[WEEKLY ASTROLOGICAL WEATHER] “I never thought of it that way before” November 8th – 14th w/ Anne Ortelee

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In this episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast, Predictive Astrologer Anne Ortelee and Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh discuss the energies coming our way as described by the astrology.

You'll learn…

    • Why Anne chose the theme of, ”I never thought of it that way before” for this week, and how you can use this new perspective.
    • About the eclipse season we are in, and why this is a period of time how to release old themes and call in new ones.
    • Where to look for the secrets Mercury is revealing this week, and ways you can work with Venus to process this news.

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  1. Janice Manson on November 9, 2021 at 2:14 am

    Here is a “recognize your value/worth” story…
    On the Nov 4 new moon, I very unexpectedly met a new love interest via a dating app. He lives some distance away and that same night we met he decided he would fly in to meet me. To do that he has to get a Covid test. He texted me today with the following ….
    “Getting my brain swabbed. But, you know, you’re worth it. See you in a few days…”
    How very Venus in Capricorn of him. My progressed Venus recently moved into Capricorn.
    As Anne likes to say, “you can’t make this shit up.”

  2. Nancy K Wolf on November 12, 2021 at 5:41 am

    I love to listen to Amanda and Anne talk about the astrology forecast for the week. When I am lucky I get to watch them live which is even more of a treat. It helps me to mentally and emotionally prepare for the astrological weather that is coming that week. The interaction between the two is always entertaining and invariably lifts my mood if it needs a boost. The Inner Circle is an awesome family of like-minded souls and the content provided is amazing. Amanda and her team create a safe place for members to share and be supported by the group as they learn about astrology and grow together. I recommend it for anyone who might be considering joining. You won’t regret it.

  3. Marjorie Forsyth on November 13, 2021 at 3:25 am

    *I tried to post this in another spot but it kept telling me to please wait, so I guess I’ll put it here. Thanks for everything! I hope this is the right place to send a review of Anne and Amanda’s podcast for this week…I’ve been searching all over the site for the past little while in this moon in Pisces state of mind, trying to figure out where to post it, at the last minute, “dithering libra” rising that I am! Oh my gosh-and now you’re singing, “Wash that man out”…so much fun and so right on. It’s all just proof of the absolute relevance and effectiveness of everything you’re doing. Really just want to say thank you so much for sharing it all and diffusing it so gracefully and free. Honestly, some days it’s the glue that holds things together, and often it’s the lens that brings everything into focus. So appreciated, describing our lives, helping to make sense of it all.
    p.s. Janice Manson’s comments demonstrate it perfectly!

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