In this Special Edition episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Omari Martin + Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh, Founder of Astrology Hub discuss Jupiter/Saturn and the potential impact on higher education in the US.

In this episode, you’ll learn how Jupiter/ Saturn conjunctions impacted education in the past, and why this upcoming transit may bring a new focus around debt and systems surrounding higher education. We discuss how this Saturn-restructuring will unfold over the next 4 years, and why change is needed in the current system. You’ll also learn how the Pluto return for the United States will weave into the transformation of existing structures. This episode is great if you are looking for ways to embrace innovative perspectives on needed change.

 It’s an information-packed episode! Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • About Jupiter/ Saturn conjunctions and how they have brought change within the structures of education and finance in the past.
  • Why restructuring of current models is needed and how the energy of Saturn will help rebuild what is in place.
  • How the United State's Pluto return will thread through the Jupiter/ Saturn transit and invite in a new generational perspective.

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