The difference between a square and an opposition in astrology is that with a square, the differences between the planets can potentially be hashed out, whereas with an opposition, the differences are often irreconcilable. On December 12th, Venus will form an opposition to Mars in the sky. It won't be easy to accept that you've gone as far as you can go with a relationship, partnership, or collaboration. Now, does this mean that things are absolutely over? For some people, the answer will be yes; and perhaps this end has been long overdue. It may even elicit audible sighs of relief. But for those who want to continue in a different vein, this week's Venus/Mars opposition allows you to revisit what brought you together in the first place. If you are willing to tear up the old contract (or scorecard), then cosmic configurations on December 13th and December 19th offer a rare chance to refashion an entirely new agreement—one that's more suitable to who you are now.