiter continues to activate your area of endings for almost a year.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 22

Set your sights higher. While you like to dive deep Scorpio, remember you get by with a little help from your friends. It’s time to take your work to another level. If you want your projects or plans move forward, team up with others and trust the power of the group. Your area of groups and associations is expanded by joyful Jupiter in the coming year.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

You are in the limelight, this week, this month, this year! Your career is taking off, but you must be impeccable with your timing. Be responsible and in integrity with words and actions. Your area of career and public life is energized by this solar eclipse and expansive Jupiter. Build something wonderful that lasts.

Capricorn: December 21 – January 20

Stay positive. Your area of beliefs and blessings is energized by this eclipse. There can be tendencies to overdo it. Perhaps your need to get it right is pushing you overboard or completely overwhelming you from getting anything done at all. Don’t be so hard on yourself, now or as the year goes on. Take off on an adventure or learn something new to get a fresh perspective.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

It’s time to get serious. Your ability to trust and be intimate with others is your greatest ally in the coming month, and the coming year. This eclipse activates your area of intimacy and partnerships. Dive deep and do the work. When you are discerning in your connections with others, it will really pay off.

Pisces: February 18 – March 20

Let love rule. This solar eclipse is activating your area of partnerships and marriage. While you may go with the flow in life and love, this is a time to be more discerning with your partners or playmates. Let your lover know exactly what you want. Remember, relationships are not always easy, anything worthwhile is worth doing the work.

Lunaria Datebook

Last Moon Phase: Full Moon in Pisces, Aug. 29, 2015

Next Moon Phase: Full Moon in Aries, Sept. 28, 2015