In this Astrological Weather episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Predictive Astrologer Anne Ortelee and Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh discuss the energies coming our way as described by the astrology.

When you tune in, you will learn why this week’s energy is off the charts, and messy. We discuss the intensifying energy of Saturn and Pluto and the urgency of Mars that is asking you to reflect on the structures of your life. Learn about Mercury’s shadow and Venus moving into Virgo, and how to work with the ‘critical tension’ of the shifting energies in a positive, constructive way.

 It’s an information-packed episode! Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • How to work with the ‘critical tension’ of the week and find new ways to influence the structures of your life that require transformation.
  • About Mercury’s shadow and Venus moving into Virgo, and how this energy can be both useful and triggering.
  • Tips on how to double down on self-care and why it is helpful to take time to breathe when tense moments arise.

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  1. Stephanie on September 29, 2020 at 6:24 pm

    Thank you to you and Anne. I look forward to your podcast/video each week, even the hard weeks like this one. You both find ways to help us use the energies and not fear them. I enjoy you both so much. Thank you! Oh, and all Anne’s metaphors, allegories – the best.

    • Astrology Hub on November 29, 2020 at 5:25 pm

      Thank you for listening!

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