[WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL WEATHER] Oct 3rd – Oct 9th w/ Cameron Allen

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The Hellenistic Void of Course Moon

In this Weekly Horoscope from the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Cameron Allen and Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh discuss the energies coming our way as described by astrology.

You'll learn…

  • About the meaning of the Traditional Void of Course Moon
  • Why Mars is such an important planet to pay attention to throughout this week
  • How to work with malefic planets in a constructive way
  • Remedial tactics for working with the Moon in Capricorn

Want to learn how Cameron Allen practices Astrology? 🌠

In more ancient times, physicians used the wisdom of astrology and alchemy to treat illness and optimize health, but with time, a lot of that has slipped through the cracks… But a few Astrologers still carry this wisdom today…

In his career as an Astrologer and Herbalist, Cameron supports people to become sovereign in their health and healing practices, based on what’s right for them, encoded in their chart… And in this one of a kind course, Health Secrets of the Zodiac, you’ll learn about the herbs, crystals, plants, and salts that correlate with your astrological blueprint, and your body.

Cameron’s passionate about supporting you to live with more vitality, energy, and purpose… And we’re excited to offer this course to you at this pivotal time in human history.

Medical Astrology Course with Cameron Allen




  1. Jennifer Smeriglio on October 4, 2022 at 1:34 pm

    How can I find the Yoga Nidra Cameron was talking about? Link?

  2. Lindsay on October 4, 2022 at 2:21 pm

    Wondering if anyone else is having trouble with the audio links from the podcast astrology hub page or is the issue at my end?

  3. Danny Dreyer on October 4, 2022 at 3:02 pm

    dame problem here… no active link to the podcast mentioned.

  4. Jean Adams on October 4, 2022 at 6:14 pm

    Not sure why Cameron said the void-of-course moon lasts until Friday. The ingress into the next sign, Pisces, is Thursday morning at 5:47am PDT. Is he using a different method for void-of-course? Thank you, great show every week!

  5. alice hesselrode on October 5, 2022 at 2:38 am

    My understanding of void moon is when the moon is not making an aspect to any planets. So that is different than the moon changing signs. So say for example the moon makes an aspect to pluto, lets just say a conjunction. Then the moon moves on and for minutes hours or days does not aspect another planet. so then after a certain period of time, after it’s void time, the moon trins mars , let’s just say.

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