Pluto Enters Aquarius w/ Astrologer Wendy Stacey
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Pluto Enters Aquarius
In this Weekly Horoscope from the Astrology Hub Podcast, Astrologer Wendy Stacey and Amanda ‘Pua' Walsh explore Pluto in Aquarius.
In our latest podcast episode, we delve into the monumental shift of Pluto moving into Aquarius, echoing the themes from the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December 2020. As we enter the “Star Trek era,” this cosmic transition sparks discussions about our place in the universe, advancements in technology, and the evolving nature of our education and social structures. Tune in to learn more about the impact of this transformational period on our lives and how to harness the energy of the Equinox at zero degrees Aries, bringing renewal, spontaneity, and bravery to your week.
The episode also explores the contrasting energies of the week, starting with high energy and fresh beginnings, shifting to grounding and creativity, and finally ending with an electric vibe. We discuss the importance of incorporating heart and play into our increasingly technology-focused lives and the rarity of infusing our unique personalities into everything we do.
You'll learn…
🌒 How to navigate the potential shadow sides of this impactful transit.
🌓 All about the energy surrounding the Spring Equinox and astrological new year.
🪐 The Planets are Always Working For Us… 🪐
…But sometimes, we might feel them more than others. Are you approaching a Saturn Return, Uranus Opposition or another game-changing transit? Or maybe you just have the feeling that something big is coming around the corner, but you don’t know what it is! That might be related to your unique astrological chart, but it could also be because of some important planetary shifts happening this Spring which will impact ALL of us. Either way, join our FREE panel on Game-Changing Transits to get the full scoop on how to integrate and use these fateful astrological moments to support your path – featuring 12 upcoming Inner Circle astrologers! All the info is right here: